That man of hers, Pisanio, her old Seruant I haue not seene these two dayes.
Why, I must dye: And if I do not by thy hand, thou art No Seruant of thy Masters.
Oh Pisanio, Euery good Seruant do's not all Commands: No Bond, but to do iust ones.
O sir, your presence is too bold and peremptory, And Maiestie might neuer yet endure The moody Frontier of a seruant brow, You haue good leaue to leaue vs.
Your honours most humble and faithfullseruant for euer, William Malim.
We were out vpon this voyage eleuen moneths, yet in all this time there died of sicknesse but one man, whose name was George Forrest, being seruant to our Carpenter called Thomas Plummer.
The Queenes Commission vnder the great seale, to her seruant master William Hareborne, to be her maiesties Ambassadour or Agent, in the partes of Turkie.
And diuers other things the seruant sayd of his master, of the which I haue spoken part before at the beginning, and of the warning that he gaue to the great Turke for to come.
It fares not by fathers as by masters it doeth fare, For a foolish father may get a wise sonne, But of a foolish master it haps very rare Is bread a wise seruant where euer he wonne.
And with that he caused his seruantto looke vnder the beddes, and in euery corner.
Morleis seruant seeing these men so earnest therein offered himselfe to be pledge, and we let him goe for two of them, one whereof had his waights and scales, and a chaine of golde aboute his necke, and another about his arme.
Cape an Englishman and seruant to the forenamed Rich.
He loued Isse for his dearest Dame, 2 And for her sake her cattell fed a while, And for her sake a cowheard vile became, 4 The seruant of Admetus cowheard vile, Whiles that from heauen he suffered exile.
Drinke seruant Monster when I bid thee, thy eies are almost set in thy head Trin.
If you will not murther me for my loue, let mee be your seruant Seb.
A seruant onely, and a Gentleman: which I haue sometime knowne La.
English Iohn Talbot (Captaines) call you forth, Seruant in Armes to Harry King of England, And thus he would.
The same: yourSeruant Kent, Where is your Seruant Caius?
This trustie Seruant Shall passe betweene vs: ere long you are like to heare (If you dare venture in your owne behalfe) A Mistresses command.
Not so, sweet Lady, but too meane a seruant To haue a looke of such a worthy a Mistresse Val.
Flaminius waiting to speake with a Lord from his Master, enters a seruant to him.
Know, good Mother, I had rather be their seruant in my way, Then sway with them in theirs Com.
Gregorie the seruant of Gods servants, to the seruants of our Lord.
Hauing receiued O Lord God these holie mysteries, we humblie beséech thée that the participation of this sacrament may rid vs of our guiltinesse, and in this thy seruant set foorth the truth.
Enter a third seruant with Sempronius, another of Timons Friends.
An honest youth, not many yeares since, seruant in this City, had leaue of his master at whitsontide to see his friends, who dwelt some fifty miles from London.
By and by, this seruant thiefe casteth the cloke that he caried on his arme about this poore mans face, that he should not marke or vew them, with sharpe words to delyuer quicly that he had, and to confesse truly what was in his purse.
My trustie seruant well approu'd in all, Heere let vs breath, and haply institute A course of Learning, and ingenious studies.
Well, was it fit for a seruant to vse his master so, being perhaps (for ought I see) two and thirty, a peepe out?
By your true seruant to my liues end, Henrie Winchester.
In the same yeare also, a certeine armourer was appeached of treason by a seruant of his owne.
And hereupon we haue giuen order, that wheresoeuer your faithful seruant Hugh Willoughbie land or touch in our dominions, to be wel entertained, who as yet is not arriued, as your seruant Richard can declare.
Certaine notes vnperfectly written by Richard Iohnson seruant to Master Richard Chancelour, which was in the discouerie of Vaigatz and Noua Zembla, with Steuen Burrowe in the Serchthrift 1556.
And as we, wrote vnto you in our shippes, hee is our seruant for yeares: And for that we know him to be honest, true and painefull, our mind is he shalbe placed where he may do best seruice.
Wee send you Thomas Hawtrey which is ourseruant for yeeres: our minde is he should be placed, where he may doe best seruice.
Iohn Dauis, helde after hee had sent them from him to discouer the passage betweene Groenland and Island, written by Henry Morgan seruant to M.
Nowel seruant to Sir William Cecil, lord Burleigh, and lord high treasurer of England, wherein there is described a Nauigation which one Ochther made, in the time of king Alfred, king of Westsaxe Anno 871.
Thy humble seruant vowes obedience, And humble seruice, till the point of death King.
And he is yours, and his must needs be yours: Your seruants seruant, is your seruant Madam Ol.
Twas neuer merry world, Since lowly feigning was call'd complement: Y'are seruant to the Count Orsino youth Vio.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seruant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.