Neuertheles to satisfie the re- ders mynde / & to alleuiate the tediousnes of serchynge these places / I wyll open the maner and facion of the handelyng of the theme aforsayd as playnly as I can / after the preceptes of Logike.
But for more of this you may resort vnto Bouchet in his first booke, and fift chapter of the Annales of Aquitane, who neuertheles maketh the king of Britaine grandfather to this Lucion.
Neuertheles it séemeth by our owne experience that we here in England suppose them altogither vnnéedfull.
This neuertheles is certeine that both aliue and dead, yea euen hir verie oile is a deadlie terrour to such fish as come within the wind of it.
More: who, being most vnlike vnto him, in wit and learnyng, neuertheles in wearing his gowne awrye vpon the one shoulder, as Syr Tho.
Who deserue by common mens opinion, small commendacion, for any cunning saling at all, yet neuertheles in those bookes of Varro good and necessarie stuffe, for that meane kinde of Argument, be verie well and learnedlie gathered togither.
In the plane feild on thar famen to set, Ȝit neuertheles thar portis haue thai schet, 10 Fortill obey the command of Enee; On boss turrettis and on towris hie Enarmyt stude thar fays till abyde.
Neuertheles it seemeth by our owne experience that we here in England suppose them altogither vnneedfull.
And one notable meane to affect the minde, is to inforce the sence of any thing by a word of more than ordinary efficacie, and neuertheles is not apparant, but as it were, secretly implyed, as he that laid thus of a faire Lady.
I haue seene them neuertheles vpon many honorable tombes of these late times erected, which doe rather disgrace then honour either the matter or maker.
It was told me that of ancient time in this country had bin many kings, and though presently it were al vnder one, ech kingdom neuertheles enioyed that name it first had, these kingdomes are the prouinces I spake of before.
Yet neuertheles I could not so bridle and suppresse my amorous inflamed sighes, or so closely couer them, but that they would needs expresse my inward desire.
Neuertheles we doubt not but you woll both conforme your owne mynde to fynde out the good order whiche we haue therin determyned and cause other by your good meane to perceyve the same.
Neuertheles nowe of Late (to me no litle mervaile) the saide presedent when I desired hym to accomplishe his saide promesse, alledged for his excuse that the goode willes of the saide felowes coulde not in that behalf be opteyned.
Neuertheles if your lordshippe woll haue me eftsones to travail in it I shall doo asmoche more therin as your self shall at your cummyng thinke mete for me.
Godd did reproue the sacrifices / which theyneuertheles did partake without synne.
But these sacrificers / lyke men that can do mutch more then Paule / they do come with a straunge tong / which the congregacion vnderstondeth not / and yet neuertheles they bragge that they do muche profite the congregaciõ.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neuertheles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.