They made the laws to legalise their actions, and, some day, we, the people, will make laws which will not only legalisebut justify our process of restitution.
Nothing but an Act of Parliament can legalise that which is illegal.
But whoever heard of an Act of Parliament to legalise what was already beyond all dispute legal?
Down to the month of May 1838, my noble friend had good grounds for believing that the Chinese Government was about to legalise the trade in opium.
Wouter Vander Leyden and Hendrick Portman were chosen captains of the city, there was an exodus of reactionists, and a deputation was sent to Winceslaus, now at Brussels, begging him to come at once and legalise what had been done.
The accused were condemned to death, and executed the same day outside the North Gate of Southampton,[64] but the whole procedure was so irregular that it was considered necessary to legalise it in the next Parliament.
We legalise the killing of the strong; but not for humane reasons.
Why shouldn't we legalise the killing of the weak for humane reasons?
They attest and legalise signatures, examine witnesses and administer oaths for the purpose of procuring evidence for the Courts and other authorities of the appointing State.
They conclude or register marriages of the latter's subjects, take charge of their wills, legalise their adoptions, register their births and deaths.
Thus, for instance, a State whose laws compel persons who intend marriage to conclude it in presence of its registrars, need not allow a foreign envoy to legalise a marriage of compatriots before its registration by the official registrar.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "legalise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.