Herewith the water standing in diuerse of their eies on both sides, they entred into the citie, the people greatlie reioising to behold the head of the common-wealth agree at length with the members.
But peraduenture other causes there were also of farre more importance that constreined him so greatlie against his mind & full resolution, both at the first, and now at this second time to returne.
The cleargie was likewise at dissention, so that nothing preuailed but malice and spite, which brought foorth and spred abroad the fruits of disobedience to all good lawes and orders, greatlie to the disquieting of the whole state.
These or the like words did this most gentle prince speake, which greatlie comforted all his people.
This king, besides other his gifts of nature, was aided greatlie by his seemelie personage.
Then were the Frenchmen greatlie abashed, in such wise, that perceiuing how no defense might aduance them, they yeelded themselues without any great shew of resistance.
And so by Gods assistance if my lord had wherewith to mainteine this warre, and to make the kings profit and his owne honor, he should well inlarge the English marches, and gaine manie faire places: for our enimies are greatlie astonied.
The onset was giuen in the straits, greatlie to the aduantage of the Romans, being but a handfull in comparison to their enimies.
After this (as the British chronicle affirmeth) Octauius gouerned the land right noblie, and greatlie to the contentation of the Britains.
The Britains indeed were occasioned to doo as they purposed, thorough manie euill parts practised by the Romans greatlie to their griefs and displeasures.
At length, for manie causes, and the same greatlie to be feared, the which were reported and aduertised out [Sidenote: Theodosius sent into Britaine.
Women also as rauished of their wits, and being as it were in a furie, prophesied that destruction was at hand, so that the Britains were put greatlie in hope, and the Romans in feare.
The Britains greatlie amazed with this sudden arriuall of the emperour, and hearing that such preparation was made against them, sent ambassadours to him to intreat of peace, and to excuse their rebellious dooings.
Now Voadicia being prepared (as you heare) set foorth with such maiestie, that she greatlie incouraged the Britains; vnto whome for their better animating and emboldening, she vttered this gallant oration in manner and forme following.
In government we have peace and securitie, and do not greatlie fear those who may stir up wicked rebellion within our land, or may come against us from beyond the sea.
In the arts of peace likewise, she isgreatlie pleased with them who are good craftsmen, and shews them favour.
By reason that king Lud so much esteemed that citie before all other of his realme, inlarging it so greatlie as he did, and [Sidenote: The name of Troinouant changed and called London.
The souldiers withingreatlie incouraged, & much comforted by this new succour and aid, grieued the enimies, by shooting from the walles more than they were accustomed to doo.
When relation of his departure was made to the earle of Richmond, and the other noble men, no maruell though they were astonied and greatlie amazed.
The earle aduertised hereof, and perceiuing that this new building would be greatlie preiudicial to the Englishmen, determined first to dispossesse his enimies of that place, supposing to find small resistance: but he was deceiued.
Through which language and noising, I feele my name and fame greatlie enblemished in diuerse mens opinions.
All these met at Calis, where the duke of Orleance courteouslie receiued the earle of Dunois (his bastard brother) thanking him greatlie for his paines taken in gouerning his lands & countrie, during the time of his captiuitie and absence.
Item, it is deemed and ought greatlie to be deemed, that after the same lords would put the same rule of England, if they might haue their purpose and intent, into the hands and gouernance of the said enimies.
So then Mother sayd the onlie Way was to cord 'em up in Sacking; which greatlie relaxed the Bounds of his Self-denial, and ended in his having a Load packed that would break a Horse's Back.
Now as the sunne began to draw lowe, the king perceiuing an hart to come alongst by him, shot at the same, and with his arrow stroke him; but not greatlie hurting him, the beast ran awaie.
Albons, whereof he made one Paule that was his nephue abbat, which Paule gouerned that house by his vncles assistance greatlie to the aduancement thereof, as well in temporall as spirituall preferments, as it was then iudged.
All which grants and promises he kept not long, though for the time he greatlie contented the people with such a shew of good meaning towards them.
Their cheefe request was that it might please his highnesse to put from him the Spensers, whose counsell they knew to be greatlie against his honour, and hereof not to faile if he tendered the quiet of his realme.
What Cause have I, then, to care soe greatlie for a House that woulde soe soone forget its Master?
By this it maie appeare, how greatlie he was beloued, that there could not one be found, that for so great a reward would bring him to light.
These two kings kept great estate with their queenes, at this high feast of Pentecost, but the king of Englands court greatlie exceeded, so that all the resort was thither.
The siege thus continuing from Lammas, almost to Christmas, diuerse enterprises were attempted, and diuerse policies practised, how euerie part might indamage his aduersaries; no parte greatlie reioised of their gaine.
Certeine it is that they were both souereigns tenderlie loued of their subiects, as they were princes greatlie fauouring their people.
Certes this errour was woont also greatlie to reigne in Cambridge and Oxford, betweene the students and the burgesses: but as it is well left in these two places, so in forreine counteies it cannot yet be suppressed.
And how glasse was first found I care not greatlieto remember euen at this present, although it be directlie beside my purposed matter.
This Remclid or Remeline did afterwards resigne that bishoprike to the king, bicause he was pursuaded he had greatlie offended in receiuing the same at a temporall mans hands.
Moreouer, Henrie the sonne of earle Blois, who before was abbat of Glastenburie, was now made bishop of Winchester, a man for his singular bountie, gentlenesse and modestie greatlie beloued of the English.
In this enteruiew betwixt the pope and the king, the Romans were mooued to maruell greatlie at the wisedome and sharpnesse of wit which they perceiued in the Normans.
But he hauing his mind more inclined to England, refused to take the charge vpon him: wherevpon after that daie he neuer greatlie prospered in anie businesse which he tooke in hand: as some doo gather.
For though some sort of dreames (as those that be physicall) are not greatlie to be relied vpon; yet those of the metaphysicall sort hauing a speciall influence from aboue natures reach, are not lightlie to be ouerslipped.
Richard, he greatlie maruelled at the first, but after commended the abbats in their dooings, and cheeflie for shewing that they were void of the accustomed gréedinesse of hauing, which most men supposed them to be much infected withall.
Moreouer, William bishop of Elie, who though otherwise he was to be dispraised for his ambition and pompous hautinesse, yet the king vsed his seruice for a time greatlie to his profit and aduancement of the publike affaires.
Yet the Blacke prince did not greatlie fauour him, wherevpon Wickham procured to kéepe him occupied in warres beyond the seas.
At the same time two of the English ships arriued there with victuals, the which being bestowed amongst the souldiors, releeued them greatlie of their hunger.
After this he reformed diuerse lawes and statutes, and deuised some new ordinances, greatlie for the wealth of the realme.
Vpon knowledge giuen into Denmarke of the cruell murder of the Danes here in England, truth it is, that the people of the countrie were greatlie kindled in malice, and set in such a furious rage against [Sidenote: Hen.
Christmas himselfe sailed into Normandie, and was of his brother in law ioifullie receiued & greatlie comforted in that his time of necessitie.
Egelred being greatlie aduanced (as he thought) by reason of his mariage, deuised vpon presumption thereof, to cause all the Danes within the land to be murthered in one day.
Earle Vthred, who gouerned that countrie, greatlie furthered the bishop in this [Sidenote: Durham town and minster builded.
Ammond, so that their power was greatlie increased.
Finallie, hegreatlie inriched the sée of Shireborne, [Sidenote: Bishop Adelstan couetous.
He aided Burthred the king of Mercia against the Welshmen, and greatlie aduanced his estimation, by giuing vnto him his daughter in mariage.
The said Ethelbald greatlie to his reproch tooke to wife his mother in law quéene Iudith, or rather (as some write) his owne mother, whom his father had kept as concubine.
He had in excéeding fauour Wolstan archbishop of Yorke that liued in his daies, for whose sake he greatlie inriched that bishoprike.
This turnedgreatlie to his aduantage: for thereby a great number of Englishmen hasted to come to his succour.
But now, although that the Northumbers were brought greatlie vnder foot by the Danes, yet could they not forget [Sidenote: Simon Dun.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greatlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.