The fourth and last thing that theise men must take heede of / and Rule which they must obserue is this.
The thred thinge that theise men must take heede of / and Rule which they must obserue is.
Take heede Madame from falling into such inconuenience as he is in, for in place of great pleasure whiche he thought to haue gayned, he hath receiued the extremest anoyance, that any gentleman can suffer.
Take heede then from henceforth Ariobarzanes, that you liue with such prouidence and circumspection as you may bee knowen to be a seruant, and I reputed (as I am) for your souerayne Lord and mayster.
And truely the officer, whych knoweth that vpon the end of euery yeare he must be chaunged and examined of his charge, he wyll take good heede to that whych he speaketh, and first of all wil consider what he taketh in hand.
Take heede I say, that you blot not your good qualities and conditions, with the spots of dishonor and pusillanimitye.
And take heede you come not neere the low point of the Isle Ramea by a great league, for I haue sounded it at 3.
M512) As my Lieutenant was ready to depart, I warned him aboue all things to take heede he fell not into the Indians hands: because I knew them to be very subtill and craftie to enterprize and execute any thing to our disaduantage.
Also you are to take heede of two shelues that leane outward halfe a league.
Presently He did vnseale them, and the first he view'd, He did it with a Serious minde: a heede Was in his countenance.
It was answered, that by carefulheede taking thereunto amongst the yce, and the foule weather, the Pinnesse might suffice.
I take noheede of thee: Th'art an Athenian, therefore welcome: I my selfe would haue no power, prythee let my meate make thee silent Aper.
Take heede least by your heate you burne your selues: King.
Take heede signior Baptista, least you be conicatcht in this businesse: I dare sweare this is the right Vincentio Ped.
But worthy Lords, haue you with heede perused What I haue written to you?
That is not the Dukes letter sir: that is an aduertisement to a proper maide in Florence, one Diana, to take heede of the allurement of one Count Rossillion, a foolish idle boy: but for all that very ruttish.
O Buckingham, take heede of yonder dogge: Looke when he fawnes, he bites; and when he bites, His venom tooth will rankle to the death.
And thus they will say: "Very well: a poore mans counsell will not be taken: suche a one will doe as he list: suche a one geves no heedeto my wordes.
You must then take good heede you speake not with a majestie.
He ran over manie heresies, and concluded still to take heede of them; false prophets which soothe up in synn by pardons for past, and dispensacions for synn to come.
Take heede of covetousnes, for though a man have abundaunce, his life standeth not in riches.
Where hens fall a cackling, take heede to their nest, where drabs fall a whispring, take heede to the rest.
Take heede to false harlots, and more, ye wot what.
Take heede it is needeful, True pittie is meedeful.
Declare after Supper, take heede therevnto, what worke in the morning ech seruant shall do.
Put thou no Deuill in boote as once did master Shorne:[E404] Take heede as from madde bayted bull to keepe thee fro his horne.
For being afraid, Take heede good maid: Marke crowing of cock, For feare of a knock.
To trust without heedeis to venter a ioint, giue tale and take count, is a huswifelie point.
Take heede how thou laiest the bane for the rats, for poisoning seruant, thy selfe and thy brats.
I wolde nott that letter wer seyn with some folkys; wherffor I praye yow take good heede hoghe that letter comythe to yowr handys, hooll or brokyn, and in especiall I praye yow gete it, iff ye have it nott.
I would to gifts men should take no heede That letteth our thing publicke for to speede For this we see well euery day at eye, Gifts and fests stopen our policie.
Audiui vocem, All men take heede by this one gentleman, Howe you sette your love upon an unkinde woman.
There had neede good heedebee taken in the weighing.
Therefore you had neede to take heedehowe you haue to doe with him or with any such, and to make your bargaines plaine, and to set them downe in writing.
Sidenote: The Sauages treasons to be taken heede of.
And if the course of the water were not swift there, you could not enter into them, as I haue already sayd, and you must passe all along with much heede and foresight.
Take heede that going for this land thou looke to the North and thou shalt see a riuer called Rio dos Reyes Magos: that is, The riuer of the three kings.
Go, telle my lorde, I shalle it kepe; On payne of my grete heede 2188 Shalle ther no man̄ goo ner crepe, But he be take or dede.
Heede must be taken that such rules or sentences be choisly made and not often vsed least excesse breed lothsomnesse.
Heere take the key, convey yourself into the Chamber, but in any case take heede my husband see you not.
Take heede ye sigh not, nor looke red at the table, Tully.
Take you no thought, Ile have a care of that; Onelie take heede you have a speciall care To make no shew of any discontent Nor use too many words to any one.
It appertayneth vnto mee to shewe my selfe, as issued from the Noble house of Aragon: to me it doeth belonge to take heede how I erre or degenerate from the royall bloud whereof I came.
By Saynct Mary I neede to take heede least hereafter in like maner thou as impudently do triumph of my death, being but a crokebacke and deformed man.
Take heede therefore if thou loue me, to do all that which I haue geuen thee in charge.
I wil kepe it secrete, notwithstanding, and shal pray you to take heede vnto your selues, that by vniuersal consent, the mischiefe may be preuented.
When thou hast thus heat thy selfe, take heede of catching colde againe, as many have done, and brought their zeale to deaths doore.
Douglas who is warned in the 98th verse of the present ballad to "take heede you do not offend the king.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heede" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.