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Example sentences for "neuerthelesse"

Lexicographically close words:
neuen; neuer; neuere; neueren; neuertheles; neuesten; neuir; neuk; neunzehnten; neural
  1. There escaped none except one Welshman or Britaine, an hostage, who was neuerthelesse sore wounded and hurt.

  2. But neuerthelesse this Hasting was euer most vntrue of word and déed, he builded a castle at Beamfield.

  3. Neuerthelesse he forbade her to speake vnto hym except it were in the presence of many.

  4. Neuerthelesse they wer desirous to know the troth, and expected oportunitie somtime to dissolue that doubt.

  5. Neuerthelesse shee warned him, after that time, to moue no such matter, which he promised, because he would not lose his pleasure, and the honour that hee conceyued to entertaine her.

  6. Neuerthelesse minded to abyde and suffer al Fortune, he gaue him selfe to the pastime of huntinge of Deere, runninge of the wylde Bore, and flying of the Hauke.

  7. Neuerthelesse they neuer left working till they had brought it to the brimmes of the ditches: and when it was there, they raised it higher and higher in strengthning it behind.

  8. Neuerthelesse I wan them to goe all with me, except three which I set on land, and with all diligence I was readie to set foorth about eight of the clocke at night, being a faire moone shine night, and went out.

  9. Neuerthelesse there was no sword drawen, and in that respect promise was kept.

  10. Neuerthelesse notwithstanding all our diligence and truaille, wee were neuer able fully to repaire it by reason of the stormes which commonly did vs so great annoy, that wee could not finish our inclosure.

  11. Neuerthelesse albeit hitherto the successe hath not answered our expectation through our owne default, as is abouesaid, yet I was very willing to set downe in briefe and homely stile some mention of these three voyages of our owne men.

  12. Neuerthelesse that order was not obserued, neither was the bond taken according to the intention aforesaid.

  13. Neuerthelesse returning againe to (M511) their former practise they sought all meanes to entrap me, hoping to cry quittance for the imprisonment of their king if they might haue gotten the victorie of me.

  14. Neuerthelesse in the end they were constrained to forget their superstitions, and to apply themselues to our nature, which was somewhat strange vnto them at the first.

  15. The best neuerthelesse in this, as in all actions besides, is to be endeuoured and hoped, and of the worst that may happen notice to be taken with consideration, and as much as may be eschewed.

  16. Neuerthelesse by his letters dated at Rutland, on the said eleuenth of the said month of Nouember, it is euident that he receiued of the said Leolin the summe of two thousand marks sterling, by the hands of Thomas Beke keeper of his wardrobe.

  17. The cheefest of them was Robert erle of Ferrers, who neuerthelesse was restored to his lands, but yet with condition, that if afterwards he fell into the like crime, he should forfeit his earldome for euer.

  18. Neuerthelesse yf the woma will not agree to come with the than shalt thou be with out daunger of this ooth.

  19. Neuerthelesse thou shalt goo vnto thi fathers in peace/ ad shalt be buried when thou art of a good age: ad in the fourth generation they shall come hyther agayne/ for the wekednesse of the Amorites ys not yet full.

  20. Spaniardes & yet at length ouercome: neuerthelesse after all this broyle, they were most greatest friends.

  21. The day followyng came Cortes at the houre appoynted, with many of his men armed, but the king came not: neuerthelesse he sente fiue noble men to treate of the matter, excusing the kyng, saying he was not well at ease.

  22. For the causes alone, why he suffereth the souldiers to fail in batel, whome neuerthelesse he commandeth to fight as somtimes did Israel fighting against Beniamin.

  23. So neuerthelesse as it may be vnderstood, it is by the figure metonymia, or misnamer.

  24. Neuerthelesse in the vse of a garment many occasions alter the decencies, sometimes the qualities of the person, sometimes of the case, otherwise the countrie custome, and often the constitution of lawes, and the very nature of vse it selfe.

  25. Which neuerthelesse did not so preuaile, but that the ryming Poesie of the Barbarians remained still in his reputation, that one in the schole, this other in Courts of Princes more ordinary and allowable.

  26. Thomas Alcocke is desirous to be in the Mosco: neuerthelesse you shall find him reasonable to serue where he may doe most good.

  27. Neuerthelesse for this time you must sende them as you may get them: if you coulde finde the meanes that the haire might bee clipped off them, they woulde not take so much roome in the shippes as they doe.

  28. Neuerthelesse this voyage you must take such as you can get.

  29. We thinke Arthur Edwards wilbe fittest for that purpose: neuerthelesse vse your discretion in that matter.

  30. A certaine cruell and pittilesse mayde, whome neuerthelesse I cannot finde in my hart to hate, being by hir spoyled of my life.

  31. But this yong man loueth that, which to loue is both lawfull and godly, and standeth both with reason and equity, and yet neuerthelesse is cast away.

  32. How commeth this to passe then, that y^e soule being there where it loueth, the body yet wherout it is departed, neuerthelesse lyueth?

  33. And neuerthelesse by demonstration Opticall, the order and cause therof, is certified: euen so, as the effect is consequent.

  34. Neuerthelesse in the end he became so desirous to be dooing with king Henrie, [Sidenote: The French K.

  35. Sidenote: Wearing of haire] 20 That such as did weare their heare long should be neuerthelesse so rounded, that part of their eares might appéere.

  36. Neuerthelesse he said: that he knew his father, his mother, and his graundfather.

  37. And neuerthelesse I can not tell howe to retire to take the right waye, or howe to retourne my back from that which doth me hurt.

  38. Which very brauely he declared in a combate, that he fought man to man with an Almaine souldiour, that was hardy, big made, and feared of all men, whom neuerthelesse he ouercame in the presence of the Emperor his graundfather.

  39. When she had made this aunswere, the Secretary declared the same to the kinge, who madde with anger and passioned with loue, was content, and neuerthelesse commaunded his gentlemen to be in readinesse to seeke the Countesse.

  40. Neuerthelesse all helped not; neither his good seruice in Bosworth field, neither his forwardnesse (euen with the hazard of life) to prefer K.

  41. Neuerthelesse all this did little amend the matter, for though he set a new copie of countenance therevpon, yet he reteined his old peruerse purpose in his discontented mind, hauing learned that Qui nescit fingere nescit regere.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "neuerthelesse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.