It is a remarkable fact that two Christian priests have laid two corner-stones of the structure of Atheistic polity for modern England.
But every advance in exact knowledge of Nature, and in the capacity for exact thought, tended to encourage the atheistic view, and to discredit the theistic.
Dr Flint satisfies the pious, in answer to the Atheistic doctrine that human beings are only forms of the infinite existence.
He went on to avow that he sought to keep Mr Bradlaugh out of Parliament on the score that his Malthusianism, "taken in conjunction with his Atheistic opinions, struck fatally at the foundation of civil society.
These pure ideas of religion have long been abandoned for an atheistic materialism.
Neither Catholics nor Protestants who believe at all in religion will consent to be taxed to support infidel, pantheistic, or atheistic education; and all so-called purely secular education is really nothing else.
No religion which worships superhuman powers can justly be called atheistic on account of its meagre metaphysics.
This more than Flaubert was something not to be got from modern atheistic French "Art for Art's sake," nor from modern Levantine nonentity of character.
His going into utter, illogical, and absurd captivity to theatheistic and materialistic philosophy of Herbert Spencer was a sorry sacrifice of his nobler office and better destiny to the fate that relentlessly dogged his footsteps.
In connection with the revolutionary tendency, Rationalism assumed also a more pantheistic, and subsequently a more atheistic form.
You have expressed what I think about the atheistic theory of George Eliot.
That notion of George Eliot, taught in the following lines, is full of atheistic teaching, and likely to be mischievous in its influence.
Is it however true, that human belief can only choose between these two extremes, and must oscillate eternally between the Atheistic homage to Force, and the Pantheistic to Thought?
Christian Faith, and is removed by only accidental and precarious distinctions from the atheisticworship of mere "natural laws.
According to the Scriptures, an atheistic philosophy is not a philosophy at all, but only a folly: "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
We are face to face, in our day, with an avowedly atheistic philosophy.
Astronomers at that time saw little to justify it; and the non-scientific world rejected it with fervor as being "atheistic and heretical," because its acceptance would seem to imply that the universe is not a perfect mechanism.
So I was fain to regard life as an attribute, and this again strengthened the Atheistic position.
It is necessary to put briefly the Atheistic position, for no position is more continuously and more persistently misrepresented.
The moral purity and elevation of Atheistic teaching were overlooked by many who heard only of my bitter attacks on Christian theology.
Handel Rowe and myself on the proposition, "Is Atheism logically tenable, and is there a satisfactory Atheistic System for the guidance of Human Conduct.
In order that I may not colour my past thinkings by my present thought, I take my statements from pamphlets written when I adopted the Atheistic philosophy and while I continued an adherent thereof.
But these faults were conquered long ere I left the Atheistic camp, and they were the faults of my personality, not of the Atheistic philosophy.
To see a young woman, respectably dressed in crape, reading an Atheistic journal, had evidently upset his peace of mind, and he looked so hard at the paper that I was tempted to offer it to him, but repressed the mischievous inclination.
The charge of an atheistic tendency, as it is the heaviest which can be made against a work, so it is the last which ought to be hazarded without sufficient cause.
We say, even to an atheistic philosophy, that it is an unauthorized limitation that would forbid the mind to contemplate the possibility of the uprise, in time, of entirely new phenomena.
For every phrase of John's, that may be true of the Church of Rome in certain ages, there are six apt descriptions of the centres of our own British civilisation, and of the selfish, atheistictempers that prevail in them.
In one you may find a man writing an atheistic volume; in the next someone on his knees praying for faith and strength; in a third a chemist investigating a body's properties.
The atheistic idea," said he, "is so nonsensical, that I do not know how to put it into words.
As I laid down the last of Colonel Ingersoll's atheistic lectures the dreadful thought broke across my mind, 'Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.
This is the ultimate ground of atheistic unbelief, and here the Skeptical unites and blends with the Dogmatic form of Infidelity.
For, while the author of "The Vestiges" repudiates the atheistic conclusions which some have deduced from his hypothesis, M.
Ignoring the existence of mind, or of any spiritual Power distinct from Nature and superior to it, it must necessarily hold the eternal existence of matter; and, in this respect, it coincides entirely with the Atheistic hypothesis.
But this goal cannot be reached, it seems, by a sudden or abrupt transition from the Theological to the Atheistic creed.
In this respect, his theory is precisely the same with that which has been already noticed; but the peculiarity by which it is distinguished from the Atheistic and Antichristian speculations of D'Holbach and Comte is twofold.
This Atheistic theory rests entirely on a supposed discovery of M.
Anselm substantially follows St. Augustine; [1379] and men cannot have read the ancient books which so often spoke of atheism without confronting the atheistic idea.
Thus at the end of the seventeenth century we have circumstantial testimony to the vogue of a doctrine of atheistic Naturalism at Constantinople.
Where this primitive form of atheistic rationalism originated we cannot now tell.
The attempt was duly denounced as atheisticby a leading theologian, Takyuddin.
The Byblian cosmogony may be conceived as an atheistic refinement on those of Babylon, adopted by the Jews.
Yes, hollow Formulism, gross Benthamism, and other unheroic atheistic Insincerity is visibly and even rapidly declining.
The Atheistic logic runs off from him like water; the great Fact stares him in the face: "Who made all that?
The common method of distinctly denying miracles is one involving either some atheistic or pantheistic principle.
The nineteenth century ought to have done with personifications; but with the spirit of Lamarck's speculations the style of the French atheistic philosophy of the last century reappears.
To explode any view of the world which excludes from it the presence and government of a personal God, nothing more is needed than to realize and truly understand the atheistic view in its various aspects.
Are the Books ofAtheistic or Infidel Writers Extensively Read?
Whoever agrees that the atheistic hypothesis is untenable because it involves the impossible idea of self-existence, must perforce admit that the theistic hypothesis is untenable if it contains the same impossible idea.
Yet Sir William Thomson believes in Creative Power; and in a subsequent page, we shall quote his explicit repudiation of theatheistic element in the Darwinian theory.