I could not see far enough up and down the glacier to judge how best to work out of the bewildering labyrinth, and how hard I tried while there was yet hope of reaching camp that night!
Gliding along the swift-flowing river, the views change with bewildering rapidity.
And Sarchedon would look nobly at their head," she answered, with one of her bewildering smiles.
With a cruelty, the more pitiless that it seemed so utterly unconscious, she turned on him her soft alluring glance, her sweet bewildering smile.
Yes, even through those depths of gloom and misery glimmered faint reflective rays of that which was not quite impossible; as the light of heaven, though blurred and dim, reaches one who is sinking in the green bewildering sea.
I am sure you had no idea what a delightful thing it is to be a mother, and that you have had a most bewildering experience of both suffering and joy.
The inhaler of the bewildering gas bends his slow steps at length to his sorry domicile, or wakes therein on the morrow, in a sober and practical mood.
But what joy, when the beauteous Terpsichorean nymph bounds upon the scene, rosy with paint, glistening with spangles, robust with cotton and cork, and bewildering with a cloud of gauzy skirts!
As we gazed on this sudden wreck, I am ashamed to say there was a roar of laughter, for never was a surprise of so bewildering a character sprung upon human nature.
France dissolving into Belgium, Belgium into France, France into Belgium again; in short, one bewildering kaleidoscope!
This is the Abbey of St. Bertin, one of the most striking and almost bewildering monuments that could be conceived.
Mangan, and his bewildering change of front; even Christian, and her views as to his responsibility for the tragedy of the morning, stood aside to make way for the absorbing problems of colour and composition.
Hers held as central figure a certain medical student, with an incipient red moustache, and a command of boxes of chocolate that was bewildering to those acquainted with his income.
Things which before had beenbewildering and cruel now became plain and full of comfort.
Harsh, grating, bewildering noises were heard everywhere, while above the noises of timber and steel were to be faintly heard the cries of frantic women and excited men.
Bewildered, he turned towards Olga again, caught the flash of her eyes' wild fire, and was again fascinated by the bewildering seductiveness of her charms.
This was as completely bewildering to the admirers of the melodrama as to those who are blind and deaf to its attractions.
The side hill was bewilderingwith the big bobbing black forms.
And on these ranges are the forests, the great bewildering forests.
He could have cried aloud for joy as he saw her in her bewildering loveliness, her luxuriant beauty.
Perhaps he slumbered; perhaps the king of terrors had already pressed his first bewildering kiss upon the pale brow.
Sand-hills, scattering fields and villages, and a bewildering time generally, in keeping my course, characterize the experience of the forenoon.
The rain-dispensing columns pass me by on either side with muttering rolls of thunder and momentary gleams of lightning, enveloping me in swirling eddies of dust and bewildering atmospheric disturbances, but not a drop of rain.
A volunteer guide from one of the villages extricates me from a bewildering network of trails in the afternoon, and guides me across to the bottom-lands of the Pi-kiang.
Would that the world were mine to give it you With every quiet hearth and barren waste, The maddening freedom of its woods and tides, And the bewildering lights upon its hills.
Good daughter, take his hand--by love alone God binds us to Himself and to the hearth And shuts us from the waste beyond His peace, From maddening freedom and bewildering light.
At first I do so to her extreme delight, but finally I only pretend to take her picture, and the last bewildering poses and bewitching smiles are all wasted upon an unimpressionable plate.
He was indefatigable in these researches, and so ingenious as to be often bewildering and occasionally tiresome.
Marion Kent was living, with all her nature that had yet waked up, at that bewildering and superficial moment.
Now with the same intensity I found myself striving day and night to feel not one but thousands of men, a blurred bewildering multitude.
And as he was farther along than I, he pulled me after him on the hunt after what he called "the genuine article" in this bewildering modern life.
To that soft bewildering hair of hers she had done something different--I couldn't tell what, but I loved it.
There were such a bewildering lot of them, now that I had pried open my eyes.
A bewildering jumble of triplets and units, mingled in inextricable confusion.
He finds a party of maidens engaged in a bewildering dance, and tarries to enjoy the spectacle.
The ship swung around in response to a bell from the bridge and began to zigzag in a bewildering fashion.
There was a bewildering labyrinth of passages branching off in every direction.
Decidedly the fog was less thick, the bewildering effect on the eyes was passing, but it was still sufficiently cold and raw to make them shiver, though they were so warmly clad.
The scent of her violets, the bewildering entrancement of her presence, made him dreamy.
To make any general statement about anything Japanese is always risky; for customs here (differing in every province and every period) exhibit a most bewildering variety.
There are a bewildering number of rooms, many now inaccessible, and the height of the walls shows that there were two or three, and in the north-east block four, stories.
It is almost bewildering to follow his rapid plunges from one sphere of action to another, and it certainly emphasizes the fact that the strenuous life is no novelty.