He proceeded from Brooklyn, through Flatbush and New Utrecht, to Gravesend, on the extreme western point of the island, and then eastward to Jamaica by the middle road.
The most scurrilous of the attacks alluded to proceeded from Freneau, a clerk in Mr. Jefferson's office!
Though the Action which I have recited is in it self full of Guilt and Horror, it proceeded from a Temper of Mind which might have produced very noble Fruits, had it been informed and guided by a suitable Education.
Proceeded from Cabul to Shah Bagh; cloudy weather, occasionally a very slight shower during the last few days, depending probably on the Punjab rains.
We proceeded from Topehee to Bamean, a distance of twelve miles, for two and a half miles down Topehee ravine.
We proceeded from Caraja, and halted at the distance of twenty miles, on a bearing of N.
That it proceeded from a lamp or candle, borne by some one along the passages, was no untenable opinion, but was far less probable than that the effulgence was meteorous.
It was hardly possible that the sound proceeded from them.
I proceeded from one of these buildings to another, till I reached their termination in Front Street.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proceeded from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.