Wherefore perceiuing they could not haue their purpose, and that they were already discouered, they sent to aduertise me that as yet they could not helpe me to victuals, and that the corne was not yet ripe.
But we perceiuing their treacherous intent, threatned to set fire on the said ship, which was then thwart our hawse, from which they would haue entred.
At our first landing they seemed as though they would fight with vs: but perceiuing vs begin to march with our shot towardes them, they turned their backes, and fled.
Moreouer, that in such enterprises it is necessary for a Gouernour to make himselfe knowen and obeyed, for feare least euery body would become a master, perceiuing themselues far from greater forces.
Our men perceiuing the good relation which the Indians made them of those two kings resolued to go thither; for they felt already the necessity which oppressed them.
On the other side the Indians perceiuing that wee stirred not, tooke great stomacke and courage vnto them: insomuch that they came hard to our horses heeles to shoote at vs with their arrowes.
As they danced they still came on: and our Generall perceiuing their plaine and simple meaning, gaue order that they might freely enter without interruption within our bulwarke.
The twelfth day of the last moneth here arriued in safety, thanks be to God, our two ships, and by them we receiued your letters and inuoices very wellperceiuing what you haue laden in them.
I wished my selfe the swiftnes of Atalanta, beeing but young and vnarmed, no way able to encounter with such a poisonable force, and perceiuing his blacke infectious breath smoaking out at his mouth.
The situation and place me thought was painefull, and Logistica perceiuingmy inclynation, presentlie tooke into her hand Thelemias Lute, and beganne to strike a doricall tune, and sung to the same verie sweetly, saying.
And they perceiuing the same did smile at my bashful behauiour, making great sport at me: And thereat I was glad, and contented that I might any way occasion their pastime.
Logistica perceiuing by my looke that I had no great lyking in this place, some-what greeued therewith, said, this Rocke is knowne neuer but at the end.
The Englishmen and the Gascoignes hearing horsses to come galloping after them, turned, and perceiuing them to be their enimies, stood still to abide them.
The king perceiuing this, caused his people likewise to be set in order of battell, & sent three hundred archers to Newland bridge, to distresse those Frenchmen, which he heard should be there.
Those Englishmen were not past three score men of armes, but well horssed, and therefore perceiuing the great number of the Frenchmen, they fled towards the princes battell, which they knew was not farre off.
Philenio continuing thus in Loue, sometime with one, sometime with another, and perceiuing that euery of them seemed to Loue him, hee determined with himselfe, if it were possible to gather of them the last frute of his Loue.
Which Roberto perceiuing replied thus in his behalfe: Madame, the Sunnes brightnesse daisleth the beholders eies, the maiestie of Gods, / amazed humane men.
And the people of the Countrey perceiuing the same, vsed towards mee and my company some discourtesies: but about the 28.
The William being incumbred with ice, and perceiuing that shee did litle good, tooke in all her sailes, and made her selfe fast to a piece of ice, and about foure in the afternoone she set saile to followe vs.
Herevpon euerie mans mind sore misgaue them, well perceiuing that this matter was but a quarrell.
And that they might turne both the eies and minds of men from perceiuing of their drifts other-where, the lords being sent for from all parts of the realme, came thicke to that solemnitie.
Then he perceiuing that they would needs away, desired them to tarry that he might fetch the rest of the marchants that were left at the court, but they would not grant this request.
Captaine Haiward perceiuing that our men had let the Negros come a shore, asked what they meant, and doubting the worst began to drawe toward the boate, and two or three of the Negros folowed him.
Then Windam perceiuing the time of the 30 daies to be expired, and his men dying so fast, sent to the court in post to Captaine Pinteado, and the rest to come away and to tary no longer.
Besides the aforesaid three ships we tooke another ship of Pegu laden with pepper, and perceiuing her to bee laden with marchants goods of Pegu onely, wee dismissed her without touching any thing.
But chasing the enemies so farre, for our recouerie, as pouder and arrowes wanted, the Spaniardes perceiuing this, returned, and in our mens retire they slew sixe of them.
Wherefore no body tooke heede thereto, vntil such time as the Moores perceiuing that many followed them in superstition, and that the Loutea fauoured them, they began to forbid wholy the eating of swines flesh.
To conclude, his demands were esteemed vnreasonable, so that the bishops and abbats were in a maruellous perplexitie, perceiuing into what miserable state by reason of immoderate exactions the church of England was brought.
But the bishop perceiuing which way the world went, reconciled himselfe: as for the deane, he stood long in the matter, & at length went himselfe to the pope to vtter his greefe.
The legat perceiuing such disorder, accurssed generallie all such as thus troubled the kings peace, shewing themselues enimies to the king and the realme.
Then we perceiuingwhere they stood, some on the shoare, and one rowing in a Canoa about a small Island fast by them, we made a great noise, partly to allure them to vs, and partly to warne our company of them.
Our souldiers (which were commanded before to keepe their boates) perceiuing the danger, and hearing our men calling for shot came speedily to rescue, thinking there had bene a greater number.
The English host perceiuing the Frenchmen to withdrawe into the towne, drew togither, and stood in order of battell for the space of two houres, and then returned to their lodgings.
The king perceiuing this demeanor betwixt them, sware by saint Iohn Baptist, that he would neuer séeke to make peace betwixt them againe.
In the mean time, the earle of Flanders perceiuing that he was not able to resist so puissant an enimie as the French king, sent ouer in hast vnto the king of England for aid.
But the General perceiuing that the enemie woulde not abandon the place, with a valiant courage made to the shore, and altogether leaping into the water vp to the middle, maintained the fight with the enemy.
The Spaniardes perceiuing that they were strong enough to encounter with our people, suddainly leapt out of their dens, and beset our souldiours on both sides.
But his father perceiuing that the king could not persuade his sonne to forsake the christian faith, required to haue his monie againe.
Now as the sunne began to draw lowe, the king perceiuing an hart to come alongst by him, shot at the same, and with his arrow stroke him; but not greatlie hurting him, the beast ran awaie.
Furthermore king William perceiuing that by his cruell and couetous gouernment, sundrie of his subiects did dailie steale out of the realme, [Sidenote: A proclamation that none should depart the realme.
The Englishmen perceiuing this, determined to keepe the gate S.
There was in that ship a good and wise Matrone, a Countesse or an Erles wife, who perceiuing the tempest to grow, and fearing her selfe, called to her the M.
Caesar perceiuing the maner of this fight, caused his men of warre to enter into boates and other small vessels, which he commanded to go to such places where most néed appeared.
Englishmen wanting both carriage* to make longer resistance, and perceiuing no hope to rest in fléeing, were beaten downe and slaine in heapes, so that few escaped from that dreadfull and bloudie battell.
Cnute then perceiuing that he might not haue his purpose there, withdrew westward, and besides Gillingham in Dorsetshire, incountred with K.
Edricus surnamed de Streona feigned himselfe sicke, and so betraied his people, of whome he had the conduct: for they perceiuing the want [Sidenote: Wilton spoiled.
For earle Turkill perceiuing the wealthinesse of the land, compounded with the Englishmen, and [Sidenote: This Turkill was reteined in seruice with Egelred, as I thinke.
But perceiuing he could not find aduantage, and that [Sidenote: Cnute ouermatched.
And therefore perceiuing small helpe to come that waie, he sought to obteine the fauour and fréendship of earle John, and of his mother quéene Elianor.
The chancellour perceiuing the multitude to be such which he had with him in the tower, [Sidenote: The chancellour yéeldeth vp the tower.
Then king Richard and the other Christian capteins perceiuing how the matter inclined, and giuing ouer all hope of any more good successe, followed them.
The same day the king of Cypres perceiuing himselfe vnable to resist the great puissance of king Richards armie, sent ambassadours, [Sidenote: The offers of the king of Cypres.
King Richard then vnderstanding this iniurie to him doone by the Cypriots, & perceiuing they would resist his landing, prepared himselfe and his people to enter vpon them by force.
This ilander perceiuing it, came foorth and swimmed aboue the water, shewing his handes, and made signes that he had nothing in them, which was the occasion that they did not shoot at him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perceiuing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.