That gentleman, his head still tied up, was just leaving for the office, and Mr. Butterby encountered him coming through the shop.
But the arrival did not give that gentleman pleasure, and he started up in what, but for the respect we bear him, we might call a fury.
He had gone to Mr. Galloway's not so much to be of help to that gentleman, who really did not require a third clerk, as to get his hand into the routine of the office, preparatory to being articled.
Surely, Mr. Ketch, you have not been turning off that unfortunate prisoner who was condemned yesterday?
He could not tell anything; except that he would answer for the lay-clerks knowing nothing of the transaction.
After dinner, just as they began to deliberate upon the measures to be taken against Gobble, that gentleman arrived at the inn, and humbly craved admittance.
But the latter will now see how it is impossible to give a correct account of the letter which the Captain wrote to Major Pendennis, as it was never opened at all by that gentleman.
A year's absence had made no small difference in that gentleman.
He had so greatly recommended himself to that gentleman, by leaping over five-barred gates, and by other acts of sportsmanship, that the squire had declared Tom would certainly make a great man if he had but sufficient encouragement.
Chapter x -- The hospitality of Allworthy; with a short sketch of the characters of two brothers, a doctor and a captain, who were entertained by that gentleman.
The hospitality of Allworthy; with a short sketch of the characters of two brothers, a doctor and a captain, who were entertained by that gentleman.
Some statistical returns compiled by that gentleman, relative to the consumption of raw spirituous liquors in this place, are supposed to be the cause of the wretch’s animosity.
That gentleman in the white hat and checked shirt, brown coat and brass buttons, lounging behind the stage-box on the O.
Slowly the cold crept into her feet and her hands, but her head now was burning hot.
When I was there I thought that soon I'd begin to cry like the others, but it was only because every one else was crying--not because I wanted to.
Perhaps the minds even of infants may receive impressions, good or bad, at an earlier period than many imagine.
That Gentleman is intitled to my Esteem from the opinion I entertain of his personal Merit, and from your Recommendations and those of some others of my virtuous Fellow Citizens.
I am far from being an Enemy to that Gentleman, tho' he has been prevaild upon to mark me as such.
That Gentleman, in my Opinion took an unguarded Step on his late Arrival in New York.
You must be very careful what you say to that gentleman, or there'll be a row in the house.
That gentleman promised to speak to the Prime Minister, feeling himself unable to answer the question put to him, definitely out of his own head; and then another fortnight passed on.
It seems to me, for my part, that Mr. Rawdon's marriage was one of the honestest actions which we shall have to record in any portion of that gentleman's biography which has to do with the present history.
That gentleman rose up with an oath and rebuked Rawdon for his language.
He seated himself on a chair, and proceeded to regard Mr. Tooting in a manner extremely disconcerting to that gentleman.
It must be remembered that these are Mr. Tooting's words, and Mr. Crewe evidently treated them as the product of that gentleman's vivid imagination.
Here's Austen Vane," he added, indicating by a nod of the head the obvious presence of that gentleman.
Colonel Dodd had been growling behind the chairman, angrily endeavoring to get the ear of that gentleman.
But if that gentleman's question isn't answered here and now in some way I'm afraid men will go away discouraged.
Farr harkened with interest to the story of the scrapping of the Honorable Daniel Breed as related by that gentleman himself.
Only a few weeks had passed since that eventful day when St. George had sent Todd down to arrange for an interview, an event which was followed almost immediately by that gentleman in person.
Would it surprise you to know that there is no more truth in what you say than there is in the reports of that gentleman's habitual drunkenness?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "that gentleman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.