The one the cause ofirreligion and of self-destruction; "The other the devout offering of piety on the altar of God.
Man comes to this brutal universe of irreligion by way of his ignoble moods.
When he lifts up his soul in his great hours of love, of insight, and of devotion, life never looks to him as irreligion pictures it; it never has so looked to him and it never will!
The last word against irreligion is that it makes life unlivable; the last word for faith is that it makes life glorious.
Irreligion implies a creed just as surely as religion does; and many a man's return to faith has begun when his faculties of doubt, which hitherto had been used only against belief in God, became active against belief in no-God.
The difference between religion and irreligion here is plain.
As has been seen, the Holy Father himself complained bitterly of the increase of irreligion and immorality under their ill-omened auspices in Romagna.
Several types of social customs must be considered as moderately good; and we cannot condemn, as decidedly bad, anything but barbarism, irreligion and a superabundance of knaves and fools.
Does the picture perhaps change essentially in the century that has shown its children so much progress, that has disclosed so many secrets of nature, but has also taught irreligion to thousands of men?
Yet they do not want to forego religion entirely, for they feel that irreligionis tantamount to degeneration.
The irreligionof the Third Republic is a dogmatic irreligion.
As Athenian citizens, the soldiers probably were unwilling to take upon them the reversal of a sentence solemnly passed by the democratical tribunal, on the ground of irreligion with suspicion of treason.
Will she never contrast the piety of her father with the irreligion of her husband?
The apparent irreligion of to-day is the groundwork of the purer religion of to-morrow.
The irreligion now so rampant is a recent phenomenon in Japan.
These violations spring from irreligion, and irreligionis found in every land.
If we have to choose between occasioning irreligion in one person by attending Mass and occasioning irreligion in many persons by staying away from Mass, we should rather permit the scandal of the one.
The virtue of religion requires that the sacramentals be administered, received and treated with devotion and respect, the extremes of irreligion and superstition being avoided (see 2244).
Since religion is the supreme moral virtue, irreligion is the chief offense against the moral virtues (e.
It is a violation of sacredness, and thus it is a special sin, adding irreligion to lust (see 2308 sqq.
Which being so, let none wonder that irreligion is accounted policy when it is grown even to a fashion; and passes for wit, with some, as well as for wisdom with others.
Himself a rather ribald freethinker, Rousseau professed to be outraged by the irreligion of Voltaire.
In those countries in which unhappily irreligionand democracy coexist, the most important duty of philosophers and of those in power is to be always striving to place the objects of human actions far beyond man's immediate range.
The imputation of irreligion made against him shows at what an early period the antagonism of polytheism and scientific inquiry was recognized.
They always felt that there was an immense void in it; this is the reason why they have constantly inclined either towards irreligion or towards Catholic unity.
It is certain that these attempts have had the effect of throwing discredit on irreligion as a system.
If irreligion be seated on an absolute throne, or if she hold possession of the mind of its occupant, her powers are unlimited; and, for my part, I know nothing more horrible than the omnipotence of wickedness.
They preserve in their legislation, and in their morals, a fund of morality and dignity which the ravages of irreligion have not been able to destroy.
If it bear in its own breast the seeds of death, how has it been able so long to withstand such powerful adversaries, as Catholicity, on the one hand, and irreligion or Atheism, on the other?
Why cannot Protestant nations be completely swallowed up by irreligion and atheism, or indifference?
Either Protestant nations must be completely swallowed up by irreligion or atheism, or they must give up Christianity and adopt one of the religions which are established in other parts of the world.
Thus the colossal genius of Burke stood before the world, in that war of elements, trampling the irreligion of France beneath his feet, like the Archangel thrusting Satan to his bottomless abyss.
Well, you know Elizabeth said that even that change of religion was better than theirreligion or isms of the day.
Is it to be supposed that girls of sixteen are going to take to isms in Protestant schools or irreligion either?
Unfortunately for us, this spirit of irreligion is not confined to the other side of the Atlantic.
Who ever knew an Irish servant-girl who attacked the religion or irreligion of her employers?
The admiring Paolo Giovio called him irrisor et atheos; and Cardinal Pole said the Prince was so full of every kind of irreligion that it might have been written by the hand of Satan (Nourrisson, Machiavel, 1875, p.
Unless such a performance were regarded as make-believe, it is difficult to conceive how Athenian pietists could honestly arraign Sokrates for irreligion while Aristodemos and others of his way of thinking went unmolested.
The repute of the Epicureans for irreligion appears in the fact that when Romanized Athens had consented to admit foreigners to the once strictly Athenian mysteries of Eleusis, the Epicureans were excluded.
The passages which manifestly prove his irreligion are so obvious that I need not quote them.
The foreign religion and the foreign irreligion of Germany are both incompatible with German philosophy.
Their irreligion is foreign too; the sceptical and the scientific schools that have been conspicuous in other countries have taken root in Germany as well.
It was about the middle of the century when irreligion and immorality reached their climax.
Throughout the whole of the eighteenth century, almost all writers who had occasion to speak of the general condition of society joined in one wail of lament over the irreligion and immorality that they saw around them.
There is yet one more circumstance to be taken into account in estimating the extent to which the clergy were responsible for the irreligion and immorality which prevailed.
Perhaps also greater liberty of thought and speech caused irreligionto take a more avowed and visible form.
The evils against which Scott had to contend were of a more subtle and complicated kind than simple irreligion and immorality.
The number of such instances made some excuse for those who so misunderstood the Christian liberalism of such men as Locke and Lord Somers, as to charge it with irreligion or even atheism.
Religion unquestionably lost ground in the sense that dogmatic irreligion became rather fashionable.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "irreligion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.