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Example sentences for "compounded"

Lexicographically close words:
composto; composts; composure; compote; compound; compounder; compounding; compounds; comprador; compradore
  1. But the compound AB I do know, for I know its essence: I can affirm about it that it is compounded of A and B, and this is its essence.

  2. But respecting the compound AB, I can tell what it really is: its essence is, to be compounded of A and B.

  3. All particular numbers, and through them all things, were compounded from the harmonious junction and admixture of these two fundamental contraries.

  4. His purpose was to prepare the way against the great compounded navy, which may well be called a compounded navy, because it consisted of the ships of all nations in Christendom, that either they could beg, hire, or borrow.

  5. The Mortal Immortal, a variation on the theme of St. Leon, is the record of a pupil of Cornelius Agrippa, who drank half of the elixir his master had compounded in the belief that it was a potion to destroy love.

  6. From her obscurity she viewed no doubt with some disdain the vulgar achievements of "Monk" Lewis and a tribe of imitators, who compounded a farrago of horrors as thick and slab as the contents of a witch's cauldron.

  7. We find everywhere these beings wonderfully compounded out of lion, eagle, and man.

  8. It is worth noticing how much more frequent from this period onwards proper names compounded with the word Jehovah become.

  9. The proposed tea-drinkings being quite impracticable, I compounded with Miss Lavinia for permission to visit every Saturday afternoon, without detriment to my privileged Sundays.

  10. Upon long willow spits sizzled and frizzled toothsome morsels, made more toothsome by the addition of a sauce cunningly compounded of chillies, tomatoes, and the pungent onion.

  11. It rests on the assumption (he says), that the primordial elements are themselves unknowable; and that it is only the aggregates compounded of them which are knowable.

  12. The product of these two, mixed or compounded together Determinatum.

  13. He had never had sister or brother; and a sister now rose up in his imagination as a sort of creature compounded of a simplified Flora MacIvor and a glorified Ruth Pinch.

  14. Blanchet did not seem to him exactly like a man; rather like one of those creatures compounded of fire and dew whom we read of in legend and mythology.

  15. Proceeding after these remarks on the nature of motion in general to the motion of bodies, we are told that "all local motion is either straight, circular, or compounded of these two; for these two are the only simple sorts of motion.

  16. The same principle applies here as in the case of all compounded food products.

  17. This famous perfume was first compounded by an Italian, Giovanni Maria Farina, who came to Cologne in 1709.

  18. History obscure; often explained as compounded of foot and lock (of hair); cf.

  19. Interest is compounded every four or six months, and money must, as a general rule, remain on deposit until an interest payment date before the depositor receives any interest on it.

  20. The personal pronouns compounded with self are of two kinds: 1.

  21. As this species of glass is injured by an excess of potash, it should be compounded with rather a defect of it, and melted by a proportionally higher or longer heat.

  22. This glass would therefore have been probably better compounded with the just atomic proportions, to which it nearly approaches, viz.

  23. The silk, after being boiled with soap, is to be alumed, and then dyed up in a bath compounded of these three decoctions, mixed in the requisite proportions.

  24. If shellac be compounded into sealing-wax, immediately after it has been separated by fusion from the palest qualities of stick or seed lac, it then forms a better and less brittle article, than when the shellac is fused a second time.

  25. A liquid pap is made with these materials, compounded in certain proportions, and diluted with water.

  26. It is to be observed that names compounded with Adoni- were occasionally borne by private persons.

  27. These compounded words, to a large extent, represent the intrusive or European idea.

  28. Of course an attempt at fixed symbols for words was an unhappy experiment in a language one prominent element of which is, the facility of making words out of pieces of words, or compounded words.

  29. Any others may be reduced to some of these, or are compounded of them.

  30. The effect produced on the excitability by any stimulus, must evidently be in a ratio compounded of the degree of excitability and the force of the stimulus.

  31. Hence it is evident, that the effect or excitement must be in a ratio compounded of the exciting powers and excitability.

  32. The others have been thought to be compounded of these; for the sense of taste, as well as sight and hearing, is capable of perceiving compound impressions.

  33. These observations apply particularly to the senses we have mentioned, and likewise to taste: but the sensations afforded us by touch do not seem capable of being compounded in this manner.

  34. His egotism is a curious variety of that Protean passion, compounded as skilfully as the melancholy of Jaques.

  35. The Disraelian irony thus compounded is hitherto a unique product of intellectual chemistry.

  36. The one space may turn out to be valid as a logical construction, compounded of the several spaces, but there is no good reason to assume its independent metaphysical reality.

  37. It was afterwards ascertained that the above movement was compounded of the circumnutation of the stem on a small scale, of the main petiole which moved most, and of the sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet.

  38. Therefore, if the movement of the apex of any one leaflet were to be traced, the course described would be compounded of the movements of four separate parts.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compounded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.