By the side of these datives we have analogous accusatives in am, genitives and ablatives in as, locatives in i.
As in these three locatives we track three distinct peoples through England, we may, by the same method, fall on the footprints of divers civilizations in our New World.
Who settled Connecticut and Massachusetts we know from these locatives we have read and for the names they brought; and for the liberty and religion they sailed with across the seas, we remember them and love them.
The compilation of names and the ascertaining of their locatives and probable meanings has interested me.
The locatives in Indian deeds and original patents are the only guide to places of original application, coupled with descriptive features where they are known.
Surd mutes and linguals are so frequently exchanged in this district that locatives must be relied upon to identify names.
Trumbull wrote, "They were not proper names or mere unmeaning marks, but significant appellatives conveying a description of the locatives to which they were given.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "locatives" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.