Thus, the Hindu women carried the lingam in procession between two serpents; and in the sacred procession of Bacchus the Greeks carried in a sacred casket the phallus, the egg, and a serpent.
A similar emblem is the lingam standing in the centre of the yoni, the adoration of which is to this day characteristic of the leading dogma of Hindu religion.
The image erected in the Saiva temples being denominated Sthavara Linga, or the stable image, he denominated this reliquary the Jangama Lingam or Locomotive image: a phrase borrowed from the Vedas, where it is used for living being.
What race brought the Lingam worship into India is not known, but it seems to have come from the basin of the Lower Indus through Rajputana, about the beginning of the Christian era.
It is more particularly with the god Siva we shall have to do in stating facts which illustrate the subject of Phallic worship, for the Lingam or Phallus was the emblem under which he was specially worshipped.
But every one shall reap the fruit of his good or bad actions, and the lingam therefore shall not cease to distress the three worlds until it is resumed by that god.
But scarce had the sword touched the lingam than Hara instantly issued from it, exclaiming,--"Behold!
At the ancient Dholpur, now called Barolli, the shrine is dedicated to Gut-Iswara Mahadeva, with a lingam revolving in the yoni, the wonder of those who venture amongst its almost impervious and unfrequented woods to worship.
Pietro Dello Valle, observes, that the gods of the Indians are always represented naked, and that several figures in very indecent postures are seen in the pagods; undoubtedly he saw the Lingam above-mentioned there.
Around thelingam there were also thatched sheds, in which the people had lodged during the festival.
Running east from the circle of the lingam is a long shed, in the middle of which is a long raised platform of brick, used apparently as a place for cooking.
XII) that the lingam and the yoni are, even down to to-day, commonly retained and honored as holy objects in the S.
It is here, perhaps, that the ancient worship of the Lingam comes in.
The Tribal order rises to Humanity; love ascends from thelingam to yogam, from physical union alone to the union with the Whole--which of course includes physical and all other kinds of union.
Of three Valluvans, whom I interviewed at Coimbatore, one, with a flowing white beard, had a lingam wrapped up in a pink cloth round the neck, and a charm tied in a pink cloth round the right upper arm.
The Saivite lingam wearers bury their dead in a sitting posture in a niche excavated in the side of the grave.
Irish language, by one and the same name, just as the Lingam and the Tree of Knowledge have been before identified.
Lingam is the name by which the Indians designated this idol.
The lingam stones in India are still anointed with ghee, and stone circles are splashed with blood.
In India the lingam stones are worshipped, and peasants rub against them.
The Lingam is at once the symbol and the mystery of this religious idea.
The union of the Phallus and Cteis, or the Lingam and Yoni, in one compound figure, as an object of adoration, was the most usual mode of representation.
All this, of course, is nothing more nor less than the phallus and cteis, or lingam and yoni, under a different form.
But the Phallus or Lingam was a representation of the male principle only.
It represents the feminine creator holding a well marked lingam in her hand, and is this emblematic of the four, or the trinity and the virgin.
Thus the lingam is an emblem of the Creator, the fountain of all life, who is represented in Hindu mythology as uniting in Himself the two sexes.
Parsley round a carrot root is a modern symbol, and the violet is as good an emblem of the lingam as the modern pistol.
They represent the lingam and then yoni, which amongst the Indians are regarded as holy emblems, much in the same way as a crucifix is esteemed by certain modern Christians.
Egyptian worship; to the lingam or lingyoni of India (Fig.
They are said to tolerate the worship of Śivaite deities and of the lingam in their temples[596] and their ascetics dress like Śaivas.
Their only object of worship is Śiva in the form of a lingam and they always carry one suspended round the neck or arm.
At the bottom of the stone are cut a lingam and two pairs of foot-prints.
Another method is to pour a thousand pots of water over thelingam in the Siva temple.
In the same way the lingam of Mahadeva, a thirsty deity, who needs continual cooling to relieve his distress, must be kept continually moist to avoid drought.
In Mirzapur they turn a plough upside down and bury it in a field, rub the lingam of Mahadeva with cow-dung, and offer water at the grave of a Brahm or bachelor Brahman.
And apparently wherever there is room for one more lingam, a lingam is there.
This lingam is the only large monument in Calcutta, I believe.
You have seen his lingam fifty thousand times already, but this is Shiva himself, and said to be a good likeness.
Was a better proof required than the lingam I had given her at that meeting--also the fragment of stuff with gold dragons woven in it?
He then dips a new lingam into the holy water, and ties it round the child's neck for a minute or two, afterwards handing it to the mother to be kept till the child is old enough to wear it.
If any Jangam loses the lingam he or she must not eat or drink until it has been replaced by the guru or spiritual preceptor.
As the lingam is supposed to represent the god and to be eternal, they are buried and not burnt after death, because the lingam must be buried with them and must not be destroyed in the fire.
They wear the lingam or phallic sign of Siva either about the neck or loins in a little casket of gold, silver, copper or brass.
The priest's great toes are then washed in a cup of water, and he dips the lingam he wears into this, and then sips a few drops of the water, each person present doing the same.
The dead are buried in a sitting posture, the lingambeing placed in the palm of the hand.
The lingam is worshipped all over India and many of the most celebrated shrines, such as Benares and Bhubaneshwar, are dedicated to the Lord of life and death.
Another inscription records an amicable agreement regulating the worship of a lingam in a Jain temple at Halebid.
In the former figure, the lingam is of abnormal size.
Before they partake of food, they make an offering of it to the lingam which they are wearing.
Incredible stories of miraculous recoveries of the lingam are told.
A bit of metallic ore, representing Parvathi, or a lingam representing Siva and Parvathi.
The mula vigraha in Siva temples is a lingam (phallic emblem).
The theory is that the lingam is the life of the man who wears it, and, when it is lost beyond recovery, he loses his own life.
The foregoing account of the investiture with the lingam apparently applies to the Mekanad Udayas.
During worship, they wear round the neck rudraksha (Elaeocarpus Ganitrus) beads, and place on their head a lingam made thereof.
But a steer and heifer are selected, and branded on the thigh, by means of a hot iron, with the lingam and other emblems.
The popular belief is that, if by some accident the lingam is lost, a man must either fast until he recovers it, or not survive so dire a calamity.
The lingam which they wear they usually call the prana lingam, or life lingam.
Wherever the lingam is found, there they say is the throne of the deity, without distinction of class or rank.
The following description of the lingam is taken from the Bombay Gazetteer for Bijapur.
Recently a Lingayat merchant in Madras removed his silver lingam casket from his neck, wrapped it up in a cloth, put it under his head, and went to sleep on a street pial (platform).
Another method is to pour 1,000 pots of water over the lingam in the Siva temple.
The lingam itself, which is regarded as the home of the deity, is generally made of grey soapstone brought from Parvatgiri (Srisaila) in the Kurnool district.
Some orthodox Lingayat traders remove their lingam during the transaction of the day's work, on the ground, as given to me, that it is necessary to tell little falsehoods in the course of business.
The Siva lingam worn by these people differs from the Buta or Preta lingams used by Pandarams, Kaikolans, or others who profess the Lingayat faith.
But, in the case of lay Lingayats and of women, it does not appear that Diksha is universal, and the sacred spell is whispered in the ear when the lingam is tied.
The lingam was to be regarded as the universal leveller, rendering all its wearers equal in the eye of the Deity.
Jangam's feet have been washed; the lingam is tied on by the Jangam, and the convert eats with other Lingayats.
They allow him to bathe his lingamin water with which his feet have been washed, and which for this reason is regarded as holy water.
The bamboo is then removed, and water poured through the hole left by it, and a lingam made, and placed over the opening.
The lingam, which Lingayats carry on some part of the body, is called the jangama lingam or moveable lingam, to distinguish it from the sthavara or fixed lingam of temples.
A large number call themselves Pujari, (priest), and wear the lingam enclosed in a silver casket or pink cloth, and the sacred thread.
The investiture with the lingam does not take place so early among the Tamil as among the Canarese Lingayats.
The principal lingam was placed in a shrine approached through other chambers and accessible only to privileged persons.
Footnote 281: I have seen myself a stone lingam carved with four faces in a tank belonging to a temple at Maḥakut not far from Badami.
Thus, the Hindu women carried the lingamin procession between two serpents; and in the procession of Bacchus the Greeks carried in a casket the phallus, the egg, and a serpent.
In the chief of them stand three statues of Buddha; in the lateral ones a lingam and two Jaina idols.
He used white sandal paint for the lingam and red for Gunpati and Surya.
On the right hand side of the temple there is a corner stone, a lingam of Shiva in his character of Fructifying Force, which is sheltered by a small square chapel with four doors.
When, at last, the symbol arrived from Benares, it was put in a temple, and the lingam erected by Rama was left on the shore.
Rama's brother Lakshman, whose duty it was to send him daily a new lingam from Benares, was late in doing so one evening.
But, on the other hand, the worshippers of Shiva, who possess the temple nowadays, assert that this low building is nothing but a lingam of Shiva.
Losing patience, Rama erected for himself a lingamof sand.
In the same way an attempt has been made to connect the Bel tree with the Saiva worship of the Lingam and the lotus with the Yoni.
Its leaves laid on theLingam cool and refresh the heated deity.