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Example sentences for "meantime"

Lexicographically close words:
meanly; meanness; meannesses; means; meant; meanwhile; meanyng; meanynge; mear; meary
  1. In the meantime the captain addressed himself steadily to the business of his ship, scorning the holiday spirit and useless pursuits of his emancipated messmates, and warning them, from time to time, not to wander away nor be out of hail.

  2. In the meantime Captain Thorn made desperate fight against fearful odds.

  3. In the meantime Mr. Astor, finding his overtures rejected, proceeded fearlessly to execute his enterprise in face of the whole power of the Northwest Company.

  4. In the meantime a profound stillness reigned over the village.

  5. In the meantime the attention of the American government was attracted to the subject, and the memorable expedition under Messrs.

  6. In the meantime the penguin hunters had joined the engravers of tombstones, but not before the ship was already out at sea.

  7. In the meantime George Strong, the second assistant teacher, was sent off to summon Coulter and Paxton.

  8. In the meantime Henry Lee said he would drop out also, since he expected to leave school in June.

  9. In the meantime Jack asked Pepper to find Captain Putnam and tell the master of the school that he wished to see him on a matter of great importance.

  10. In the meantime those in the carriage had driven along the country road until they came upon the unconscious form of Andy.

  11. The wet uniforms were hung up to dry, Mr. Darwood in the meantime lending the lads some other garments.

  12. I expect to leave this institution next June, and in the meantime hope to devote my time mostly to my studies.

  13. In the meantime the searchers sent out after Jared reported that they could not find him.

  14. In the meantime Rob and Merritt, working waist deep in the muddy shallows, had succeeded, after some rather arduous work, in clearing the stern wheel of its entangling rope.

  15. In the meantime Tubby slipped to the wagon and selected a poster or two and a brush full of paste.

  16. The doctor thought differently a day or two later; meantime he took the chair at our second concert, held in 6 deg.

  17. Meantime the irate lady had gone straight to her husband.

  18. In the meantime I endeavoured to enter into negotiations with the ministry, for the purpose of obtaining permission to sell the New Testament in Madrid, and the nullification of the prohibition.

  19. Meantime I must do what I can with whisky.

  20. Meantime the banks politely requested Jaspar Panel to meet his obligations.

  21. But in the meantime Dan had become Showman of the Showers.

  22. The detective meantime was quite confident; conscious of his innocence he welcomed the inspection.

  23. Meantime the detective was moving like a fish through the calm waters toward the shore.

  24. There was one man, however, who dissented from the latter opinion; the detective in his own mind resolved that he would find that box, if it took him years to trace it; meantime the man Garcia opened his scheme.

  25. Meantime the gang were anxiously waiting to hear the result of Rigby's conference with the man whom they had caught eavesdropping around the tavern.

  26. The clerk meantime was busy in the forward part of the store, and paid no heed to the stupid-looking countryman.

  27. Meantime one of the men entered the cabin and whispered to Renie, who was weeping over the body of her murdered father.

  28. Meantime the detective had reached a most extraordinary determination.

  29. Do that, and meantime I will go on to New York.

  30. The man meantime revived, and called for water.

  31. Meantime the daring detective was lying low right in their very midst.

  32. Meantime one of the men had brought out a ship's lantern, and it was held up in front of the detective's face, and the men glared at him.

  33. Meantime the detective had stolen down to Rigby's place, and had taken up an outside position, from whence he could take note for a few seconds, and overhear what immediately followed the man's reappearance.

  34. Meantime the boat danced over the waves, and, after an hour or two, was cruising across the track of inward-bound vessels.

  35. In the meantime Morris had repaired to the bookkeeper's desk and was looking over the daybook with an unseeing eye.

  36. In the meantime Hymie pulled down the shades and turned on the electric lights.

  37. In the meantime Frank Walsh and his companion watched the white scientist and the colored savant conclude their exhibition and cheered themselves hoarse over the pièce de résistance which followed immediately.

  38. In the meantime Louis had inspected the house, and when he entered Potash & Perlmutter's show-room his face wore none too cheerful an expression.

  39. In the meantime Abe went out to lunch, and when he entered the building on his return a familiar, bulky figure preceded him into the doorway.

  40. In the meantime I ain't going to worry, Mawruss.

  41. In the meantime he had been to police headquarters and had inserted an advertisement in three daily newspapers.

  42. In the meantime Abe's grin gained in breadth and malice, and on more than one occasion Morris had foregone the pleasure of assaulting his partner only by the exercise of remarkable self-control.

  43. In the meantime I shall content myself with this.

  44. And in the meantime I shall be forced to sell.

  45. Meantime there was no lack of work for him to do.

  46. The waiter came to take their orders; in the meantime Montague darted an indignant glance at his brother, who sat and smiled serenely.

  47. They'll unload it before the public finds out; and in the meantime they are probably manipulating the stock.

  48. Montague dressed and had his breakfast; in the meantime he glanced over a copy of the Despatch, where, in the account of the day's events, he found the fatal statements about the Trust Company of the Republic.

  49. He greeted Montague cordially, and talked for a few minutes about the state of the market, and the business situation, in the meantime twirling a pencil in his hand and watching his visitor narrowly.

  50. In the meantime the Western army under Bragg had invaded Kentucky, sweeping to the gates of Cincinnati and Louisville and retiring with more than five thousand prisoners, five thousand small arms and ten pieces of artillery.

  51. In the meantime the sensational newspapers were loud in their demands.

  52. In the meantime with tireless eye he was studying the physical formation of every street and alley.

  53. In the meantime with swift, sure, and merciless tread he moved on the turbulent State with the power of Federal arms.

  54. In the meantime a tall and spare young man of a red-bronze colour alighted from the five o'clock express at Ripton and grinned delightedly at the gentlemen who made the station their headquarters about train time.

  55. In the meantime Austen and Victoria had walked on some distance in silence.

  56. Meantime he did not neglect social life--that is, the easy, tolerant company which lived as he liked to live.

  57. Meantime it would be well for her to see if there were any papers of importance in the house; probably everything was in the office safe.

  58. Meantime there was heard the popping of corks.

  59. They were not in hand to use, and they also helped to paralyze effort--like black clouds of an impending shower that may pass around, but meantime keeps the watcher indoors.

  60. Presently he intended to look about him for something to do that would satisfy Edith and fill up his time; but meantime he drifted on, alternately anxious and elated, until the season opened.

  61. Meantime there was more defiance, so another attempt was made.

  62. Meantime the composure of the mothers and children left at the cantonment was in no wise augmented by the panic-stricken guise of the arriving refugees, Mrs. McPhail, with her children, and Mira being the first to appear.

  63. It was nearer fifteen when he came, and meantime Miss Loomis and her escort seated themselves in the warm corridor and chatted in low tone as befitted the time and place.

  64. Meantime I'll lock these papers in my desk.

  65. Meantime vigorous preparations were going on in the store-rooms and kitchens along the barrack row, "A" Troop's activity being conspicuous.

  66. Meantime Mr. Leonard could be assured that he should in no wise be disturbed in his functions as regimental adjutant, or hampered no more than was necessary in those that related to the post.

  67. Meantime Captain Devers occupied his quarters in gloomy state and twice each day patrolled the garrison limits with the air of an injured man.

  68. Meantime how fared it with the embassy to White Wolf?

  69. Meantime the major and his party stood gazing silently after them.

  70. I had meantime roughly dressed Blenkiron's wound with a linen rag which Hussin provided.

  71. It was a pretty kettle of fish, but in the meantime I must have food, for I had eaten nothing for nine hours.

  72. Meantime I crawled along beside the wall to where the car stood, and had a look at it.

  73. Meantime letters from Livingston and Monroe warned him that delay was hazardous; the First Consul might change his mind, as he was wont to do on slight provocation.

  74. Meantime the British Ministry was quite as little pleased at the prospect.

  75. Meantime the American commissioners made themselves at home among the hospitable Flemish townspeople, with whom they became prime favorites.

  76. Meantime the main squadron drew close in shore, so close, it is said, that the gunners of shore batteries could not depress their pieces sufficiently to score hits.

  77. Meantime the war must go on--with the chances favoring British arms, for the Bramble had also brought the alarming news of Napoleon's defeat on the plains of Leipzig.

  78. In the meantime Irene occupied herself with Dale Meredith’s books and Pauline’s piano.

  79. In the meantime Arthur had arrived dressed in his flying gear and ready to take Judy home.

  80. In the meantime I’ll make some more inquiries at the bookstore and of people in the neighborhood.

  81. And in the meantime I must come below and meet his friends.

  82. It took some time for it to go and come, and in the meantime I tried my hand at short stories.

  83. You'll get yours in the end, but in the meantime laugh.

  84. In the meantime Elias was waited upon by a few elders, presumably in accordance with the action of the Meeting for Sufferings held in Eighth month.

  85. In the meantime he would get as much information about Stella Keane as he could before the date of the dinner.

  86. Right, we will call together, and in the meantime we will keep it from the other fellows?

  87. And in the meantime I had hunted up poor old Tommie Esmond.

  88. Then did they yield to let them go away, And they meantime would feign a deading sleep.

  89. Meantime no squalid grief his look defiles.

  90. Meantime all that the public can learn regarding his political and military career will be eagerly examined.

  91. Meantime let our patrons continue to trust us, and have patience with our shortcomings.

  92. Meantime we advise the admirers of 'Charles Anchester' to read 'Rumor;' it is a book of wider knowledge and deeper intuitions.

  93. In the meantime King Priam had welcomed the erring Paris and Helen, so great was the charm that her fair face wrought everywhere, and had given them the shelter of his court.

  94. In the meantime the warriors seemed to become mad with the spirit of warfare and killed each other until the whole crowd was pitted against one another.

  95. Meantime the Florentine secretary was taking now one, now another of the courtiers aside, and adroitly questioning them as to Caesar's policy.

  96. Meantime Giovanni, amused by the altercation, was smiling as he scrubbed his face with a coarse towel.

  97. IX Meantime Leonardo, careless of political events and removed from all his friends, was working on a picture begun some time ago to the order of the Servite monks of Santa Maria Annunziata at Florence.

  98. Meantime servants were already removing his goods, and Madonna Lena's monkey was grimacing at him, and jumping over the table among his papers and great leather books, the Decades of Livy and Plutarch's Lives.

  99. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meantime" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    interlude; interval; meanwhile; while