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Example sentences for "unimaginable"

Lexicographically close words:
unilateral; unilaterally; unilluminated; unillumined; unilocular; unimaginably; unimaginative; unimagined; unimpaired; unimpassioned
  1. Schaeffle will allow that the idea of introducing and maintaining institutions that do violence to its own conceptions of morality, is simply unimaginable in a society of much higher culture than the present.

  2. They possess an internal and self-evidence, in their own moral beauty and consistency, and the unimaginable perfection of the great Son of God, whom they bring to life before us.

  3. In endowing us with memory, nature has revealed to us a truth utterly unimaginable to the unflective creation, the truth of mortality.

  4. The hope of unimaginable benefits to ensue could drive religion to greater frenzies than it could have fallen into if its object had been merely to silence the will.

  5. Or shall we say that the real goal is at an infinite distance and unimaginable by us, and useless, therefore, for understanding anything?

  6. Perhaps this country with its strange unimaginable future.

  7. Rachael told her mother the story of her married life from the day she had been left alone with John Levine,--a story of unimaginable horrors.

  8. Did the king need new supplies for his unimaginable luxuries, they were taxed.

  9. His hands were crossed on his breast, and his legs twisted into a nearly unimaginable knot.

  10. Hast thou gone forth so far To the unimaginable steeps on high Trembling and seeking God?

  11. We are persuaded that all this will not affect us, will give us no pleasure, will not happen to ourselves, unless that memory of a few almost always insignificant facts accompany us and witness those unimaginable joys.

  12. Let us not say to ourselves that it would require an unimaginable concourse of circumstances to reproduce a globe like to our earth in every respect.

  13. We must remember that we are in the infinite and that this unimaginable concourse must necessarily take place in the innumerousness which we are unable to imagine.

  14. It is a thousand times more awful to wait as I do in your midst, for I know not what unimaginable terror.

  15. Like all parents who lose their children, his father Tom has borne unimaginable grief.

  16. Because we refused to stray from that path, we are doing something that would have seemed unimaginable seven years ago: We are actually paying down the national debt.

  17. And now, without a pause, and linking his thoughts together by a simple 'and,' he passes from the unimaginable splendours of the Beatific Vision to the plainest practical talk.

  18. Her eyes--I could see her eyes wakening upon the world again, after her long wandering in the unknown and unimaginable intricacies of ungoverned thought and delirious suggestion.

  19. Could she, with a look, have transported me a thousand miles from this scene of personal humiliation and unknown, unimaginable outcome, she would have bestowed that look and ignored the consequences.

  20. He lost no time in communicating these discoveries to his friend Collinson in London, by whom they were read with unimaginable joy.

  21. It was unimaginable that a man so strong and so sure of himself, and so shrewd in extricating others from their entanglements, could ever be cornered, trapped, or beaten.

  22. It was almost unimaginable that the letter should have come again to his hand.

  23. Another day-break, and he would know the untried and unimaginable realities of a shoreless eternity, from whose everlasting portals men have so often shrunk back appalled.

  24. They have weathered the storm in some unimaginable way, while great trees were being uprooted, and houses blown to fragments, and roads washed out of existence.

  25. For ten minutes the fight raged with unimaginable fury before a single Englishman was hit; and then one poor fellow dropped, with a long knife quivering in his skull, flung from an upper window of one of the houses.

  26. Footnote 2: In other words--intolerable or unimaginable division or divulsion of mind and spirit between two contending calls of honor, two irreconcilable claims of duty.

  27. Not a crimson leaf floated downward through the soft, silvery light that filled the atmosphere and created the sense of lonely, unimaginable spaces.

  28. Then I saw the Figure in front of me turn round with a threatening movement, and I felt that with one second more of hesitation I should lose my footing altogether and slip away into some vast abysmal depth of unimaginable doom.

  29. Reasonably it may be expected that still higher unimaginable faculties will be evolved in our descendants.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unimaginable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absurd; antic; barred; beguiling; bewildering; doubtful; dubious; enigmatic; exceptional; excluded; extraordinary; fabulous; fanciful; fantastic; fantastical; fascinating; hopeless; impossible; incomprehensible; inconceivable; incredible; marvelous; miraculous; outlandish; paradoxical; phenomenal; preposterous; problematic; problematical; prodigious; prohibited; puzzling; questionable; rare; remarkable; ridiculous; sensational; singular; strange; striking; stupendous; suspect; suspicious; tall; thick; thin; unaccountable; unbelievable; uncommon; unconvincing; unearthly; unexpected; ungodly; unimaginable; unique; unknowable; unlikely; unprecedented; unthinkable; untold; unusual; unutterable; unwonted; wonderful; wondrous