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Example sentences for "fiue"

Lexicographically close words:
fitting; fittingly; fittingness; fittings; fitty; fiunt; five; fivefold; fivepence; fiver
  1. Perdie, I will be set ath last for this time.

  2. Dam me, if euer I traduc’d your name, |1550| What imputation can you charge me with?

  3. At which he would faine ha blusht but that his painted |365| cheekes would not let him.

  4. Sir Vaughan, he shal follow you, he shall dog you good Sir Vaughan.

  5. Nay look you Sir, and then follow a troope of other rich and labour’d conceipts, oh the end shall be admirable!

  6. I, to Mum withall, but hee playes mum-budget with me.

  7. I hope in God a mightie, I shall fill your stomack Master Peter: What two vpon one Sentlemen; Mistris Miniuer, much good doo’t you Sir Adam.

  8. For I to thee and thine immortall name ---- marke this.

  9. Ownds, fiue pound in my name to Mum about withall.

  10. For fiue pounds you cheating scab, for 5.

  11. Sesu plesse vs all in our fiue sences a peece, what meane yee sir Kintilian Sorthose to stand so much on a dozen stooles, heere be not preeches inuffe to hyde a dozen stooles, |690| vnlesse you wisse some of vs preake his sinnes.

  12. With fiue times so much conuersation, I should get ground of your faire Mistris; make her go backe, euen to the yeilding, had I admittance, and opportunitie to friend Post.

  13. But truly, these same whorson diuels doe the Gods great harme in their women: for in euery tenne that they make, the diuels marre fiue Cleo.

  14. Fiue Iustices hands at it, and witnesses more then my packe will hold Clo.

  15. These fiue daies haue I hid me in these Woods, and durst not peepe out, for all the Country is laid for me: but now am I so hungry, that if I might haue a Lease of my life for a thousand yeares, I could stay no longer.

  16. That was the way to make his god-head wax: For he hath beene fiue thousand yeeres a Boy Kath.

  17. What is the King but fiue & twenty thousand?

  18. Looke on mee well, I haue eate no meate these fiue dayes, yet come thou and thy fiue men, and if I doe not leaue you all as dead as a doore naile, I pray God I may neuer eate grasse more Iden.

  19. My Lord, they say fiue Moones were seene to night: Foure fixed, and the fift did whirle about The other foure, in wondrous motion Ioh.

  20. Whether I haue beene too blame or no, I know not, Here's a petition from a Florentine, Who hath for foure or fiue remoues come short, To tender it her selfe.

  21. Garters, and shooe Roses, of more than fiue pound price.

  22. Fiue men to twentie: though the oddes be great, I doubt not, Vnckle, of our Victorie.

  23. I, with fiue hundred, Father, for a neede.

  24. Three pound of Sugar, fiue pound of Currence, Rice: What will this sister of mine do with Rice?

  25. Tale-Porter, and fiue or six honest Wiues, that were present.

  26. And albeit he was fiue times married, yet had he not one childe more.

  27. And I haue bought more, fiue hundred weight of yarne, which stands mee in eight pence farthing the Russe pound one with another.

  28. The 17 day about fiue of the clocke before noone we went backe unto Orfordnesse, and there remained vntill the 19 day.

  29. Then hee commaunded them to kill fiue Olens or great Deere, and continued singing still both hee and they as before.

  30. Sunday (30) in the morning wee departed from the barre of Berozoua, and plied along by the shoalds in fiue fadome, vntill I had sight of S.

  31. Wee sounded at this place, and had fiue and twenty fadomes water, and soft black oze, being three leagues from the shoare, the winde being at South and by East, but still misty.

  32. The stuffe that they haue readie spunne is about fiue thousand waight, and they say that they trust to haue by that time they come downe yarne ynough to make 20.

  33. And no doubt but that poore liuing we haue orderly vsed, shal be sufficient to finde vs two, and fiue or sixe seruaunts with a couple of horsse, and so to lyue a quyet and merry Lyfe.

  34. This seruice, the Barons of the Fiue Ports doe acknowledge to owe to the King, vpon summons yerely (if it happen) by the space of 15.

  35. And the castle of the foresaid Citie was besieged for the space of fiue weekes: but by reason of the infirmities and inconueniences wherewith the whole armie was annoyed, the great masters of Prussia and of Lifland would not stay any longer.

  36. In a verse of nine vpon the fourth, leauing fiue to follow.

  37. Which in all make fiue whole feete, or the verse Pentameter.

  38. For he that can find two words of concord, can not find foure or fiue or sixe, vnlesse he haue his owne language at will.

  39. The staffe of fiue hath seuen proportions, whereof some of them be harsher and vnpleasaunter to the eare then other some be.

  40. Therefore in a verse of twelue sillables the Cesure ought to fall right vpon the sixt sillable: in a verse of eleuen vpon the sixt also leauing fiue to follow.

  41. The second of fiue verses, and is seldome vsed.

  42. And this our proportion Poeticall resteth in fiue points: Staffe, Measure, Concord, Scituation and figure all which shall be spoken of in their places.

  43. A staffe of fiue verses, is not much vsed because he that can not comprehend his periode in foure verses, will rather driue it into six then leaue it in fiue, for that the euen number is more agreeable to the eare then the odde is.

  44. A baron fiue yardes of woollen cloth, three timber of mineuer gresse, 80 garters of silke.

  45. And although it paid seuen hundred ducats at euerie exchange of prelat; yet is it scarselie worth one hundred fiftie and fiue pounds by the yeare (as I haue heard reported.

  46. The Romans therefore hauing obteined the possession of this Iland, diuided the same at the last into fiue prouinces, as Vibius Sequester [Sidenote: Britannia prima.

  47. During whose minoritie king Henrie gouerned Scotland, and to subdue a commotion in this realme, vsed the aid of fiue thousand Scotishmen.

  48. Of twisted floures I speake not; yet is it found, that two floures grow togither, which bring foorth fiue chiues, so that alwaies there is an od chiue and od yellow, though three or foure floures should come out of one root.

  49. Dauids hath Penbroke and Caermardine shires, whose liuerie or first fruits to the see of Rome was one thousand and fiue hundred ducats, at the hardest (as I thinke.

  50. Lhu, whose course is not aboue fiue miles, and thence loosing the name [Sidenote: Burraie.

  51. Maries Ile, is about fiue miles ouer, or nine miles in compasse.

  52. O quoth he long I haue liu'd sworne brothers in sensualitie with one Esdras of Granado, fiue hundred rapes and murders haue wee committed betwixt vs.

  53. Or the vast Sea it in on vs to cast, As Seuerne did about some fiue yeares past: Or some sterne Comet his curld top to reare, Whose length should measure halfe our Hemisphere.

  54. There is fiue to one, and yet they all are fresh.

  55. I twice fiue hundred, & their friends, to piece 'em Brut.

  56. Speake to me Son: Thou hast affected the fiue straines of Honor, To imitate the graces of the Gods.

  57. And will deny him: Ile haue fiue hundred Voyces of that sound 1.

  58. Fiue Tribunes to defend their vulgar wisdoms Of their owne choice.

  59. Hee had, before this last Expedition, twentie fiue Wounds vpon him Mene.

  60. These fiue departing from the coast of England, in the moneth of Nouember 1585.

  61. For the space of fiue dayes after we put off to sea, and lay without sight of them, and sent a pinnesse to lie out of sight close by the shore, to bring vs word if they should come foorth.

  62. A true report of a worthy fight, performed in the voyage from Turkie, by fiue ships of London, against 11.

  63. Foure or fiue of the shippes were of nine hundred and 1000 tunnes a piece, some fiue hundred, and some foure hundred and the least of two hundred tuns.

  64. The enemy being fiue companies of Spaniards vnder the commandement of the Conde de Fuentes, sallied out of the towne against vs, and in our landing made their approch close by the water side.

  65. I will not answere him with our common English prouerbe, as I might, which is: That one foole may aske moe questions in one houre, then ten discrete men can wel answere in fiue dayes.

  66. Weele be clad in palmers weede, Fiue palmers we will bee; 9 'There is noe outlandish man will vs abide, Nor will vs come nye.

  67. The archbishop of Canturburie had alreadie staied foure or fiue yeares in the parties beyond the sées, about the matter in controuersie betwixt him and Thurstane archbishop of Yorke, who was likewise gone ouer to solicit his cause.

  68. In this towne where I nowe remaine, there may be some two hundred houses, all compassed with walles, and I thinke that with the rest of the houses which are not so walled, they may be together fiue hundred.

  69. Slaue, I haue set my life vpon a cast, And I will stand the hazard of the Dye: I thinke there be sixe Richmonds in the field, Fiue haue I slaine to day, in stead of him.

  70. I thought fiue houres but euen a little while, Saint John the virgin me thought did on me smile, Our parishe Church is but a dongeon, To that gay Churche in comparison.

  71. With vs the nobilitie, gentrie, and students, doo ordinarilie go to dinner at eleuen before noone, and to supper at fiue, or between fiue and six at afternoon.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fiue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.