He gave a low whistle of astonishment, following it up with the shrill laugh of the careless vagabond to whom nothing is sacred, who is not particular upon whom or what he launches his irreverent gibes.
Amid the sudden silence that descended on them Loubet's irreverent voice was heard, shouting: "Not very cheerful companions, those fellows!
The indulgence which he extended to him naturally enough provoked many of the inferior clergy, who had been sorely annoyed by the sturdy Dissenter's irreverent witticisms and unsparing ridicule.
It was never, I believe, definitely settled whether he was drawn there by the minister's zeal in defence of slavery or the deacon's irreverentdenial of the minister's right and duty to curse Canaan in the person of his negro.
Let us look at the "freedom of conscience and worship" in England under that irreverent Defender of the Faith, Charles II.
Days when the whole course of the news seems planned for the benefit of the chaffish and irreverent commentator.
One of the clowns (irreverent creature) makes a piteous squawk and begs us to carry him to his dressing room.
It was a populace at once sensual and superstitious, passionately devoted to all excitement, whether of games or orgiastic religious festival, with a jeering irreverent vein, which did not spare even the greatest Emperors.
The dim grandeur of the old poetic oracles had indeed some advantages, in aiding the memory by the use of measured and musical expression, and in veiling the full meaning of the God from irreverent or hostile eyes.
And when one stops to consider, how essentially impious and irreverent to humanity are the novels of the Slop and Glucose school!
The tinder and steel of his wit, too uncontrollably frictioned, ignited a shower of roman candles, and we conceive him prostrated with irreverent laughter in some lonely railway carriage.
Loud laughter from everybody, some irreverent person crying out that a merry-go-round was better than poker tables.
The Reverend Mr. Crane (so often chaplain of the Legislature, and known to the irreverent as the chaplain of the Northeastern) is praying now for guidance in the counsels of this great gathering of the people's representatives.
It was very nearly my last bath, you irreverent dauber.
Then Kitty put up her little chin and said irreverentthings about precedence, and Commissioners, and matrimony.
To my untrained, irreverent eyes they all looked perfectly funny.
But, whatever she might say or write of this character, one never felt that it betrayed any irreverent lightness of spirit.
To have so desperate and irreverent a population coming about his house and woods now presented itself in a much more formidable aspect than ever.
Riccabocca understood by a priest, that the Italian's heart smote him for his irreverentjest on the cloth.
As an irreverent Parisian visitor once observed to a horror-stricken neighbour, "Lorge would be a charming sejour if one might pull down the castle and erect instead a villa.
When they exposed their flame for her edification she was irreverentenough to laugh.
Had not the great apostle, who was caught up into the third heavens and heard things unutterable, spoken of this law in such bold words, it would seem rash and irreverent in us to approach so near to its sublime revelation.
Who was responsible for the irreverent production of "Fidelio"?
And, finally, he will have his subjects cease from their irreverent handling of God's book.
But again swift death overtakes Uzzah with his irreverent hand.
Note, too, how swiftly an irreverent habit of treating holy things grows.
There were no idols, no irreverent curiosity, no rash presumption in his house.
What would be deemed irreverent if spoken by some lips never sounded irreverent when uttered by such a natural, fearless and yet devout a spirit as Charles G.
However disobedient or irreverent children may be to their parents, the filial instinct exists in all of them, and a stab at either parent is felt most keenly by the children.
There is a slang expression current among the irreverent youth of the present day, when referring to a man wise in his own conceit, to the effect that "what that fellow does not know is torn out.
As one irreverent young man once said after dancing with her--"she is all the time tumbling to pieces.
The German with the green hat, who understood something of the conversation, was indignant at Cæsar's irreverent ideas.
I had to turn my head but a little to meet the deprecating, though evidently irreverent eyes of Emily's fisherman.
Is it irreverent to believe that God rules the world he made, and that he is bringing things to his own mind in it?