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Example sentences for "unknown"

Lexicographically close words:
unknit; unknowable; unknowen; unknowing; unknowingly; unknowne; unknowns; unknownst; unlace; unlaced
  1. It is clear from their narrative that French traders or missionaries had already ascended the Saguenay as far as Lake St. John, but beyond that Dablon and Druillettes entered upon a country which was hitherto unknown to the French.

  2. Those wizard kings, whatever useless charms and talismans they wore, stood for the unknown quantity in spiritual life.

  3. The picture is a tribute to the qualities of many unknown gentlewomen.

  4. To better their condition in an unknown land our forefathers left all that was dear in earthly objects.

  5. The event of the measure is yet unknown to me.

  6. Democracy is in peril wherever the administration of political power is scattered among a variety of men who work in secret, whose very names are unknown to the common people.

  7. Manufactures hitherto unknown in our country are springing up in all sections, producing a degree of national independence unequaled by that of any other power.

  8. There were constructed 300 miles of line at ten great camps, thus facilitating military movements from those points in a manner heretofore unknown in military administration.

  9. Again she appeared on high, and once more she was hidden, as she saw a hurrying legion of clouds of every form and shape, flying to unknown regions, pass before her face.

  10. And but for me, to parts unknown Thou from this earth hadst long since fled.

  11. Man cannot use what he already knows, To use the unknown ever striving.

  12. Care not to go forth from this folk-land, seeking elsewhere unknown friends, but dwell ye here.

  13. Noah, the great prince, sailed over unknown waters, deepest of floods that ever came on earth, and his three sons with him.

  14. Our lives are enveloped in mystery, the scientist concedes that, and the woof of which the stuff of life is woven is shot through with many a thread of unknown origin, untraceable to any earthly shuttle.

  15. But within herself nothing was changed; the same little soul was now as it had been long ago, she could hear it talking, living its intense life within her unknown to everyone, an uncommunicable thing, unchanged among much change.

  16. Our actions obey an unknown law, implicit in ourselves, but which does not conform to our logic.

  17. She was like a blind person in a vague, unknown space, and not being able to discover the reason why she refused him, she insisted that Ulick was the reason.

  18. Why should such folk look up from their immemorially appointed round of duty and interests to meddle with the unknown and fuss with voting-papers.

  19. The dead travel fast, and by short cuts unknown to ordinary coolies.

  20. He has never got Simla for his charge; and his name is almost unknown to Englishmen.

  21. And I, upon the verge of th' unknown realm, Yet send so many heralds on before me?

  22. There shall be no mysteries of India unknown to her.

  23. The host answered simply, though evasively: "There are reasons of state, O Emir, requiring me to make this pilgrimage unknown to any one.

  24. The good man, as you call him, is making ready a drink with which he has preceded me from his country, and which you must stay and share, as it is something unknown in the West.

  25. Finally, lest the seductive goblins should assail him in death, he bade the disciples lose him by burial in an unknown place.

  26. The sole that made this impression is of a perfection unknown to our races and our climates.

  27. At first he dreamt of receiving her with long kisses, with hitherto unknown caresses.

  28. Some unknown force made them hold fast to their prey.

  29. Manners took on a sweetness and a nobility unknown to preceding ages.

  30. For three days and three nights was the lot of the terrible and adorable armies unknown on the Mountain of God.

  31. I ranked among the Dominations, and my name, Alaciel, was not unknown to fame.

  32. The other conspirators were unknown to Barattan, notwithstanding the fact that he frequented revolutionary circles.

  33. Most early German masters are unknown to us by name, and are thus identified by their most famous pictures.

  34. Long believed to be of Italian workmanship, it is now known to be the production of Jean Juste of Tours, unknown otherwise, but supposed to be a Florentine.

  35. From that chapel this picture, by an otherwise unknown artist, has been abstracted and brought here.

  36. I have merely mentioned all this in order to show the reader in what an awful predicament a general may be placed who penetrates with an army into an unknown country.

  37. Grijalva sailed on to the distance of above 800 miles, and discovered an unknown island, to which he gave the name of St. Thomas.

  38. The coarser motives, which no longer move us, have been replaced by higher motives wholly unknown to the mere wage earners of your age.

  39. Yesterday I should have considered the simile apt enough, but since then I had visited a world incomparably more affluent than this, in which money was unknown and without conceivable use.

  40. There will be time enough for explanations later," my unknown host replied, with a reassuring smile.

  41. Sufficient time had elapsed to enable an inspection to be made of the country immediately in front of the ridge, but not time to reconnoitre the best route through difficult, unknown country.

  42. So the first dash into what was practically the unknown was to commence at 9.

  43. He was justly proud of the way his men had fought; of the running fight they had won; of their march of miles through unknown country, and the way they had established themselves in the heart of the enemy's stronghold.

  44. Both sexes are equally temperate from necessity; the mead and the millet-beer, so common among the Abyssinians and the Danakil, are entirely unknown to the Somal of the plains.

  45. During the period of three months and a half he was enabled to make a short excursion above the coast-mountains, visiting the Warsingali, the Dulbahanta, and the Habr Gerhajis tribes, and penetrating into a region unknown to Europeans.

  46. I now proceed to a description of unknown Harar.

  47. Moreover he had sent me a kind of ritual which I had perused in an hour and returned to him: this prepossessed the Shaykh strongly against me, lightly "skimming" books being a form of idleness as yet unknown to the ponderous East.

  48. The material was rubble and the form resembled Galla buildings; we found, however, fine mortar mixed with coarse gravel, bits of glass bottles and blue glazed pottery, articles now unknown to this part of Africa.

  49. El Makrizi, describing the kingdom of Zayla, uses the Harari not the Arabic term; he remarks that it is unknown to Egypt and Syria, and compares its leaf to that of the orange.

  50. I had spent there a weary three months, and left it with that mixture of pleasure and regret felt only by those who traverse unknown and inhospitable regions.

  51. The Somali language is no longer unknown to Europe.

  52. Their merit was undisputed, and they were vastly popular, until the carping critics threatened him with the unknown author as a rival.

  53. That picture took the grand prize, the unknown artist being lauded as above Titian.

  54. Near the house, too, was a bed of double roses, some of them exceedingly lovely, and all flowering with a profusion unknown in this country.

  55. Might there not be an unknown penalty for treading such a flower as that into the mire--into mire mixed perchance with the blood of those she loved?

  56. But to mortals the unknown is ever terrible; and for twenty-four hours Bazan had the unknown before him.

  57. I did so, and found him already in his boots and walking on the terrace with Coquet, his Master of the Household, Vitry, La Varenne, and a gentleman unknown to me.

  58. At that time individual rights were unknown in the other countries, and technically speaking in the other countries they have not now got individual rights, while we have them here.

  59. If they have got to be liable for every accident, they have got to know not only the expense under the compensation act, but the additional expense under an action at common law, which is an unknown quantity.

  60. It is seldom that Turgenev reminds us of Dickens; but Sipyagin and his wife might belong to the great Dickens gallery, though drawn with a restraint unknown to the Englishman.

  61. Besides Turgenev, "easily their chief," he mentioned five Russian writers, all but one of whom are now unknown or forgotten in America.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unknown" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    able; abstruse; anonymous; beclouded; blind; buried; close; clouded; concealed; covert; enigmatic; foreign; hidden; incalculable; incognito; indefinite; inglorious; latent; mysterious; nameless; nobody; obscure; obscured; occult; outlandish; puzzling; recondite; sealed; secluded; secret; sequestered; strange; unacknowledged; unbeknown; uncharted; unclassified; undefined; undercover; underground; undisclosed; undiscoverable; undiscovered; undistinguished; unexplained; unexplored; unexposed; unfamiliar; unfathomed; unidentified; unknowable; unknown; unnoted; unnoticed; unperceived; unplumbed; unpopular; unrevealed; unspecified; unsung; unsuspected; untouched; virgin

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    unknown artist; unknown country; unknown friend; unknown land; unknown origin; unknown tongue