Hayes was selected to give expression to the loyal voice, by being made chairman of the public committee on resolutions.
Although, moreover, these instinctive movements may come in time under conscious control, such actions do not in themselves imply conscious control or give expression to organized knowledge.
To apperceive, for instance, the rules of government and agreement in grammar will have a very limited value if the student is not able to give expression to these in his own conversation.
The true lesson problem, however, is to enable the learner to give expression to the thoughts and feelings of the author.
It desired subdued and refined emotions, and Moreau's distinction is that he was the first to give expression to this weary decadent humour.
People may think as many disagreeable things as they like, but they have no right to give expression to them.
To-night, however, she had appealed to him to give expression to the gratitude which she felt to God.
Give expression to your thanks in the way which our entertainers will like the best," he said.
As it was several of them were too exhausted to be able to give expression to their feelings in audible speech.
In its origin the great religious reaction was, as we have seen, only the revulsion, the revolt, of feeling against reason; what begot it was the perfectly vague craving to feel and to give expression to feeling.
That nature was always rebelling against the part; the man's independence and uncontrollableness were in perpetual collision with the politico-religious orthodoxy which it had become his life-task to give expression to and champion.
Their minds work alike, and they come together to give expression to their feelings and convictions.
It is for her to see that he learns how to play with pleasure and profit, and is permitted to give expression to his natural energies.
There they quickly find associates and proceed to give expression to their restless spirits.
It is always interesting to know whether a parent or teacher disciplines a child because the child needs it, or because the parent or teacher is unnerved and has to give expression to his feelings.
There is a feeling of conversion that attends these meetings that all boys and girls must feel--must feel so keenly that they in turn will want to give expression to their own convictions.
It is clearly a mistake as a general rule to expect young children to give expression to a testimony such as might be borne by an adult.
Filled with the wildest ideas of the French revolution, his impulsiveness hurried him on to give expression to them.
Alexander von Humboldt seems to have been the first to give expression to this system of human grouping, and it has been diligently cultivated by his disciple, Professor Bastian.
It is an interesting fact that a jest may serve as well to give expression to the "feelings" as an expletive or any other emotional expression.
What use can be made of any such knowledge to give expression to the emotional life of the artist is not our concern, and is obviously a matter for the individual to decide for himself.
For how can the draughtsman, who does not know how to draw accurately the cold, commonplace view of an object, hope to give expression to the subtle differences presented by the same thing seen under the excitement of strong feeling?
And others who would say that the form and colour of appearances are only to be used as a language to give expression to the feelings common to all men.
My husband, however, realised that he had far more dreams haunting the chambers of his mind than he could have time to give expression to.
But these general assemblies not only give expression to the principles and sentiments of Catholics on the questions of the day, they also tend to keep Catholic life awake and active.
Hence art, which aims to give expression to this beauty, is essentially religious, and tends to elevate the soul from earth to heaven, and bear it away toward the infinite.
The Indian may be a stoic under suffering, but there are no people in the world so ready to give expression to joy, nor so demonstrative where the better impulses of the heart are called out.
Ulna certainly did look famished, but true to himself, neither by word nor sign did he give expression to the sufferings he had passed through nor the agony of hunger he was now enduring.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "give expression" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.