Hout, Monkbarns, ye speak as if there was nae mair meat in the house --wad ye not have had me offer the honest man some slight refreshment after his walk frae the manse?
It was nearly nine o'clock; but the detective only stopped at his inn long enough to eat about a pound and a quarter of beefsteak, and drink a pint of ale, after which brief refreshment he started for Mellish Park on foot.
The telling is deferred till somerefreshment is obtained, and then Parzival is shown to his chamber.
The unbroken hermit life is a coolingrefreshment (refrigerium); but, if interrupted, it seems a torment.
No true refreshment can restore thee, Save what from thine own soul spontaneous breaks.
The caller will chat for a few minutes, take a cup of tea, coffee or chocolate offered her, with a biscuit, sandwich or piece of cake, or decline all refreshment if she prefers.
It was a refreshment to the eye after the great and austere spaces among which we had been dwelling, repose to the spirit after the alert and dangerous lands.
Herbert Spencer brought us a cold lunch, and we sat down to rest and refreshment before tackling the range.
Napoleon found it necessary to halt at Lyons for the refreshment of his forces; and, being joined by some of the civilians of his party, he needed time also to organise his government and administration.
Man's intellect, craving substantial nourishment, and thirsting for refreshment which nothing but the water of life can supply, vibrates between ritualism and skepticism in our day.
You've year by year shown no desire to honour us with your presence, but tarry a bit on this occasion and partake of some refreshment before you cross over.
Pao-yĆ¼ hurriedly swallowed some refreshment and so did Pei Ming; after which, they mounted their steeds and retraced their steps homewards, by the road they had come.
Smoking saloons" are noted as a novelty on the Eastern Counties Railway during the year 1846, but in the same year to Punch belongs the credit of suggesting refreshment cars, and indulging in a pictorial forecast of underground railways.
The mother kept silence now, and let her daughter softly weep on her neck; to both, after this drought of the soul, the draught of love was refreshment and medicine.
Dervish became a soothsayer for life, and I dare say is now hearing more musketry than ever will be fired, to the great refreshment of the Arnaouts of Berat and his native mountains.
She immediately withdrew from the casement, and, though much agitated, sought in sleep the refreshment of a short oblivion.
It was published on the premises now occupied as Nock's refreshment bar, in Union Passage.
The refreshmentcontractors were advised of the vastly increased number of hungry customers they might expect.
It was the only "refreshment room" upon the line, and people used to crowd his little shanty, clamouring loudly for supplies.
Christian was so cold when we had finished our investigations, that he determined to take his second refreshment en route, and, moreover, time was getting rather short.
He explained that he would rather take two small refreshments, one here and one at the Schafloch, than one large refreshment at the cave; so we propped ourselves on the grass, and tapped the hotte.
The act of consoling; the state of being consoled; allevation of misery or distress of mind; refreshment of spirit; comfort; that which consoles or comforts the spirit.
Watteau created a dream country of his own, in which a tired humanity has delighted ever since, in which all serious thoughts are far away and the mind takesrefreshment in the contemplation of delightful things.
Refreshment is prepared for you: my horses will take you the first stage.
But quickly my will proved more than my strength; having little or no refreshment my strength failed, and my spirits were almost quite gone.
But going out to see what I could find, and walking among the trees, I found six acorns and two chestnuts, which were some refreshment to me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "refreshment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.