As it is a spare life (looke you) it fits my humor well: but as there is no more plentie in it, it goes much against my stomacke.
If Reasons were as plentie as Black-berries, I would giue no man a Reason vpon compulsion, I Prin.
There] There are also in many places plentieof these kindes which follow.
And the land is full of many beastes, as Stags, Deere and Hares, and likewise of Lakes and Pooles of fresh water, with great plentie of Fowles, conuenient for all kinde of pleasant game.
The nexte towne to the westwarde is called Coro, which hath greate plentie of golde and victualls.
And the lande is full of many beastes, as redd dere, fallowe dere and hares, and likewise of lakes and pooles of freshe water, with greate plentie of fowles convenient for all plesaunte game.
And with like ease wee may make of the wooddes thereplentie of sope asshes, a comoditie very dere and of greate and ample vente with us, and elsewhere in forren kingdomes of Europe.
There they met with the two horsemen which the Gouernour sent vnto them, and they brought newes that in Cale there was plentie of Maiz: at which newes they all reioyced.
There be also many goodly medowes full of grasse, and lakes wherein great plentie of salmons be.
Coruus maior Rauens in good plentie about the citty wch makes so few Kites to bee seen hereabout.
Larus alba or puets in such plentie about Horsey that they sometimes bring them in carts to norwich & sell them at small rates.
Pluuialis or plouer green & graye in greatplentie about Thetford & many other heaths.
Stellae marinae[87] or sea starres in great plentie especially about yarmouth.
These folke haue in the aforesayde houses, euer plentie of rice duryng theyr lyues, but nothyng els.
The highest price of these thinges aforesayde I haue set downe, better cheape shall you sometymes buye them, for the great plentie thereof in this countrey.
Moreouer in this Iland is great plentie of sheepe, but more conies, and therewithall of verie fine and short grasse for their better food & pasturage; likewise much Sampere vpon the shore, which is carried from thence in barrels.
Such plentie of whales also are taken in this coast, that the verie tithe hath beene knowne, in some one yeere, to amount vnto seauen and twentie whales of one greatnesse and other.
But as these serue not at all seasons, so in their seuerall turnes there is no plentie of them wanting, whereby the tables of the nobilitie and gentrie should seeme at anie time furnisht.
Howbeit this I must needs confesse, that the sandie and cledgie doo beare great swaie: but the claie most of all, as hath beene, and yet is alwaies seene & felt through plentie and dearth of corne.
For there arriued eleuen ships laden with great plentieof victuals at diuerse places of the land, for the reliefe of the people.
And vpon that insued great barrennesse, as well of the sea, as the land, neither of them yeelding such plentie of things as before they had doone.
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Neither are these golden loaues onely bought by the Portugals, but also great plentie of gold-twine and leaues of gold: for the Chinians can very cunningly beate and extenuate gold into plates and leaues.
These folke haue in the aforesaid houses euerplentie of rice during their liues, but nothing else.
The highest price of these things aforesaid I haue set downe, better cheap shal you sometimes buy them for the greatplentie thereof in this countrey.
Now, in fruitfulnes of soile this kingdom certes doth excel, far surpassing all other kingdoms of the East: yet it is nothing comparable vnto the plentie and abundance of Europe, as I haue declared at large in the former treatises.
The 30 day we weighed and sailed into a Bay within a small Iland about a league from vs, and tooke plentie of diuers sortes of fishe.
The neglect of discipline in the Armie, for that men were suffered to be drunke with the plentie of wines.
Let euery man therefore, in defence of the liberty and plentiehe hath of long enjoyed, offer a voluntarie contribution of the smallest part of their store for the assurance of the rest.
We see by your letters that your opinion is that the rope-makers should remaine there two yeres more; and that you haue prouided great plentie of hempe, which we are content withall.
And likewise we be informed that there is great plentie of Copper in the Emperours Dominions: we would he certified of it what plentie there is, and whether it be in plates or in round flat cakes, and send vs some for an example.
The third meade is called Amarodina or Smorodina, short, of a small berry much like to the small rezin, and groweth in great plentie in Russia.
Southwards of Kegor, where we should haue great plentie of salmon, if corne were any thing cheape in Russia: for then poore men would resort thither to kill salmon.
Shamaky is the fairest towne in all Media, and the chiefest commoditie of that countrey is rawe silke, and the greatest plentie thereof is at a towne three dayes iourney from Shamaky called Arash: [Sidenote: Grosin or Georgia.
Stellae marinae or sea starres in great plentieespecially about Yarmouth.
Pluuialis or plouer green and graye in great plentieabout Thetford and many other heaths.
Coruus maior Rauens in good plentie about the citty which makes so few Kites to bee seen hereabout, they build in woods very early and lay egges in Februarie.
Herrings departed sprats or sardae not long after succeed in great plentie which are taken with smaller nets and smoakd and dryed like herrings become a sapid bitt and vendible abroad.
Sepia or cuttle fish and great plentie of the bone or shellie substance which sustaineth the whole bulk of that soft fishe found commonly on the shoare.
Spinachus or smelt in greatest plentie about Lynne butt where they haue also a small fish calld a primme answering in tast and shape a smelt and perhaps are butt the yonger sort thereof.
Great plentie thereof haue bred about Scoulton meere, and from thence sent to London.
Rookes which by reason of the great quantitie of corn feilds and Rooke groues are in great plentie the yong ones are commonly eaten sometimes sold in Norwich market and many are killd for their Liuers in order to cure of the Rickets.
Scombri are makerells in greate plentie a dish much desired butt if as Rondeletius affirmeth they feed upon sea starres and squalders there may bee some doubt whether their flesh bee without some ill qualitie.
Larus alba or puets in such plentie about Horsey that they sometimes bring them in carts to Norwich and sell them at small rates, and the country people make use of their egges in puddings and otherwise.
Topickes wherof plentieof examples be not manifest in Platos workes.
Betweene the change of these two capteins, the duke of Burgognie (which sore enuied the glorie of the Englishmen) besieged the towne of Crotoy, with ten thousand men and more, hauing with him great plentie of guns and goodlie ordinance.
And when the dansing was done, the banket was served in of five hundred dishes, with great plentie to everie bodie.
Likewise as Plymmouth vaunteth richer and fairer townes, and greater plentieof fish then Falmouth: so Falmouth braggeth, that a hundred sayle may Anker within his circuite, and no one of them see the others top, which Plymmouth cannot equall.
Which grewe from the store of Tynne, in former times, there digged vp: but that gainfull plentie is now fallen to a scant-sauing scarcitie.
For the very river had not such plentie of fish as it was wont, and it seemed that the very land and water did fight against us.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plentie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.