It is probable that Boccaccio's father was one of the victims of the pestilence; for he was dead in 1350, when his son returned to Florence to live thenceforth on the modest patrimony which he inherited.
So you will give me a husband, I will love him, but no other will I love; for, as patrimony I now have none save my honour, that I am minded to guard and preserve while my life shall last.
The ambitious candidate no longer aspired to the barren sceptre of Arabia; the Saracens had been victorious in the East and West; and the wealthy kingdoms of Persia, Syria, and Egypt were the patrimony of the commander of the faithful.
But a narrow patrimony was insufficient for this numerous and daring progeny; they saw around the neighborhood the mischiefs of poverty and discord, and resolved to seek in foreign wars a more glorious inheritance.
Mecca was thepatrimony of the line of Hashem, yet the Abbassides were never tempted to reside either in the birthplace or the city of the prophet.
The two royal youths were reinstated in the private patrimony of their father; but on the decease of Eba, the elder, his daughter was unjustly despoiled of her portion by the violence of her uncle Sigebut.
The fair provinces from Nice to Antioch were the recent patrimony of the Roman emperor; and his ancient and perpetual claim still embraced the kingdoms of Syria and Egypt.
Her ancient patrimony of farms and houses was transformed by their bounty into the temporal dominion of cities and provinces; and the donation of the Exarchate was the first-fruits of the conquests of Pepin.
A small portion of ground, the patrimony of two orphans, was acquired by gift or purchase; on that chosen spot he built a house and a mosch, more venerable in their rude simplicity than the palaces and temples of the Assyrian caliphs.
Do not prejudge the injustice of a man who spent little for himself and much every year for you, but (be ready to condemn those) who are accustomed to spend their patrimony and everything else they get for vicious pleasures.
For though never wronging any one in public or private, they not only lost their patrimony contrary to your laws, but also their remaining hope was blighted of being brought up by their grandfather.
The latter, however, seems not mere beating of the air, for the emperor restored to the newly elected pope the patrimony of Peter in the widest extent, and bestowed on him besides the governorship of all Italy.
He then spent several years in Paris as a man of the world, where he gained the reputation of a poet and wit, and wasted a considerable patrimony in a loose and reckless life.
Not peace and friendship, but only war and enmity with this robber of the patrimony of Peter would be becoming in the pious kings of the Franks.
Charlemagne, while the Patrimony of Peter should continue the property of the pope himself.
And yet I entered on life with no patrimony (save a ruined hall and a barren waste),--no patrimony but knowledge.
I have done all that I possibly could to serve Your Majesty and to discover a country where God Our Lord might be served and the royal patrimony of Your Majesty increased, as your loyal servant and vassal.
He was a very prudent man, and besides the large patrimony bestowed upon each of his children, he left a large sum of money for pious uses and for the children of several of his relations.
They afterwards entered into an excambion by which Alexander reacquired Loggie-Wester in exchange for Letterewe, which then became the patrimony of the successors of Charles.
Her parents, one by one were re-called; her little patrimony taken away; and she and the little ones left almost friendless.
After several years of strenuous labors and the expenditure of a large part of the patrimony left him by his father, the enterprise was thwarted by the refusal of the King to concur with Parliament in the enterprise.
His grandfather was a London Attorney; his father, who followed the same profession, was a shrewd man of business, and added considerably to his patrimony by land speculations.
On leaving the New Hampshire country town to try the new cast for fortune in the golden West, he had turned his small patrimony into cash--some ten thousand dollars of it.
For she compelled herself to front the fact of the diminished patrimony squarely.
King of Italy, who has banished the princes of my race, who threatens the Church, and is even ready to attack the holy patrimony itself.
No Israelite cared to convert the stranger to a worship which was the patrimony of the sons of Abraham.
The proprietor has but a slender privilege; nature is the patrimony of all.
We did not bring on that state of things in which a man having a patrimony found it his best interest to abandon it without compensation and flee.
Thus Aristotle, than whom few have ever exerted a greater intellectual influence upon humanity, after spending his patrimony in liberal pursuits, kept an apothecary's shop at Athens.
Piero acquired Diotisalvi with the opinion Cosmo entertained of him, and said that as he wished to obey his father, though now no more, as he always had while alive, he should consult him concerning both his patrimony and the city.
It may be argued that before the War the total of all private patrimony in Germany surpassed but by little three hundred milliards of marks; and this is a valuation made upon generous criteria.
Nobody can say exactly how many millions the Patrimony of St. Peter lost when Rome was changed into a gambling-hell, but if some prelates only admit ten, others go as far as thirty.
At the death of Pius IX the Patrimony of St. Peter, it seemed, had exceeded twenty millions of francs.
At the outset of his pontificate he had set his small private patrimony apart from the rich patrimony of St. Peter, refusing to take aught from the latter for the purpose of assisting his relatives.
His patrimony of thirty thousand pounds was insufficient to justify him in entering the lists with his companions.
The patrimony of the church was still subject to all the public compositions of the state.
Thrace, and the countries of the East, were allotted for the patrimony of Constantius; and Constans was acknowledged as the lawful sovereign of Italy, Africa, and the Western Illyricum.
The consecrated lands, which had increased thepatrimony of the sovereign or of the clergy, were clearly defined, and easily restored.
The younger Constantine was appointed to hold his court in Gaul; and his brother Constantius exchanged that department, the ancient patrimony of their father, for the more opulent, but less martial, countries of the East.
My patrimonyis worn out," said De Morla, without regarding the sudden revery of his friend; "and I give it to my younger brothers.
Formerly the welfare of individuals constituted the public wealth, but now the public wealth becomes the patrimony of individuals.
They form part of that patrimony of illusions left us by our fathers, whose power is often greater than that of reality.
Never were so many books written to depreciate the merit of famous men, men who were formerly regarded as the most precious patrimony of their country.
Wellhausen has remarked that the lot of Levi must not be separated from that of Simeon, and, as the remnant of Simeon allied themselves with Judah, that of Levi also must have shared the patrimony of Judah.