Certes I was not in my lyfe tyll hyther So full of joye, that doth in my herte inspyre: Wedded folke have tyme at theyr desyre.
But let stil Silence trew night-watches keepe, That sacred Peace may in assurance rayne, And tymely Sleep, when it is tyme to sleepe, 355 May poure his limbs forth on your pleasant playne.
And som tyme have we might on bothe two, That is to say of body and soule eeke And som tyme be we suffred for to seeke Upon a man and don his soule unrest And not his body, and al is for the best.
And som tyme we ben servaunt unto man As to the Erchebisschop Saynt Dunstan; And to the Apostolis servaunt was I.
And som tyme at our prayer, have we leve Only the body and not the soule greve; Witnesse on Job, whom we didde ful wo.
The night of it was the most Dismall tyme that ever I knew or heard off, for the wind and rain raised soe Confused a noise, mixt with the continuall Cracks of falling houses.
Butt after ye yeare 1647, since yt tyme wee Conceive & have found that ye taxes were very weightie.
Wee," they protested, "the Inhabitants of Northampton Countie doe complanye that from tyme to tyme wee have been submitted & bine obedient unto the paymt of publeq taxacons.
When, however, the ladies were removed, "upon a Signall given from ye Towne the Shipps fire their Great Guns and at the same tyme they let fly their small-Shott from the Palaisadoes.
P] Some tyme they counterfet the seale of the Admiraltie.
Neither stripes nor teachinges in tyme could conuert, wherefore an ensample let me to you be, And all that be present, nowe praye you for me.
Yea, if it fortune any of these vpright men to be taken, either suspected, or charged with fellony or petye brybrye, don at such a tyme or such a place, he wyll saye he was in his hostes house.
They bowle and bowse one to another, and for the tyme bousing belly chere.
I founde, by her talke, that shee hadde passed her tyme lewdlye eyghttene yeares in walkinge aboute.
With this exhortation, that he shoulde from that tyme forth knowe his wyfe from other mens, and that this punishment was but a flebyting in respect of that which should followe, yf he amended not his manners.
I had of late yeares an old man to my tennant, who customably {a greate tyme went twise in the weeke to London, eyther wyth fruite or with pescodes, when tyme serued therefore.
I give to every one of their sonnes and daughters who shal be living at the tyme of my decease one gold ring, and one hundred pounds a peece.
To William Clopton, 'the jemews and the rynges of sylvir, therin wretyn Grace me governe, for a tookne he vowchesaf in tyme comyng to shewe his good maistershepe to my wil.
They accused him of having declined to church one Mrs. Buckley "when she came to church and sate there all the tyme of dyvine service, because she was not attyred wi^th an hanginge kerchief.
I trust; not with standyng I suppose lerned men wyll not be easy for to gete be cause of this besy tyme of hervest.
Item, the last tyme that I spake with hyr she mad suche a petows mone and seyd that she wost ner howe to do for mony, and so I lent vjs.
Also afore that tyme in the Kynges grete necessite ageyn the coronacion of the Quene, at his forseid commaundement, the somme of Cli.
And of yowr goode wyll and favour herynne I pray yow to late me have wetyng, and I schall be redy to wayte on yow at ony tyme and place wher ye wull assyne.
No more to you at this tyme, but I pray you send this lettyr to my Maistresse Paston, when ye have sene hit; preyng you to remembre my systir Margrete ageyne the tyme that she shal be made nonne.
And there he seyd more tymes than one, 'Sire, this the fyrst tymethat ever I spake with zour Lordschip, &c.
Item, cosyn, I pray yow when ye seetyme that my Lord of Caunterbury[9.
Writan in my slepyng tyme at after none, on Wytsonday.
In the tyme of supper she reciteth the lecture that was had at dynner to those that be in her presence.
My tyme biddes me hastene to an ende, and soe I comitt thys (to) yowr care, and hope of yowr helpe.
There, in defaulte of anie cage, he did putte the chylde into an olde Cabynett, that afore tyme stode longe there, and dyd give hym mete and drynke.
But the chylde sayd, 'Ye will curse the tyme ye put me forth;' and with those wordes vanyshed the chylde away, and was neuer sene a geyne.
In another contemporary letter it is stated that "in that tyme when that Mres Fytton was in great fauor .
And the seconde tyme we came to New Colege, affter we trade declarede your injunctions, we fownde all the gret quadrant court full of the leiffes of Dunce, the wynde blowyng them into evere corner.
I know a merchant man which shall at thys tyme be namelesse, that boughte the contentes of two noble lybraryes for xl shyllynges pryce, a shame it is to be spoken.
Ascham avers that "in our fathers tyme nothing was red, but bookes of fayned cheualrie, wherein a man by redinge, shuld be led to none other ende, but onely to manslaughter and baudrye.
Also m{u}ltiplie 1 be 1, as on tyme on þat is but 1.
Aulmosne y est bien employe, Almesse is there well bestowed, 8 Car au temps quelle veoit For the tyme that she sawe Elle eust enuys demande; She had not gladly axed; Si que cest pite de elle.
Vous aues bien vo temps “Ye haue well your tyme Qui si longement That so longe Estes in solas.
Il achate a temps et a heure, He byeth intyme and at hour, 32 Si quil na point So that he hath not Du chier marchiet.
Dioclesian the Emperour, beginning, "Sum tyme ther was a noble man.
Blackfurde, to be ye principal kirk of ye said parochin of Strageath in all tyme cuming, and ordanis the haill parochoneris thairoff to resort thairto and ressave the benefit of ye kirk thairat.
The tyme eke that chaungith all, And all doth waxe and fostered be, And alle thing distroieth he.
The tyme that may not sojourne But goth, and may never returne, As water that down renneth ay, But never drope retourne may.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tyme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.