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Example sentences for "folowed"

Lexicographically close words:
follows; followup; folly; folow; folowe; foloweth; folowing; folowyng; folowynge; folwe
  1. Pluto and Neptunus ledynge the goddesse ¶ whome folowed Cerberus {with} his prysonere.

  2. The ost that hy{m} folowed was of a grete le{n}gth.

  3. Then folowed in pycture wyth Thoby pacyent ¶ Thyse wyth many mo on that one syde.

  4. The enimies folowed our men, that séemed to flée with maruellous greate courage.

  5. Ther was a yonge lusty gentyll man vpon a tyme that was ryght amorous, and loued a certayne marchauntes wyfe oute of all measure, in so moch that he folowed her to the churche and other places, but he durste neuer speake.

  6. It fourtuned also that this fourth husbande dyed and was brought to chyrche vpon the bere; whom this woman folowed and made great mone, and waxed very sory, in so moche that her neyghbours thought she wolde swown and dye for sorow.

  7. Of hym that folowed his wyfe to buryenge.

  8. At the laste he, with two or thre of his felowes, folowed her to a fryers, where he hadde tyme and place conueniente to speake thre or four wordes to her, that he before had deuysed.

  9. And hauinge aduised her selfe what to doe, shee assembled the noblest and chiefeste of her Countrie, declaring vnto them in lamentable wyse what shee had alreadye done, to winne the loue of the Counte, shewinge them also what folowed thereof.

  10. His male hors and his grete somers Folowed our kynge behynde, Tyll they came to grene wode, A myle under the lynde.

  11. Fayre Alice folowed him as a lover true, With a pollaxe in her hande; "He shal be dead that here cometh in Thys dore, whyle I may stand.

  12. And one example, whether loue or feare doth worke more in a child, for vertue and learning, I will gladlie report: which maie be hard with some pleasure, and folowed with more profit.

  13. In which doing, this worthy Nicolaus folowed the steppes of good olde S.

  14. Thre days befor thar had him folowed fyve, The quhilk was bound, or ellis to loss thair lyff: The erl off York bad thaim so gret gardoun, At thai be thyft hecht to put Wallace doun.

  15. He folowed fast, and sone to ded thaim brocht; Than to the chyld sadly agayn he socht, ‘Quhat did thow her?

  16. Than folowed four ryche charyottes with ladyes of honour after than folowed xxx.

  17. Than folowed her noble ladyes of estate rychly clothed in crymosyn poudred w{h} armyns to the nobre of xij.

  18. This Baldwme eftsoones folowed the king into Syria and Palestina, as one desirous to be partaker of his trauailes, paines, and perils in so holy a voyage.

  19. Tha he toke his brethr[~e] with him and folowed after him .

  20. Iacob loved but one sonne more than a nother/ ad how grevous murther folowed in their hartes?

  21. On the Tuesday folowyng, our carauana departed from Mecha, and I remayned in the Mahumetans house with his wyfe, but he folowed the carauana.

  22. Then he sayde agayne, Come home to my house, I folowed hym willingly.

  23. A slye servaunt in his owne helpe is often moche commended; 115 knowing of trouth in causes of thinges was more hardyer in the first sechers (and so sayth Aristotle), and lighter in us that han folowed after.

  24. After them folowed a greate nomber of archers and then wagons laden with their stuf.

  25. After folowed his three aydes, euery of them vnder a Pauilion of Crymosyn Damaske & purple.

  26. Then folowed Iohn Beauchampe of the Holt, lord Steward of the kings house, that had serued king Edward the third, and his sonne Lionell duke of Clarence: who likewise by decrée of this parlement was drawne and hanged.

  27. The Frenchmen within Rochell issued foorth to skirmish with the Englishmen, but they were easilie put to flight, and folowed euen to the bariers of the gates of Rochell.

  28. For the Borespeare wherewith he had so cruelly killed the Emperour his Cousin, was incontinently known by the hunters which folowed Odenatus: whervpon that day the head of Meonius was striken of.

  29. The knyght presed in to the place, An hundreth folowed hym [free], With bowes bent and arowes sharpe, For to shende that companye.

  30. His male-hors and his grete somers Folowed our kynge behynde, Tyll they came to grene wode, A myle under the lynde.

  31. This necessitie considered wel, bothe of them that gave the lawes to Empires, and of those that to the exercise of service wer apoincted, made that the life of Souldiours, of other menne was praised, and with all studie folowed and imitated.

  32. Thei had ordinarely heardes of greate beastes and small, whiche folowed the armie, the whiche havyng no nede to bee carried, caused not moche impedimente.

  33. And after in the incountering of the rest of tharmie, you shewed, that the thing folowed with a moste greate scilence?

  34. Captaine Haiward perceiuing that our men had let the Negros come a shore, asked what they meant, and doubting the worst began to drawe toward the boate, and two or three of the Negros folowed him.

  35. This yeare England and Normandie were sore vexed with mortalitie both of men and beasts, insomuch that tillage of the ground was laid aside in manie places, by reason whereof there folowed great dearth & famine.

  36. Also there happened about the beginning of Nouember great thunder and lightning, and therewith folowed an earthquake to the great feare of the inhabitants of the towne of Huntington and other places thereabouts.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "folowed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.