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Example sentences for "eventful"

Lexicographically close words:
evenly; evenness; evens; evensong; event; eventide; eventless; events; eventual; eventualities
  1. On this eventful morning the man of millions took a cross-town car to the elevated station and climbed the stairs to his train.

  2. There ensued a chase very similar to the one he had led them on that eventful day when he had unearthed the Dragon's Secret.

  3. He opened the box in the same way as Eileen had done and revealed to their curious gaze the fragile old bits of paper they had seen on that eventful night.

  4. At Irkoutsk, however, a bright sun and cloudless sky ushered in the eventful morning.

  5. Dalibard was secretly anxious to discover if she suspected himself of any agency in the detection of the eventful letter; and assured by her manner that no such thought was yet harboured, he thought it best to imitate her own reserve.

  6. Foreman with a silver medal as a souvenir of the eventful occasion, and in recognition of their valuable services.

  7. When he came to review his movements on that eventful evening, and this particular one more especially, he found it hard to say why he had clambered to the roof of the railway coach.

  8. His thoughts even swept back to that eventful ride on the railway; but they never reached finality.

  9. With the death of Huss ends the first and most eventful period of the Council of Constance.

  10. Stefano Colonna, who was absent on the eventful day, expressed his scorn of the mob and their leader.

  11. Thus ended this eventful day, with the deposition of Richard of Bordeaux, and the succession of his cousin, Henry of Bolingbroke.

  12. The writer of this sketch has since heard the history of that eventful year reviewed with honesty and earnestness by the best men and most intelligent parties of that unfortunate social experiment.

  13. It was the eventful year of Eighteen Hundred Seventy-six, before James J.

  14. The hurry, the strain, not only of that long eventful night, but of the whole long eventful life, seemed over.

  15. After a changeful and eventful life in several cities of South Germany, having been expelled successively from Nuremberg, Strassburg, and Ulm, he died at Basel in A.

  16. True as he was to Luther as a counsellor and helper during the first eventful year of struggle, the reformer’s protest soon became too violent for him, and in A.

  17. He retracted his errors, but soon again renewed his old disorderly practices; and, after a singularly eventful career, died as professor and preacher at Basel during the plague of A.

  18. There was a belief among the Mohammedans that the year 1882 would be an eventful one for them.

  19. Lord Wolseley in a magazine article remarked that he had met but two heroes in his eventful life; one of them was that noble Christian officer General Lee, who commanded the Southerners in the American War, and the other was Gordon.

  20. When, in the early winter, the eventful day set for the trial of the now famous case of State vs.

  21. It is almost needless to say that both these offers were promptly accepted, and before the Lorimers took steamer for America and the last stage of their eventful journey around the world, Dr.

  22. About 1 o'clock in the morning, after this eventful night, the ladies were awakened by loud laughter and women's voices.

  23. The year 1890 had been eventful for the cause of woman suffrage, in spite of the defeat in Dakota.

  24. Train, claims right to accept aid from all sources, eventful year, 294; begins The Revolution, comment of N.

  25. We were glad to meet, after so long and eventful an interval, and mutually inquired after our respective families and special acquaintances.

  26. And this was the last conference between the three officers that eventful morning.

  27. A few years afterwards he came over again privately to Edinburgh, and there his eventful life was closed.

  28. In the melancholy interest of Queen Mary's eventful life, it is consolatory to reflect on the integrity and moderation of this exemplary nobleman.

  29. Eventually that noble heart was broken by all that it had endured, but, at that epoch of his eventful life, it still throbbed with hope.

  30. During the whole eventful day it had not occurred to him before to drink; the taste of the neat liquor seemed on the instant to calm and refresh his brain.

  31. His lordship had appointed me to breakfast with him there, at six o'clock on that eventful morning; I was resolved to be in time, and at half past two, A.

  32. The eventful morning came; and London presented at day-break crowds of carriages of every description, and its floating population pouring in dense masses to every point that possessed the slightest degree of interest.

  33. This eleventh of July was an eventful day for the Post inn at Tausens, and certainly merited to be underscored with a red pencil, as it was that very evening by Hansel in the almanac.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eventful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bustling; eventful; lively; memorable; momentous; phenomenal; stirring