They are the latest scientific school of criminals who use the most potent, quickest- acting stupefying drugs.
It was the Secret Service gun I shot off--the pistol that shoots stupefying gas from its vapour-filled cartridges and enables you to put a criminal out of commission without killing him.
At the same time a strange, sweet odour filled the air, half stupefying me.
And now I noticed that the same strange, sweet, stupefying odour, though much fainter, was with me as I ran.
The wine was still upon the table; and, in the desperate hope of stupefying his faculties, he unwisely swallowed huge successive draughts.
At some distance from the place of punishment, they urged the prisoner to confess his crime, and they made him drink a stupefying beverage, in order to render the approach of death less terrible.
To adulterate; to drug; as, liquor is said to be hocused for the purpose of stupefying the drinker.
Defn: One who, or that which, stupefies; a stupefying agent.
Note: The Tephrosia toxicaria is used in the West Indies and in Polynesia for stupefying fish.
They are the latest scientific school of criminals who use the most potent, quickest-acting stupefying drugs.
It was the Secret Service gun I shot off - the pistol that shoots stupefying gas from its vapour-filled cartridges and enables you to put a criminal out of commission without killing him.
One who, or that which, stupefies; a stupefying agent.
The Tephrosia toxicaria is used in the West Indies and in Polynesia for stupefying fish.
There is a soaking, stupefying sloth, that so fills our hearts that we forget and neglect the immense concession and privilege we have afforded us in secret prayer.
It is your stupefying life of spiritual sloth that makes it impossible for you to answer these simple and superficial questions.
Three hours later, pursued even in his dreams by a fixed idea, the poor fellow awoke, and struggled against the stupefying influence of the narcotic.
But the Frenchman did not appear, and, without doubt, was still lying under the stupefying influence of the opium.
The poisonous and stupefying oil extracted from tobacco.
This effect follows from the partial paralyzing influence of the stupefyingagent upon the sympathetic nervous system, diminishing its sensibility to the impulse of healthful respiration.
Observations on Nauseous Poisonous Plants Observations on Acrid Poisonous Vegetables Observations on Stupefying Poisonous Vegetables Observations on Foetid Poisons Observations on Drastic Poisons Observations on Poisonous Fungi, Mushrooms, &c.
And at this point we plainly discern the task assigned to modern art--that of stupefying or intoxicating, of lulling to sleep or bewildering.
Any one expecting the usual stupefying draught, would be disappointed at getting another instead.
Besides being familiar with the nature and use of poisons the Cham are also expert in concocting stupefying drugs and narcotics of all kinds.
They often poison the air of a room in which a patient is lying by blowing stupefying vapours through hollow canes inserted in the wattled walls.
As she had come to the house inquiring merely for Lord Tulliwuddle, and been conducted straight to the prisoner's cell, the stupefying effect of this announcement may readily be conceived.
Then, with a stupefying shock, he read this legend beneath it: "Count Bunker.
The blow had fallen with such stupefying suddenness that as far as America was concerned the Revolution was practically accomplished before any one very well knew what had happened.
But, after all, the most prodigious feature is the stupefying vitality of the Jesuits who are incessantly tracked, condemned, executed, and yet still and ever erect.
And contagion was doing its work; he no longer knew where the real and the possible ceased, he lacked the power to disentangle such a mass of stupefying facts, to explain such as admitted of explanation and reject the others.
Tears once more filled his eyes; he wept for himself and for others, for all the poor tortured beings who feel a need of stupefying and numbing their pains in order to escape from the realities of the world.
And now, while the wine is flowing freely, and the buzz of jovial talk fills the apartment, and all power of action on the part of Amnon is arrested by the stupefying influence of wine, the signal is given for his murder.
Yes, from the beginning, drink, or some other stupefying agent, has been the ready ally of the worst criminals, either preparing the victim for the slaughter or maddening the murderer for the deed.
They were very prim and clean; the morning air came through the open windows, bearing an almost stupefying odor.
When, however, the stupefying news came that a national garrison had been fired upon by the South Carolinians, in Charleston Harbor, the college boys took sides strongly.
The fifth Sīla has reference to the mere taking of intoxicants and stupefying drugs, which leads ultimately to drunkenness.
Stupefying clouds of incense arose in the close chapel, and low, moaning, sighing tones proceeded from the organ; they were motives from the Miserere, and Tenebrae played with variations by the Italian.
Doublet and hose were stuffed out with camomile and peppermint, and in case this did not suffice, around his breast and back hung hollow balls pierced with holes, from which spunges steeped in medicines, spread a stupefying odor.
At each of the four corners of the platform burns a fragrant censer--huge basins of chased gold--which envelop the whole concourse in a stupefying cloud of fragrant vapour.