However, I gave the blackened brass knocker a ceremonious rap or two, and I could have told by the sound of it, if in no other way, that there was nobody at home.
The knocker used to be so bright that it shone at you, and caught your eye bewilderingly, as you came in from the street on a sunshiny day.
The morning after we reached Deephaven we were busy up stairs, and there was a determined blow at the knocker of the front door.
Sometimes she don't have sense enough to know what the knocker means," we were told.
Now the knocker sounds or the bell rings without note or warning, and the village housekeeper cannot see who is coming in until they have already reached the door.
Up the flowered path, the gypsy children went, but, though Nan fearlessly lifted the heavy wrought iron knocker on the door nearest the garden and on the one at the side, there was no response.
Robert Widdemere lifted the heavy iron knocker of the Barrington home about nine o'clock.
Please--" she whispered, but already Penny had thumped the lion's head knocker against the brass plate.
I guess my shop-door had a big knocker on it, all shiny like Mr. Beebeās.
Sometimes it is only a century-old door knocker or an ancient vine-covered wall--but it is a breath from the gracious past.
It is a modest but a charming little red-brick house with a brass knocker and an air of unpretentious, small-scale prosperity.
This knocker is placed on the door with wrought iron nails, one in each corner.
The length of the knocker ring before it is bent is about 15 ins.
Since the door knocker fastens on to the door, the bolt should go through and fasten on the inside with a washer and nut.
The sketch shows a simple projection for the knocker to strike on.
The bolts that hold the knocker are riveted flush to the back of the plate.
Knocker: The knocker is made in the same way as the knockerwas made in the first design.
The two small pins on the end of the knocker are now made 1/4 in.
The bolt is pushed through the escutcheon plate, then the knocker is ready to be placed on the door.
In the first design the knocker itself is made of round iron and twisted to form part of the design.
There was an old and heavy knocker on the door, and a huge bell-pull.
Just as he spoke there came a double knock at the house door, yet heavy and dull, as though the knocker had been tied up,--more like a puff than a knock.
The knocker on the front door was so bright that Pompey could see his own white teeth and rolling eyeballs reflected from the shining brass.
Entering a small yard, he rattled the knocker on the door.
Once more the knocker rattled, and the lieutenant entered.
Mark Antony, the following afternoon, wondered what the soldier who was rattling the knocker on the front door might want.
One of the soldiers, obedient to Talbot's order, used the knocker of the door, and after repeating the action twice and thrice and receiving no response, broke the lock with the butt of his rifle.
There it came again very hard, and what was particularly astounding theknocker seemed to be in a hurry, and not to be in the least afraid of the consequences.
Just as he spoke there came a double knock at the house door, yet heavy and dull, as though the knocker had been tied up.
All day long the knocker fell with brutal emphasis upon the doors of Portsea Place and brought her nothing.
But she did not ring, nor did she touch the circlet the brass lion of a knocker held obligingly in his mouth.
Once that afternoon the great brass knocker on the front door fell, and Mary Nellen answered and came to Lydia to say a gentleman was there.
But now she was letting the knocker fall on Esther's door, and had asked the discreet maid with the light eyelashes, who always somehow had an air of secret knowledge and amusement, if Madame Beattie were at home, and gave her name.
Now she did go up the steps and having rung the bell for her, ignoring the grim knocker that looked as if it would take more than one summons to get past its guard, Jeff told the man to drive back for Mr. Moore.
After they had said good-night, and the colonel, indeed, was in his bed, she heard the knocker clang and slipped down the stairs to answer.
Despite the obstructing wind, he had never run so swiftly, and the resounding whack he gave the Maitland knockerstartled all within the house.
The knocker clanged again, and Mrs. Wray, Miss Janney, Larry Berkely, and Cortland Bent came in.
Courage, courage," she murmured; and quickly laying hold of the knocker again, she smote thrice upon the panel and listened.
As she raised theknocker her resolution almost gave way.
The heavy ironknocker on the front door resounded clamorously.
They went forward, now less impetuously, for it was very black; and the knocker had fallen still.
Isn't it delicious having our very own Maryland knocker on the door again!
The heavy burnished knocker caught the candle gleam, and she laid her hot forehead against the cool brass.
And as for Jerusha, she wasted half her mornings brightening up Ethan's knocker on the front door, and the rest of the time she was making cinnamon rolls.
It was over this business of the knocker that Ethan made friends with Aunt Jerusha.
And that morning in the attic came back to him when, as a child, he glowed with excitement and pride to find the old brass knocker bearing his own name.
Turning over a lot of ancient rubbish in a box one day, he came across a heavy old brass door-knocker with "E.
Tooby suah I ain't disremember dat ar knocker o' yourn--not oncet in twenty yeah.
A loud resounding blow upon the knocker made them start apart.
A score of dirty hands were raised directly to knock for him, and seldom has a knocker of equal powers been made to produce more deafening sounds than this particular engine on the occasion in question.
The knocker itself was there till 1890, when the College recovered the relic (it now hangs in the hall).
He was wrong; the time was past for that; Mary was now maniacally awake; she began now to ring the bell and to ply the knocker with unintermitting violence.
He had not left more than five minutes when a soft and elaborate rat-tat from the little brass knocker brought my heart into my mouth.
A sharp rap of the knocker announced the arrival of the disturber of my peace, and when I opened the door Anstey walked in with the air of a man to whom an hour more or less is of no consequence whatever.
At this moment the little brass knocker on the inner door--the outer oak being open--uttered a timid and apologetic rat-tat.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knocker" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.