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Example sentences for "pilgrim"

Lexicographically close words:
pilfered; pilferer; pilferers; pilfering; pilferings; pilgrimage; pilgrimages; pilgrimes; pilgrimings; pilgrims
  1. The moral imprint of the pilgrim fathers was too deep, not to last long, and their institutions too well devised, to be easily disturbed.

  2. Races shall come, And shall pass away: And the world from age to age shall roll; But the heavenly tones Of our pilgrim song Shall echo still in the joyous soul.

  3. The communism of the early Pilgrim days gave place in time to personal possession and, as the colony grew, certain of those who had been leaders desired more extended holdings.

  4. Oh, it was from there that the Pilgrim Fathers sailed for America," cried Theodore.

  5. It was here that the Pilgrim Fathers lived for many years before they finally set sail for the New World.

  6. This was thirteen years before the "Pilgrim Fathers" landed on Plymouth Rock.

  7. If, however, the pilgrim still remained steadfast, he was taken into the church to spend there fifteen days in fasting and praying.

  8. Herein I but imperfectly echo the mystic message Ireland's seers gave me, a pilgrim to their Sacred Isle.

  9. There Faith shall come, a pilgrim gray, To bless the tomb that wraps thy clay; And calm Religion shall repair To dwell a weeping hermit there.

  10. The Pilgrim Fathers settled New England in the name of God.

  11. Yet why not just such meetings at all State Capitals, in this land of the Pilgrim Fathers, of the Huguenots, of the Dutch reformers, of the Hungarian exiles?

  12. But the Mayflower that brought the Pilgrim Fathers to America carried not so precious a load.

  13. Only he would have to sneak off, or run off, or something, and hide where the man could not find him, and then go home to his Doctor Dell and Daddy Chip, and tell them how mean this pilgrim had been to him.

  14. He had come a terribly far ways since he ran away from that pilgrim who was going to cut off his ears.

  15. But he was the son of his father--he was Chip's kid; it would take a great deal more misery and unkindness to make him cry before this pilgrim who had been so mean to him.

  16. Think he would listen to any story that pilgrim could tell?

  17. He stood with his hands upon his hips and his feet far apart, and spat into the corral dust and told Big Medicine that nobody but a pilgrim ever handled a horse the way Big Medicine was handling Deuce.

  18. The School's lone porch, with reverend mosses gray, Just tells the pensive pilgrim where it lay.

  19. Who guides the patient pilgrim to her cell?

  20. The pilgrim visits many famous spots, among them the field of Waterloo, where but a few months before the fate of Europe had been decided.

  21. Clad in a simple gown, and perhaps with bare feet, the pilgrim set out.

  22. But these slight casualties never diminished the ardour of the pilgrim spirit: the pilgrim increased and multiplied, and sought new shrines as well as new wives.

  23. Piggy had the pilgrim spirit, and sighed to escape to pastures new, to see what lay beyond his little wall.

  24. Mrs. Pilgrim was left at home to play "patience," and to keep the house and bairns.

  25. Preparations are now being made for the 300th anniversary celebration of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers.

  26. Both in Holland and America, this authority continues, the Pilgrim Fathers were better treated by the Dutch than by the Puritans.

  27. You remember in the story of Thanksgiving I told you about the Pilgrim fathers, who came from England to this country because their king would not let them pray to God as they liked.

  28. Often the sorrowful pilgrim is envied, Circling the globe like a sea-gull above; Little, ah, little they know what a void Saddens his soul by the absence of love.

  29. Ferguson: The Song of the Traveler Like to a leaf that is fallen and withered, Tossed by the tempest from pole unto pole; Thus roams the pilgrim abroad without purpose, Roams without love, without country or soul.

  30. Home may the pilgrim return in the future, Back to his loved ones his footsteps he bends; Naught will he find but the snow and the ruins, Ashes of love and the tomb of his friends.

  31. Following anxiously treacherous fortune, Fortune which e'en as he grasps at it flees; Vain though the hopes that his yearning is seeking, Yet does the pilgrim embark on the seas!

  32. They're big on boats at Pilgrim Atlantic.

  33. Technology is changing fast, Oliver; Pilgrim must change with it.

  34. It occurred to him, as he drove home, that he had forgotten Pilgrim Atlantic for a whole hour.

  35. Pilgrim has an excellent reputation," Oliver said.

  36. He would not go inside for fear of offending our pilgrim friends, and left it to the rest of our party to recount the splendours of the tomb.

  37. The pilgrim mueddins have just chanted the evening call to prayers, and the people are at their devotions.

  38. So, finding no indication of a move in the pilgrim camp this morning, we decided on marching without them.

  39. One, a white Kehilan Harkan, was bought the other day by a rich pilgrim from a Shammar Bedouin of the escort.

  40. Mr. Pilgrim showed his guest other historical treasures, and would have gone on indefinitely had not his daughter compassionately intervened.

  41. I believe that Miss Pilgrim is in the grounds, but Mr. Pilgrim has gone across the moors in his motor to shed a tear at the residence of the late Charlotte Bronte.

  42. Mr. Pilgrim looked hard at his guest, but Lord Roker bore the scrutiny impassibly.

  43. Your country is just waking up to the fact that John Pilgrim is here.

  44. Now when Lord Roker turned in his chair and first saw Miss Marion Pilgrim he was confounded.

  45. Your name will not appear if Mr. Pilgrim makes use of the information.

  46. The rest of the evening was spent in conversation, and in listening to coon songs witchingly sung by Miss Pilgrim to her accompaniment on a harpsichord, once the property of Mrs. Thrale of Streatham, a friend of the immortal Dr.

  47. Pilgrim said, Who saw the blossoms peer Above the brown leaves, dry and dead, "Behold our Mayflower here!

  48. Mr. Pilgrim would never enter in that way unless there were some one very ill in the house.

  49. Mr. Pilgrim gave this quotation with slow emphasis, as if he thought Mrs. Farquhar had uttered a remarkable sentiment.

  50. Under cover of the general laughter the gentlemen replenished their glasses, Mr. Pilgrim attempting to give his the character of a stirrup-cup by observing that he 'must be going'.

  51. Pilgrim came in a few minutes, and he says the right leg is broken in two places.

  52. Mr. Pilgrim was not a man to sit quiet under a sarcasm, nature having endowed him with a considerable share of self-defensive wit.

  53. But of all Pratt's patients, Mr. Jerome was the one on whom Mr. Pilgrim heaped the most unmitigated contempt.

  54. Here Mr. Pilgrim came forward with the apparatus to bind him, but Dempster's struggles became more and more violent.

  55. Mr. Pilgrim was in the passage giving some directions to his assistant, when, to his surprise, he saw Mr. Tryan enter.

  56. A chant for the pilgrim begins: "O peerless martyr!

  57. He'd never had a disciple or a pilgrim of Burton's quality.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pilgrim" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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