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Example sentences for "fealtie"

Lexicographically close words:
faze; fazenda; fazer; feal; feale; fealty; fear; feard; feare; feared
  1. Shortlie after, calling togither aswell lords spirituall as temporall he caused them, all to sweare fealtie to him and his heires after him in the possession of this kingdome.

  2. After this, resorted dailie to the king, of the Normans, people of all sorts and degrees, to sweare to him fealtie and homage.

  3. That the said duke, after the deceasse of king Charles, should take an oth of fealtie to be true to K.

  4. And in this state stode this passionate Louer a longe time, tormented with the exceeding hote Loue and fealtie that he bare her.

  5. And the aforesaid iustice William Thirning, in name of the other, and for all the states of the land, renounced vnto the said Richard late king, all homage and fealtie vnto him before time due, in maner and forme as apperteined.

  6. In the two and twentith yeare of the reigne of king Henrie the second, Gilbert sonne of Ferguse prince of Galwaie, did homage and fealtie to the said king Henrie, and left Dunecan his sonne in hostage for conseruation of his peace.

  7. In the yeare of our Lord 1185, in the moneth of August, at Cairleill, Rouland Talmant lord of Galwaie, did homage and fealtie to the said king Henrie with all that held of him.

  8. All the nobles and gentlemen of Scotland also repaired to Berwike, and did homage and fealtie to king Edward, there becomming his subiects.

  9. The words of fealtie made by king Iohn to the pope.

  10. There were twentie of the cheefest rulers within Ireland, which came to the king at his comming to Dublin, and there did to him homage and fealtie as apperteined.

  11. Sidenote: The Flemings swere fealtie to the king of England.

  12. For first, he released to the Scots their fealtie and homage.

  13. At length Arthur wearied with irkesomnes, after the twelfth yéere of the comming of Cerdicus, gaue vnto him vpon his homage doone and fealtie receiued, the shires of Southampton and Somerset, the which countries Cerdicius named Westsaxon.

  14. Cnute, bicause they had aforetime sworne fealtie to his father.

  15. Vnto his brother Iohn he assigned the crowne of England, and all other his lands and dominions, causing the Nobles there present to sweare fealtie vnto him.

  16. Sidenote: Rice ap Thomas sweareth fealtie and seruice to the earle of Richmond.

  17. And these persons, to whome such gifts and assignations were made, receiued othes of fealtie to beare their allegiance vnto him and to his sonne for those lands and possessions in Ireland, in maner and forme as was requisite.

  18. And furthermore, the said earle would, that immediatlie (when it pleased the king of England) his people should doo homage and fealtie to the king of Englands sonne, reseruing the fealtie due to him so long as he liued.

  19. Then did the king receiue the fealtie and homages of all the barons and knights of the countrie of March, after he had satisfied, contented, and paid the monie vnto the earle according to the couenants.

  20. Peters church, the king granted further by his letters patents, that he and his successours kings of Scotland, should doo homage and fealtie to the kings of England, so often as they should be necessarilie required therevnto.

  21. And afterwards the same Geffrey went into Britaine, and at Rheines receiued the homage and fealtie of the lords and barons of that countrie.

  22. Wherevnto the archbishop answered: "For what cause ought I to confirme my fealtie vnto him by oth?

  23. Englands liege men, swearing fealtie to him against all men.

  24. Thankes Noble Titus, Father of my life, How proud I am of thee, and of thy gifts Rome shall record, and when I do forget The least of these vnspeakable Deserts, Romans forget your Fealtie to me Tit.

  25. And Madam, you must call him Rutland now: I am in Parliament pledge for his truth, And lasting fealtie to the new-made King Dut.

  26. The homage or fealtie of the nobles of Scotland was expressed in words as followeth.

  27. The forme of the fealtie of Iohn Balioll king of Scots to the king of England in protestation.

  28. And after the archbishop had doone his fealtie to the king, accordinglie as of dutie and custome he was bound, he was licenced to returne with great honour shewed vnto him at the kings hands.

  29. Scotland, on the twentith day of Nouember, in the castell of Norham, did fealtie to king Edward for the kingdome of Scotland, in maner as followeth.

  30. Sidenote: The Scotish king renounceth his homage and fealtie vnto the king of England.

  31. The lord William de Saintclare, and William de Bomille, were appointed to receiue fealtie of the bishop of Whitterne, and then the said bishop with them to receiue the fealties of all the inhabitants of Gallowaie.

  32. Also Edgar king of England vanquished Kineth the son of Alpine king of Scotland, who sware fealtie to him.

  33. The earles and barons that belong to the duke, which were neuer my leeges, for the honour which I haue done to their master, they haue now doone homage and sworne fealtie to me, the couenants betwixt me & the said duke alwaies saued.

  34. The Scotish chronicles set out the matter in other order, but yet all agrée that Henrie sweare fealtie to king Stephan, as in the said historie of Scotland you may sée more at large.

  35. There was also consideration had of a sonne which king Stephan had, named William, who though he were verie yoong, was yet appointed to sweare fealtie vnto duke Henrie as lawfull heire to the crowne.

  36. Stephans day, by William archbishop of Canturburie, the most part of the Nobles of the realme being present, and swearing fealtie vnto him, as to their true and lawfull souereigne.

  37. As this cardinall passed through England, he receiued an oth of fealtie vnto king Stephan.

  38. The other which had before doone homage to me, haue sworne fealtie to me as to their souereigne lord.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fealtie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.