While the disadvantages of consolidation lie mainly in the overcoming of prejudice and the solution of administrative problems, the advantages of consolidation seem to be primarily educational and social.
The result is a multiplication of administrative problems, not the least of which is the question of class size.
City life made some form of administrative machinery inevitable.
Here is, indeed, a broad-gauge social school policy, to which the administrative authorities of the Cincinnati schools are fully committed.
The administrative officials, having in mind an average child, prepare a course of study which will meet that average child's needs.
These factors, taken together, make the administrative difficulties of the consolidated school far greater than those of the old-time one-room country school.
This absolutism in Castile extended over all fields--legislation, judicial action, and administrative control.
It was these companies which established the greater number of American colonies, and the ideals, regulations, and administrative methods of corporate trading were interwoven into their political fabric.
The duties of the sheriff were many and varied; some of them old judicial and administrative functions, others new and irregular services demanded of him by the innovating Tudor and Stuart sovereigns.
Footnote: Moses, Spanish Rule in America, 66, etc] The adelantado was the representative of the administrative powers of the crown.
The great advance in the organization and effectiveness of government which marked the reigns of the Tudor rulers consisted in the elaboration and increased activity of the administrativeor royal element in the government.
Much was exercised through higher and lower administrative officers, through the Exchequer, and through lower offices such as the wardrobe and the admiralty.
These great administrative boards were a characteristic part of the Spanish system of government, a natural outgrowth of its wide-spread fields of action.
A mere jugglery with the administrative entities, the absorption of small States into large ones, or the breaking up of large States into small, is not of itself going to affect the matter one way or the other.
The craze for sheer size of territory, the mere extent of administrative area, is still deemed a thing deserving immense, incalculable sacrifices.
It was not their intention, any more than it had been that of Caius Gracchus, to usurp theadministrative functions of government or to attempt to wrest the direction of foreign administration out of the senate's hands.
But this second issue raised the whole of the great administrative question of the limits of the duties which Rome owed to her client kings.
These are the only two points of view from which the Numidian war is remarkable on strategic or administrative grounds.
The decision of the agrarian disputes was now entrusted to the consuls, who were the usual vehicles of administrative jurisdiction.
The motive which led men to assume administrativeposts abroad was in many cases thoroughly selfish and mean,--the desire to acquire wealth as rapidly as was consistent with keeping on the safe side of a not very exacting law.
If a nation does not recover from such a blow, there must be some permanent defect in its economic life or some fatal flaw in its administrative system.
In all these labors Mrs. Clapp showed great executive and administrative ability, and must be reckoned by all who know her, among the truly patriotic women of the land.
Her executive ability and administrative skill were such, that throughout the realm where she presided, everything moved with the precision and quietness of the most perfect machinery.
Altogether it is a strong combination of administrative ability, and in Messrs.
Volumes," says Meneval, "would not suffice to describe the multitude of his military and administrative measures here, and the precautions which he took against even the most improbable hazards of war.
Your Majesty, wishing to raise to the chief of your dynasty an imperishable monument, has ordered us to gather together and publish the political, military, and administrative correspondence of Napoleon I.
But in later years these laws, through vicious administrative methods and under changed conditions of communication and transportation, have been so evaded and violated that their beneficent purpose is threatened with entire defeat.
The administrative work in connecting many vessels of this class is a not inconsiderable of itself.
With administrative capacity of his own, sound judgment, and a clear brain, he was big enough to know that there were many things that had better be left to the highly trained technicians under his command.
Its fiscal arrangements properly belong to the administrative departments of the staff and to the Treasury Department under the direction of the Secretary of War.
Henry's English government was severe and grasping; but he "kept good peace" and honourably distinguished himself among contemporary statesmen in an age when administrative reform was in the air.
Henry's legal and administrative reforms are illustrated by the Tractatus de legibus attributed to Ranulph Glanville, his chief justiciar (ed.
In 1835 he entered Lord Melbourne's cabinet as secretary at war, and effected some valuable administrative reforms, especially by suppressing malpractices detrimental to the troops in India.
It was not a parliament, but an administrative council of the Germanic Confederation founded by the Congress of Vienna in 1815.
His diplomatic and administrative talents were equally remarkable, so that he held office of some kind in every successive administration but one for fifty years.
Maupas, another conspirator, of greatadministrative ability, was made prefect of police.
His wisdom and tact were equal to his industry and administrative abilities.
This propagation of opinions, through the press, becomes the main administrative duty.
Other authorities reject this doctrine;[27] and if it be the law of nations, it requires for its execution so much administrative machinery as to be of no practical value without treaty stipulations.
The following accounts are those which have a direct bearing on the manufacturing branch of a business and do not include the administrative and selling branches.
Charged with the salaries of alladministrative officers, and directors' fees.
In the conduct of this important department Mr. Fraser has displayed administrative talents of a high order, and has proved himself a most capable public official.
His administrative capacity is considerable, and the duties of the several offices which he has held at various intervals, have been ably and industriously performed.
For the last few years--and this is a very important point--the doctrine ofadministrative efficiency has been pressed too hard.
In this summer Charles Dickens made a speech at a great meeting at Drury Lane Theatre on the subject of "Administrative Reform," of which he writes to Mr. Macready.
The Tale-Lama is the political and religious head of all the Thibetian countries; in his hands is all the legislative, executive, and administrative power.
If the present conditions persist, administrative ingenuity can solve the question of work and credits.
This is a novel experience for us who have been originators only of free education in the past or of administrative systems, not of types of new education.
Though the Osmanli army was annihilated by Timur, and an Osmanli sultan, for the first and last time in history, remained in the hands of the foe, the administrative machinery of the Osmanli state was not paralysed.
The administrative organization instituted by Augustus and elaborated by Diocletian had likewise disappeared, and the army-corps districts were the only territorial units that outlasted the Dark Age.
The Greek city-state of Byzantium on the Black Sea Straits had been transformed into the Roman administrative centre of Constantinople, and from this capital the Emperor Justinian in the sixth century A.
But if he could reset and cleanse the wheels of the administrative machine, he could not increase its capacity.
To his credit, however, Abdul Mejid went on with administrative reform.
As for Europe, it had become the main scene of Osmanli operations, and now contained the administrative capital, Adrianople, though Brusu kept a sentimental primacy.
From the administrative point of view it was meant to make for progress; from the political point of view it was meant to bind the two principalities to the will of the Tsar.
Asia Minor, than elsewhere, and form a village people of the soil, they are consistently a minority in any large administrative district.
For both legislative and administrative purposes the Convention used committees, with powers more or less widely extended and regulated by successive laws.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "administrative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bureaucratic; directing; executive; managing; ministerial; official; political; responsible