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Example sentences for "drumbeat"

Lexicographically close words:
druggists; drugless; drugs; drugstore; drum; drumhead; drumikin; drumlie; drumlike; drumlins
  1. The time chosen for the exploit was a dark, stormy night, when the drumbeat of rain and the wind blowing in their direction would muffle the movements of the men as they cut paths through the barbed wires for their panther-like rush.

  2. Then he listened a moment longer to the drumbeat of tropical rain on the deck above.

  3. The tent fell silent save for the drumbeat of rain.

  4. The wind dropped suddenly, for an instant, and there was silence except for the drumbeat of rain.

  5. They heard, far away, the drumbeat of the advancing British.

  6. The soldiers who had marched so proudly, keeping step to the drumbeat in the morning, were running now.

  7. In earliest times the people were called to meeting by drumbeat or by the blowing of a horn.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drumbeat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    barrage; beat; beating; drum; drumbeat; drumming; flutter; palpitation; patter; pound; pounding; pulsation; roll; ruff; ruffle; spatter; splutter; sputter; tattoo; throb; throbbing; thrum; thumping