The Brahman is entitled by primogeniture to the whole universe; he may eat no flesh but that of victims; he has his peculiar clothes.
Possibly, the rule of equal division among sons of equal caste did not at first apply to Brahmans, who, as the eldest sons of God, would perhaps observe the custom of primogeniture among themselves.
Under the feudal system of the Chou strict primogeniture among the nobility existed: the fief went to the oldest son by the main wife.
It will help to abolish the evils which come from primogeniture and to release the clutch of the dead hand upon the living.
With us--excepting in lands where the law of primogeniture still prevails--all the brothers are practically equal, and it would be considered a violation of Christian righteousness for a parent to show more favor to one child than to another.
They did not reproduce in their new environment an hereditary aristocracy, a law of primogeniture or of entail.
An hereditary aristocracy, the laws of primogenitureand entail--these are Norman.
The Brahman is entitled by primogeniture to the whole universe.
Austria could only resist our invasions and renew the way against Napoleon by virtue of that law of primogeniture which preserves in the family the active forces of a nation, and supplies the great productions necessary to the State.
To primogeniture the aristocratic colonies added the dead hand of entail, by which the land was sent down for generations in the line of the oldest male.
Primogeniture had come to be esteemed a natural right, and the Massachusetts leaders felt obliged more than once to defend themselves from the charge of having 'denied the right of the oldest son.
The law of primogeniture hindered them from being divided by succession; the introduction of entails prevented their being broke into small parcels by alienation.
Dividogenesure, however, differs from primogeniture by including all mortgagors into its sphere of oppression.
Brothers as much as you please, provided I am the big brother and you the little; provided society, our common mother, honors my primogeniture and my services by doubling my portion.
Primogeniture with entailed estates is a more direct evil, though it may formerly have been a great advantage by the creation of a dominant class, and any government is better than none.
The men who are rich through primogeniture are able to select generation after generation the more beautiful and charming women; and these must generally be healthy in body and active in mind.
Primogeniture ought to be abolished, not only because it is unnatural and unjust, but because the country suffers by its operation.
All descendants of the patriarch who had given the name to the tribe gave a willing obedience to his nearest descendants, for the claims of primogeniture were sacred.
The primogeniture of the Sidonians was afterwards explained to mean that the origin of their city, Sidon, belonged to the oldest period.
The nobility of old England, so zealous in pursuing their game, in keeping their entails unbroken, and primogeniture safe, have sent their beggary to New England, to be supported by the crumbs that fall from our table.
Primogeniture is recognized, and the oldest living child, whether male or female, inherits slightly more than any of the others.
This law of primogeniture holds at all times, but if there are three boys and one girl the girl is given about the same advantage over the others, it is said, as though she were the eldest.
In the first place, there is a Throne surrounded by Republican Institutions; and the hereditary principle as well as the law of primogeniture have been annihilated--never to be revived.
In Castelcicala the law of primogeniture is annihilated; there no man can leave his estate solely to his eldest son; it must be divided amongst all his male children equally, a charge being fixed upon it for the support of his daughters.
Wedderburne next showed the difference existing in the law of succession in England and Canada, and argued, that it would be hard upon all younger sons in that province to establish the right of primogeniture on a sudden.
Was then a right of primogeniture to be admitted in the church, as in noble families?