Peraduenture of this inclinacion you mayperceiue certen markes in lytle ons.
In Nyghtingales, we perceiue the offices of the techer and learner, how the elder goth before, calleth backe, and correcteth, and howe the yonger foloweth and obeyeth.
Sea, that sometimes the Sea floweth into the woods as we might perceiue by the water markes.
These are to giue you to vnderstand, that your letters arriued here in our royal Court, and we wel perceiue the contents thereof.
A ha I thought that your name should signifie that you were a great louer, but now I perceiue that you are a louer of Polia: and presently shee added more, saying: if shee were heere present, what would you doo?
And the lesser number that there was, the more pleasure it was to perceiue the pollicies of either sides to ouercome other.
Well then I perceiue that death is at my backe, who did euer see such a change of fortune?
God would, the king not thinking of any such thing, chanced yet to féele and perceiue the instrument before he laid him downe, and so escaped the danger.
When such a motion was made by some vnto king Henrie the eight, he could answer them in this maner; Ah sirha, I perceiue the abbeie lands haue fleshed you and set your teeth on edge, to aske also those colleges.
I do begin to perceiue that I am made an Asse Ford.
Schole, wife, VVhere you may learne, I doeperceiue it, any thing!
They might perceiue these people climbing vp to the top of a hill, where with a flagge, they wafted vnto our ship, and made great out cries and noyses, like so many Buls.
Lastly, it did ebbe and flow sixe or seuen fadome vp and downe, the flood comming from diuers parts, so as we could not perceiue the chiefe maintenance thereof.
Vpon this Island we did perceiue that there had bene people: or we found a small shoo and pieces of leather sowed with sinewes, and a piece of furre, and wooll like to Beuer.
By this, I shall perceiue the Commons minde, How they affect the House and Clayme of Yorke.
They brought with them a great number of bookes, as wee haue said, that did intreate of diuers matters, as you shall perceiuein the sequell.
And one mayster Philippo Baldo many times being in the company of mayster Borgo and Philippo, did marke and perceiue his loue, and yet was ignorant of the truth, or voyde of coniecture with what Gentlewoman he was inamored.
In which worke hee had framed a stone by cunninge, that mighte be remoued at pleasure, and no man perceiue it: meaning thereby to goe into the Chamber when he liste: whereunto none in all the world was priuie but himselfe.
Wel (said the king) I perceiue that you blush not at the words, ne yet feare to reherse the same vnto my face, wherby I do perceiue and note in you a certayne kind of stoutenes which naturally procedeth from the greatnes of your mynd.
And so sone as the king knew therof, he fayled not to visite his Lady, and the gentleman the night following went to the Castle to salute the Queene, to do the office of the kinge's Lieutenaunt, so secretly as no man did perceiue it.
Elisa hearing hir say so, greatly maruelled and sayd: "Why then I perceiue thou art a woman and not a man.
This yong lady then determined to haue God and the respect of her honoure before her eies, and so wel to dissemble her griefes, as none at any time should perceiue that shee misliked her husband.
After that time, the Countesse spake to her many times, but she could neuer perceiue by her countenance, any cause of certaine suspicion.
And although he could not perceiue to what end that honorable lady had spoken them, yet hee thought that hir maiesty had done him great honour.
And viewinge it they coulde not perceiue anye entrie at all.
Pardon old father my mistaking eies, That haue bin so bedazled with the sunne, That euery thing I looke on seemeth greene: Now I perceiue thou art a reuerent Father: Pardon I pray thee for my mad mistaking Petr.
Nay then you iest, and now I wel perceiue You haue but iested with me all this while: I prethee sister Kate, vntie my hands Ka.
Now, my Lord, What shall wee doe, if wee perceiue Lord Hastings will not yeeld to our Complots?
What of his Heart perceiue you in his Face, By any liuelyhood he shew'd to day?
Come hither gentle Mistris, Do you perceiue in all this Noble Companie, Where most you owe obedience?
No beleeuing you indeed sir: But did you perceiue her earnest?
And yet these porters, which all things admit, Themselues perceiue not, nor discerne the things; One common power doth in the forehead sit, Which all their proper formes together brings.
But for your eyesperceiue not all they see, 'In this I will your Senses master bee.
Now I perceiue the Deuill vnderstands Welsh, And 'tis no maruell he is so humorous: Byrlady hee's a good Musitian Lady.
Faith I perceiue our Masters may throwe their caps at their money, these debts may well be call'd desperate ones, for a madman owes 'em.
You shall perceiue How you mistake my Fortunes: I am wealthie in my Friends.
I haue too Nights watch'd with you, but can perceiue no truth in your report.
Sirs, take your places, and be vigilant: If any noyse or Souldier you perceiue Neere to the walles, by some apparant signe Let vs haue knowledge at the Court of Guard Sent.
I perceiue sir by your Generals lookes, wee shall be faine to hang you Par.
O happy man, they haue befriended thee: Why foolish Lucius, dost thou not perceiue That Rome is but a wildernes of Tigers?
That you may well perceiue I haue not wrong'd you, One of the greatest in the Christian world Shall be my suretie: for whose throne 'tis needfull Ere I can perfect mine intents, to kneele.
And so it is true in all kindes of triangles, as you maieperceiue more plainly by the .
Illustration] In the firste triangle E, whiche is a threlyke, and therfore hath all his angles sharpe, take anie twoo corners that you will, and you shall perceiue that they be lesser then ij.
B, whiche thyng you shall better perceiue by the vi.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perceiue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.