Geld vnder the dame, within fornight at least: and saue both thy money, and life of the beast.
Weane no time thy calfe, vnder xl daies olde: and lay for to saue it, as thou sauest golde.
The next keepe vnder sir hobbard de hoy, 28 The next a man no longer a boy.
Goe then; goe, gloriovs on the golden wings Of the bright youth of Heau'n, that sings 40 Vnder so sweet a burthen.
My poor Alexis, then, in peacefull life Had vnder some low roofe lou'd his plain wife; But now, ah me!
And the angell of the LORde sayde vnto her: returne to thy mastresse agayne/ & submytte thy selfe vnder her handes.
Than dyed Debora Rebeccas norse/ and was buryed benethe Bethell vnder an ooke.
And that me thought it shuld here best signifye in as moch as he had the oversight of the kinges preson and the kinges presoners were they neuer so great m[~e] were vnder his custodye.
Than God made the fyrmament and parted the waters which were vnder the fyrmament/ from the waters that were above the fyrmament: And it was so.
Vnder what maner therfore shuld I now submitte this boke to be corrected and amended of them/ which can suffer nothinge to be well?
And toke a stone of the place/ and put it vnder his heade/ and layde him downe in the same place to slepe.
Let a litle water be fett/ & wash youre fete/ and rest youre selves vnder the tree: And I will fett a morsell of breed/ to comforte youre hartes wythall.
And Iacob stode vp early in the mornynge and toke the stone that he had layde vnder his heade/ and pitched it vp an ende and poured oyle on the topp of it.
And he sayde vnto him: my lorde knoweth that I haue tendre childern/ ewes and kyne with yonge vnder myne hande/ which yf men shulde ouerdryue but euen one daye/ the hole flocke wolde dye.
And God sayd/ let the water bryng forth creatures that move & have lyfe/ & foules for to flee over the erth vnder the fyrmament of heaven.
If the places differ only in Longitude, and lie both vnder one paralell of latitude the difference of longitude turned into miles proportionably accordinge to the latitude of the paralell, giues the true distance.
By measuring North or South, vnder one Meridian some good quantity of ground, threescore or an hundred miles (or two for the more certainty) for in those petty observations of small distances there can be no certaine working.
But vnder one name both are comprised, as they are now mingled one with another and doe both together make vp one entire and round body.
Vnder the Aequator the day is alwayes twelue houres longe, but as you goe from it towards the Pole, the Day lengthens still till it comes to a day halfe a yeare long.
Another vpon the surface of the earth passing through your feete just vnder the Sunne, and so compassing the earth round till it meete at your feete againe, and these are Meridians answering one to another.
Further this must be noted, that all circles on the earth haue the like opposite vnto them conceaved to be the Heavenes, vnder which they are directly scituated.
Earth} Both containe vnder them more particular {Water} parts to be knowne.
But Ionas gatt him vnder the hatches & layed him downe and slombrede.
A witch, haue I not forewarned her my house, Alas we are simple we, we know not what Is brought to passe vnder the colour of fortune-Telling.
By Ieshu I verily thinke she is a witch indeed, I espied vnder her mufler a great beard.
I be God that I vill, come cut and long taile, as good as any is in Glostershire, vnder the degree of a Squire.
It will be light (my Lord) that you may beare it Vnder a cloake, that is of any length Duk.
Already haue I bin false to Valentine, And now I must be as vniust to Thurio, Vnder the colour of commending him, I haue accesse my owne loue to prefer.
This kyngdome is so large, that vnder fyue monethes you are not able to traueyle from the townes by the sea syde to the court and backe agayne, no not vnder three monethes in poste at your vrgent businesse.
The sons of the Tartarians do very much obserue and keepe the commandement in obeying their parents, for that they doo wholly accomplish the same without failing any iot of their will, vnder paine to be seuerly and publikelie punished.
VNDER THE TITLE OF YOURE Annotacions and Corrections.
Lay hands on the villaine, I beleeue a meanes to cosen some bodie in this Citie vnder my countenance.
The best is that which begins, Venus, and yong Adonis sitting by her, Vnder a myrtle shade began to woe him She told the yongling, &c.
Moreouer, the king in the west part of Wales built at the same time a castle at Lamperdeuaur, to keepe vnder the rebellious attempts of the Welshmen.
Andrews and Glasco, to the lords Iohn Comin, and Iames Steward, who had put him in possession, so that vnder him they held the same, in maner as they had doone before.
These two letters the king of England sent vnder his priuie seale vnto diuerse monasteries within his realme, in the 19 yeere of his reigne, that in perpetuall memorie of the thing thus passed, it might be registred in their chronicles.
Moreouer, about this season king Edward builded the castell of Flint, and fortified the castell of Rutland and others, placing garrisons of Englishmen in the same to defend the countrie, and to keepe the Welshmen vnder obedience.
Caytiffe, to peeces shake That vnder couert, and conuenient seeming Ha's practis'd on mans life.
How in one house Should many people, vnder two commands Hold amity?
This villaine of mine comes vnder the prediction; there's Son against Father, the King fals from byas of Nature, there's Father against Childe.
Sir, in good faith, in sincere verity, Vnder th' allowance of your great aspect, Whose influence like the wreath of radient fire On flickring Phoebus front Corn.
Approach thou Beacon to this vnder Globe, That by thy comfortable Beames I may Peruse this Letter.
Which way soeuer the book bee opened, two written sides offer themselues to the view, two pages appeare and as many lye vnder, vnlesse you stretch them in length: for there are many leaues ioyned together vnderone leafe.
Vnder ðiſ munt he funden ſteden, And here teldes ðor he deden.
And this collection passing vnder the name of an almes, was extended vpon the goods as well of the spirituall men as temporall.
The canapie vnder the which he went was borne vp also by foure earles, Norffolke, Lislewight, Salisburie, and Ferrers.
These agréements were ratified and confirmed with solemne oths receiued, and charters giuen vnder their hands and seales, vpon the 30.
His page that had the Dutch toong, going about the towne to change gold, and buy vittels, bewraied him, hauing by chance the kings gloues vnder his girdle: wherevpon comming to be examined for feare of tortures confessed the truth.
He gaue commandement also, that it should be lawful to the forresters to take and put vnder arrest, as well préests and those of the cleargie, as temporall men, being found offendors in forrest grounds and chases.
Also the castell of Lancaster was deliuered to him, the which the same archbishops brother had in kéeping vnder earle John, [Sidenote: S.
About the same time the archbishop of Rouen put all the countrie of Normandie vnder sentence of interdiction, [Sidenote: Normandie interdicted by y^e archbishop of Rouen.
On his left hand sat the Earle of Argyle Justice, with his deputye Syr John Campbell of Lundy vnder his feete.
After whom succeded Dauid Beton in the same Archbyshopprike, vnder whom diuers other were also martyred, as hereafter (God willyng) in their order shall appeare.
And thus much touchyng those Martyrs of Scotland, whiche sufferedvnder James Beton, Archbishop of S.
Printed by Thomas Creed, for Thomas Millington, and are to be sold at his Shop vnder Saint Peters Church in Cornwall.
I for the field is honourable, for he was borne [dam031] Vnder a hedge, for his father had no house but the Cage.
Alarmes to the battaile, and then enter the Duke of Somerset and Richard fighting, and Richard kils him vnder the signe of the Castle in saint Albones.
I haue Madame, and they haue promised me to raise a Spirite from depth of vnder grounde, that shall tell your [dab057] grace all questions you demaund.
The swelland swyrl vphesyt ws til hevyn; Syne wald the waw swak ws doun ful evyn, 30 As it apperit, vnder the sey to hell.
And, wyth that word, als tyte furth from the bra 5 Ilk barge bownys, cuttyand hir cabyll in twa; Lyke delphyn fysch onon as thai tuke kepe, Thar snowtis dowkand held vnder the deip.
Quhou mony sonnys and deir childryn, said he, Of goddis kyn, vnder Troy wallys hie War done to ded, and brytnyt blude and bone!
Nane other wys the Troiane hostis in feild, And Latyn rowtis ȝokkit vnder scheild, 30 Metys in the melle: jonyt sammyn than Thai fewtyr fut to fut, and man to man.
Antechriste therefore he must be, that vnder whatsoeuer colour woulde geue contrary precept or counsayle to that whiche Christe dyd geue vnto vs.
But it would warme his spirits To heare from me you had left Anthony, And put your selfe vnder his shrowd, the vniuersal Landlord Cleo.
List, list 2 Hearke 1 Musicke i'th' Ayre 3 Vnder the earth 4 It signes well, do's it not?
THe Athenians brought vnder the thraldome of the Lacedemonians, soughte meanes to growe mightie, and to pull them from the yoke, vnder the Lacedemonians.
It is a worthie saiyng, and meete for the Maiestie of a Prince, to acknowledge hymself vnder his lawe.
What nacion vnder the Sunne, hath not heard of that mightie Monarchie of Grece: of their migh- tie citees, and pollitike gouernaunce.
The terrible sentence of a law executed, vpon moste wicked persones, doe kepe vnder many a mischiuous enterprise, whiche through the dolefull and la- mentable ende of the wicked, doe driue and force all other to all godlines.
Els many mischiues might rise in all kyngdomes and common wealthes, vnder a colour of lawe, many a honeste persone murthered: and many a murtherer, by cloke of a Lawe, from daunger saued.
Lazar vnder the gallow tree was a pretty man & small, 204 the Lazar vnder the gallow tree was made steward in King Henerys hall.
Sir Andrew hee shott then; hee made sure to hitt his marke; vnder the spole of his right arme hee smote Sir Andrew quite throw the hart.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vnder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.