Now that she was no longer being jolted she felt somewhat relieved, and had opened her eyes, and caused her father to raise her to a sitting posture.
However, he hastened to comply with Madame de Jonquiere's appeal, and raised the consumptive woman to a sitting posture in the hope of thus stopping her cough, which indeed gradually ceased.
Guersaint had helped her into a sitting posture, she gave a deep sigh of relief.
The good-hearted woman had groped her way to the cot, raised Fouchette to a sitting posture, and, sitting down by her side, pulled the child over in her arms.
Le Cochon had been assisted to a sitting posture, sullen, revengeful, with murder in his black heart.
Fouchette, who had now risen to a sitting posture, nodded vivaciously.
I brought myself to a sitting posture, and then got upon my feet, rather weakly.
Only a parlour match, but it brought the sleeper to a sitting posture, and broad awake in a moment.
The man, meantime, seemed to awaken slowly, and to be dazed and stupid, and he paid little heed to his wife's cries as he dragged himself to a sitting posture.
She should be supported in the half-sitting posture by means of a chair turned against the head of the bed, so that its back forms an inclined plane, which should be covered with pillows for her to lean upon.
The patient is placed across the bed, propped up in a half-sitting posture, by pillows, &c.
One of the hands being then cautiously unclasped, the old gentleman dropped into a sitting posture, and was looking round to smile and bow to Mrs Nickleby, when he disappeared with some precipitation, as if his legs had been pulled from below.
Dropping his slippered foot on the ground, and, yawning heavily, he struggled into a sitting posture, and turned his dull languid eyes towards his friend, to whom he called in a drowsy voice.
Jessamy, and setting an arm beneath Tom's battered head, lifted him to a sitting posture.
Scented oils were also rubbed over the outside daily: every day the corpse was exposed to the sun in a sitting posture: every night it was laid out horizontally and often turned over, that it might not remain long on the same side.
After that the corpse was disinterred, and having been doubled up by tying the arms to the shoulders and the knees to the trunk, it was buried in a sitting posture in a hole so shallow that the earth barely covered the head.
The graves were not deep, and the bodies were usually placed in them in a sitting posture.
In some places a grave was dug in the house and the body buried in a sitting posture, the legs being kept in that position by bandages or doubled up against the chest.
Raising myself to a sitting posture, I found sleep still so heavy upon me that at first my eyes remained blinded with unfathomable darkness, and could not discern what the matter was.
The corpse is placed in the hole in a sitting posture, with a blanket wrapped about it, and the legs bent under and tied together.
Stephen Powers[8] describes a similar mode of grave preparation among the Yuki of California: The Yuki bury their dead in a sitting posture.
Whether he thought he saw a drove of zebras, or was repelled by a guilty conscience, I know not, but, falling back in a sitting posture, he threw his ears forward and brayed loudly.
Helene lifted her to a sitting posture, while Henri placed two pillows behind her to prop her up; and then, with the napkin spread before her and a plate on her knees, Jeanne waited, smiling.
She writhed about in her bed, her eyelids still heavy with sleep, and then struggled to reach a sitting posture.
Two hundred yards sight, not too fine," whispered Dawes, as Gerard dropped into a sitting posture.
For, as he started up into a sitting posture, he nearly brought his face into contact with a dark grim visage which was peering into it, and a cry of surprise, dismay, despair escaped him.
It was Ballou--at least it was a towzled snow image in a sitting posture, with Ballou's voice.
First we would all be down in a pile at the forward end of the stage, nearly in a sitting posture, and in a second we would shoot to the other end, and stand on our heads.
Don Juan dragged himself to a sitting posture; as he moved such a weak giddiness seized him that the clay walls, the rift of sky and the figure of Farnese swung round him like reflections in troubled water.
He was a very young Gentleman, fair and pale, with a look of fear in eyes of an unusual bright blue; at the entry of Mr. Hanson and the Polander he sprang to a sitting posture on the Bed.
He felt very weak and ill; he shivered continually, yet his blood was burning with fever; he dragged himself into a sitting posture, put his hand inside his miserable shirt and took from a cord round his heart–his one friend.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sitting posture" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.