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Example sentences for "distinctly seen"

  • Moreover, in a precipitous part of the ravine of Las Bocas, a red sandstone is distinctly seen to overlie a thick bed of pale mud, also quite like the Pampean formation, abounding with concretions of true tosca-rock.

  • He was instantly aware of the perilous condition of the brig, for the "white caps" of the waves could be distinctly seen, and even the roar of the wind could be heard as it rushed towards us over the water.

  • The moon had risen, and lighted up the bay, so that objects could be distinctly seen at a considerable distance.

  • The peristaltic motion of the intestines may be distinctly seen, from the stomach down to the anus.

  • Underneath these scales are the pores of the epidermis, which, when the former are removed, may be distinctly seen, apparently like small holes, pierced with an exceedingly fine needle.

  • And in all match games a line connecting the home and first base, and the home and third base, shall be marked by the use of chalk, or other suitable material, so as to be distinctly seen by the umpire.

  • They must be so constructed and placed as to be distinctly seen by the umpire, and must cover a space equal to one square foot of surface.

  • Colours extremely variable; sometimes five longitudinal bands of dark purple can be distinctly seen (as in C.

  • The larvae, though not yet attached, were on the point of attachment, so that the single eye of the mature animal could be distinctly seen, lying near to the two great compound eyes of the larva.

  • A little northwest of the village the lines of the defenses thrown up by the Germans, and Hessians of Hanau may be distinctly seen.

  • It was the time of full moon, the sky was unclouded, and from his hiding-place every movement of the In dians could be distinctly seen.

  • For, by turning the eye up they shall be distinctly seen; as likewise they that are painted on the highest part of the eye shall be distinctly seen by turning the eye down, and are for that reason esteemed lowest.

  • Let a visible object be set in never so clear a light, yet, if there is any imperfection in the sight, or if the eye is not directed towards it, it will not be distinctly seen.

  • The improbability of our ever identifying artificial structures in the moon may be inferred from the fact, that a space a mile in diameter is the least space that could be distinctly seen.

  • Some of the finest streaks of colour in the stony layers, alternating with the obsidian, can be distinctly seen to be due to an incipient crystallisation of the constituent minerals.

  • The union is effected by calcareous matter; and in the most compact varieties, each rounded particle of shell and volcanic rock can be distinctly seen to be enveloped in a husk of pellucid carbonate of lime.

  • Here vulgarly called the Tearn Barn (tithe-barn) in Wales; distinctly seen in showery weather, but invisible in a settled season.

  • Limepark in Cheshire, Cloud End in Staffordshire, with the Derbyshire hills, may be distinctly seen.

  • In this street the remains of the Temple of Venus and Rome can be distinctly seen.

  • The straight vertical joint where the Greek portico has been built up to the Roman body can be distinctly seen, and the pediment and entablature can be observed behind the portico.

  • The continual dripping of water has destroyed the colour, but the mosaics can still be distinctly seen.

  • Posts painted white, and elevated from the ground so as to be distinctly seen by the umpire, are placed on a line with the home and first base, and home and third base, at least 100 feet from the bases.

  • And in all match games, a line connecting the home and first base and the home and third base, shall be marked by the use of chalk, or other suitable material, so as to be distinctly seen by the umpire.

  • They must be so constructed as to be distinctly seen by the umpire, and must cover a space equal to one square foot of surface.

  • A plank six feet in length, two inches in width, and inserted in the earth six or eight inches deep, with enough edge above ground so that it may be distinctly seen by the umpire, marks the line of the pitcher’s position.

  • From Smithville, a little village nearly equi-distant from either bar, both blockading fleets could be distinctly seen, and the outward bound blockade-runners could take their choice through which of them to run the gauntlet.

  • In those almost transparent waters, the smallest object can be distinctly seen at the depth of three or four fathoms.

  • These people are wonderfully expert, remaining under the surface nearly two minutes; and the water in the harbor of Nassau is so clear that they can be distinctly seen even at the keel of a vessel.

  • The number of double stitches between two purl is different, as distinctly seen in illustration.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "distinctly seen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    always make; blue cloth; both inclusive; cannot attempt; cracked wheat; distinctly heard; distinctly seen; distinctly understood; dotted line; easy prey; enemy submarine; even unto the end; for the greatest part; great pains; like maner; like thee; military officer; our guide; really don; should choose; small bunch; this office; ultimate analysis; where there