The timber-growth of this and of the other swamps, which are of a similar character, but inferior in magnitude, consist principally of cypress of a superior quality.
On the head waters of the Osage river, and on those of its principal tributaries, the country is said to be of a similar character also.
A being of similar character, who may perhaps be recognised in the figure of a winged youth on some B.
Two sets have been found, one of which is in the Louvre, the other in the British Museum; both are of similar character, and belong to the beginning of the sixth century, but the style varies in some degree.
A game of similar character to the morra is played by a winged girl, who places her hands over the eyes of a boy in a chair.
The same writer has shown that there were also manufactures of terra sigillata in Greece itself, in Egypt, and in Southern Russia, which were of similar character.
Rings of a similar character to this, though differing greatly in their details, have been frequently found in Denmark, and various fine examples are preserved in the valuable collection at Copenhagen.
To these, and all others of similar character, public disorders would furnish subsistence.
There were reasons to believe that Cox had been guilty of other offences of a similar character, and he was taken into custody.
From this time he appears to have supported himself by begging, and he was well known at the various fairs and race-courses, which, however, he had previously been in the habit of frequenting in a similar character.
There was still a third brass at Lynn, of similar character, of Robert Attelathe--now, alas!
The deed of settlement of the vicarage of Bulmer, in the year 1425, gives us the description of a parsonage house of similar character.
After these and several more general instructions of a similar character, the author gives a very good commentary on the Creed, the Sacraments, the Commandments, and the deadly sins.
Treason, misprision of treason, libels, desertion from military service, and other offences of a similar character, are excluded.
As great as they are, they are but the beginning of a series of a similar character, which must follow at no distant day.
It is universally known as “Fort Hill,†though no better entitled to the name than many others of similar character.
After leaving the vicinity of these rocks, it was ascertained that three miles higher up the stream, at a point known as the “Falls of the Guyandotte,†there are others of a similar character.
These mounds are constructed with the same regularity that distinguishes all the other works of similar character.
They both occurred as the result of analogous conditions of the brain and mind, and were both excited by second causes of a similar character.
Old people of a nervous temperament sometimes experience paroxysms of a similar character, interfering with sleep whenever they suffer a catarrhal attack.
In the descriptions by Cortes we find, on the whole, nothing but a barbarous display common to other Indian celebrations of a similar character.
Not to be confounded with the Casas Grandes, farther south in the Mexican province of Chihuahua, which is of a similar character.
This was followed by subsequent acts of a similar character, to which I need not specially refer.
This is, happily, a matter of but little practical importance.
Under our system there is a remedy for all mere political evils in the sound sense and sober judgment of the people.
But be this as it may, it is the imperative and indispensable duty of the Government of the United States to secure to every resident inhabitant the free and independent expression of his opinion by his vote.
Possibly all the importations were of similar character, and the number of them cannot have been great or we should have heard more of them.
The Medulla grammatice, left to King's Norton Church by Sir Thomas Lyttleton, was a book of similar character, and would be deposited in church for a like purpose.
The collection of East Indian laws made under authority of the celebrated Warren Hastings, 1776, is of similar character.
The foundation being the same, the teaching is of similar character.
The following, of similar character, is accompanied by the epitaph of 526 a deacon on the same stone, probably the husband who so tenderly lamented the loss of his faithful consort.
There were many pagan examples of a similar character.
What, thought we, if this, after all, be but a trick of a similar character?
We dwell with pleasure on this picture; and shall present the reader, in our next chapter, with a picture of similar character, taken from observation, of the homes in which these soldiers were reared.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "similar character" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.