Touching this matter, there are plentifull examples, which are not néedfull to be repeated in this place.
Their way they forward take 8 Into the land, that lay them faire before, Whose pleasaunce she him shew'd, and plentifull great store.
I heare that our desertes and voide places, be mocked by the Greeke prouerbes, we couet rather those desertes and places vnhabited, then cities and plentifull soyles.
Referring the studious reader, desirous to know the state of his life and doinges, to the plentifull recorders of such memorable and worthie personages: Plutarche de vitis illustrium, and Appianu’s de ciuili Romanorum bello.
Russia is very plentifull both of land and people, and also wealthy for such commodities as they haue.
The commodities thereof are hides, and talowe, and come in great plenty, and some Waxe, but not so plentifull as in other places.
And you shall finde that cleane keeping doth not onely auoide danger of gathering weedes, but also is a speciall ornament, and leaues more plentifull sap for your tender hearbes.
They require a seuerall vsage, and therefore a seuerall whole plot by themselues, especially considering they are plentifull of fruite much desired.
The fairest graft I haue in my little Orchard, which I haue planted, is thus packt on, and the branch whereon I put him, is in his plentifull roote.
Parsneps require and whole plot, they be plentifull and common: sow them in February, the Kings (that is in the middle) seed broadest and reddest.
Young Heifers bring not forth the Calues so faire, neither are they so plentifull to milke, as when they become to be old Kine.
On both sides it was a very plentifull Countrie, and had store of Maiz: they had voided the towne.
And the place where this widow dwelleth is the most plentifull of mill that is in all the coast, and the most pleasant.
At the gathering of it the Indians killed three Christians and one of them which were taken told the Gouernour that within seuen dayes iournie, there was a very great Prouince, and plentifull of Maiz, which was called Apalache.
There are two sorts of Walnuts, both holding oile; but the one farre more plentifull then the other.
And by the meanes of sowing and planting it in good ground, it will be farre greater, better, and moreplentifull then it is.
And that for our inhabiting it was much more needefull for vs to plant in places plentifull of victuall, then in goodly Hauens, faire, deepe and pleasaunt to the view.
This countrie was very well peopled, and the houses scattered like those of Mauilla, fat and plentifull of Maiz, and the most part of it was fielding: they gathered as much as sufficed to passe the winter.
And for the better performance of this their determination, they sowed, planted, and set such things as were necessary for their reliefe in so plentifull a maner as might haue sufficed them two yeeres without any further labour.
And what swarms must we suppose to be sent out of those plentifull inundations of water which are poured down by the sluces of Rain in such vast quantities?
That part also called Lewisa, which is the north half of the Ile is well inhabited toward the sea coasts, and hath riuers no lesse plentifull for salmon than the other halfe.
As for wine, it is so plentifull and good cheape there most commonlie as in London, through the great recourse of merchants from France, Spaine, and Italie vnto the aforesaid Iland.
And as for the brooke it selfe, it is one of the most plentifull and commodious that is to be found in Wales.
Hops in time past were plentifull in this land, afterwards also their maintenance did cease, and now being reuiued, where are anie better to be found?
We that were freed, with our humble thankes to God, fell cheerfully to our perticular labours, wherby to our great comfort, through his blessinge, we reaped a plentifull harvest.
Cranes[7] are often seen here in hard winters especially about the champian & feildie part it seems they have been more plentifull for in a bill of fare when the maior entertaind the duke of norfolk I meet with Cranes in a dish.
Why you omit Sesamoides Salamanticum parvum this groweth not far from Thetford and Brandon and plentifull in neighbour places where I found it and have it in my hortus hyemalis answering ye description in Gerard.
And by the meanes of sowing & plãting in good ground, it will be farre greater, better, and more plentifull then it is.
There are two sortes of Walnuttes both holding oyle, but the one farre more plentifull then the other.
Of these hurtfull and perillous mutations (O noble Pompeius) thy Romane City may be a most cleare glasse and Spectacle, and a multitude of thy noble Citizens in tyme past and present, may geeue plentifull witnesse.
Why, is Time such a niggard of haire, being (as it is) so plentifull an excrement?
And thus much haue I thought good to speake of English saffron, which is hot in the second and drie in the first degrée, and most plentifull as our crokers hold, in that yéere wherein ewes twin most.
Their cheefe paiments consist of a great quantitie of meale, which is verie plentifull among them, sowed vp in shéepes skins.
Gascon for a good meeter and for a plentifull vayne.
Wormewood exceedinglyplentifull in all the wast grounds in and about Kington St. Michael, Hullavington, and so to Colerne, and great part of the hundred of Malmesbury.
Toades are plentifullin North Wiltshire: but few in the chalkie countreys.
On Thursday a very plentifull market of every thing: but the best for fish in the county.
Another was a hawke lett off the hand, with her leashes hanging at her legges, which might hang her where'ere she pitcht, and is an embleme of youth that is apt to be ensnared by their own tooplentifull estates.
He kept a plentifull table, and was never without learned company.
He lived nobly; kept a plentifull table; and was the most popular magistrate[1235] in the city, alwaies chosen a member of Parliament.
In briefe, we were supplied of our wants commodiously, as if we had bene in a Countrey or some Citie populous and plentifull of all things.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plentifull" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.