To handle this a little, and to shew you what the apostle here means by naming of the name of Christ: he meaneth not an irreligious naming of that worthy name, nor those that name it irreligiously.
Will they not rather put him upon all tricks, evasions, irreligious consequences and conclusions, such as will serve to cherish sin?
An irreligious age is little inclined to recognise the hand of God in the course of events, which are generally ascribed to natural causes and human means.
The profligate novels, licentious drama, and irreligious opinions of the middle class now in France, are the result of the infidelity and wickedness which produced the Revolution.
Neither the applause of irreligious men, nor the revolutions which upset all that stand in their way, can prevent the truth being placed in its true light, and folly and crime being stigmatized with disgrace.
An irreligious and immoral people stand in need of some authority to keep them in order, otherwise they will be constantly abusing their rights, and will consequently deserve to lose them.
The supposed incompatibility of unity in faith with political liberty is an invention of the irreligious philosophy of the last century.
And to understand it not practically, but only in a speculative way, could not meet any religious wish, but merely an irreligious curiosity.
Being an irreligious man he took a stone and smashed the image to pieces.
By this time the villagers were thoroughly awed, and even the most irreligious of them impressively assured his companions that he had decided to devote the rest of his life to piety and good works.
The union of all the minor religious denominations to upset the dominant rule of the Congregationalists had been reinforced and supplemented by all that Jacobin and irreligious element which the French Revolution had introduced into America.
They wanted the control of the State, and if rabid, drinking, irreligious men would give it to them, why not use them after their kind?
If its misapprehension and defilement have brought about warfare and bloodshed instead of remedy and cure, the world would be better underirreligious conditions.
The former were considered as belonging to the faithful, and the others to the hosts of the irreligious and infidel—one part of humanity the recipients of divine mercy, and the other the object of the wrath of their Creator.
If it rouses hatred and strife, it is evident that absence of religion is preferable and an irreligious man better than one who professes it.
The Jewish laws on marriage were a constant rock of offence between the irreligious family of the Herods and the strict Jews.
The inferior officers of the temple fulfilled their functions doubtless with the irreligious vulgarity of the sacristans of all ages.
He took care not to prejudice his position by mingling with an irreligious world, which wished to draw from him an idle amusement; he aspired only to gain the people; he reserved for the simple, means suitable to them alone.
I do not for a moment deny that there may be, and occasionally is, a magnificent force of will and persistency of purpose in efforts at self-improvement on the part of perfectly irreligious men.
Hence, irreligious moralists dislike the very word, and fall back upon pale, colourless phrases rather than employ it.
Righteousness, meaning thereby just what irreligious men mean by it--viz.
The only contribution the World War has made to religion has been to throw into intolerable relief the essentially irreligious and inhumane character of our civilization.
It all proceeded from the irreligious interpretation of human existence, and the fruits of that interpretation are before us.
Here is a philosophy which obviously may be both as antihumanistic and as irreligious as any which could well be conceived.
Sometimes it is repressed by an irreligious asceticism or narrowed and stunted by a literal and external faith.
Thomas Jefferson was wise enough so to frame the Constitution of Virginia that no person could be deprived of any civil right on account of his religious or irreligious belief.
I want a plank to the effect that no man shall be deprived of any civil or political right on account of his religious or irreligious opinions.
He must surely be a bit of a bigot, who would hastily pronounce that even Greave's Spiritual Quixotte is an irreligious work.
We had at one time irreligious and basely immoral novels; and there have been too many such recently from the Parisian press--blasphemous, immoral, seditious.
That's what we irreligious people are giving our lives to discover.
Did you hear Lord Horsham at dinner on the lack of dignity in an irreligious state?
It had acquired some celebrity, and the plan was peculiarly suited to Bahrdt's taste, because it left him at liberty to introduce any system of religious orirreligious opinions that he pleased.
The Amis Reunis were little behind the Illuminati in every thing that wasirreligious and anarchical, and had no inclination for any of the formalities of ritual, &c.
Thus he had the management of all those Secret Societies; and the licentious and irreligious sentiments which were currently preached there, were sure of his hearty concurrence.
For if the system of rhyme-ending imposes upon the poet his irreligious opinions, how can we account for them in his prose writings?
One of them, a young poet and scholar, even added that most of the irreligious opinions that are found in the Luzumiyat were forced upon the poet by the rigorous system of rhyming he adopted.
Irreligious men, to free themselves from the bondage and restraints of law, assumed the religious life.
Yezíd, who succeeded his father, was a very licentious and irreligious man.
If all the Infidels became Believers and all the irreligious pious, He would gain no advantage.
Affection in the heart towards the great and glorious God is the sum and substance of religion, and whoever is destitute of it is irreligious and sinful in the inmost spirit, and in the highest degree.
This postulate indispensable to religion, although it has been attacked by religious as well as irreligious philosophers.