O disaccord with nature's calm, Unholy requiem of the fray!
Don Silverio, for the first time in his life, could have willingly let escape him some unholy word.
Her great bright eyes flashed fire: an unholy joy laughed in them.
Useful as he was just now in taking care of that poor young man up-stairs, he nevertheless inspired in her breast a most unholy irritation.
At the end of that time, Chamberlain's mild and kindly face lighted up with unholy joy.
Was it not this devotion, this mortification, this concentration, which annihilated the unholy part in men?
Thus there stood upon the earth a holy and an unholy world in opposition to each other; the world of the priests and of the laity, the holy order of the priests and the unholy orders of the Kshatriyas, Vaicyas, and Cudras.
Never before had the Unholy Alliance a finer park of artillery--and now its fire opens from the great battery in the centre, and the hurly-burly is general far and wide over the whole field of battle.
I shall make an unholy mess of things if I'm left alone, and if you like I'll keep you on here.
He could see them plainly, and presently he saw the face of Romanoff gloat with a look of unholy joy.
A rich man can enter heaven," he chuckled with unholy glee.
Faith, if any man had told me it meant rising at any such unholy hour.
That evening Mrs. Bert sent her off to bed, and I toiled cheerfully at my manuscripts till the unholy hour of eleven.
He came back with anunholy 68 that afternoon, confound him!
And her wide eyes, like Throckmartin's, glowed with the lurking, unholy fires.
Also he figured that Yolara had a lot more influence with the Unholy Fireworks than Lugur.
On his face was no trace of that unholy mingling of opposites the Dweller stamped upon its victims.
They were strange and unholy books some of them, the possession of which could not give any man the slightest pleasure, were it not the foolish pride of owning something rare and costly and unparalleled in wickedness.
The flame of that unholy love had mounted, blazed, surrounded this impetuous woman like an atmosphere of fire.
We can conceive nothing more pitiable than the sight of the great Roman people, so sadly fallen into baseness, so completely abandoned to shameful sensualities, and lying prostrate before the foul goddess of unholy passions in the theatre.
Yet are we not without the hope that the governments which have been guilty of these things will at no distant future forsake the unholy path upon which they have entered.
In the midst of the theatre stood the altar of the unholy goddess, crowned with garlands.
It was dedicated to Venus, the unholy goddess who swayed the hearts of almost all mankind.
In these centres of resort, where the most reckless and the most unholy passions had full play, the gods were in their strongholds.
The quiet in the room was absolute, except for the officer's unholy mirth, and the steady fall of the rain.
The White-Ladies had other memories to grace it besides those of holy vestals, or of unholy Cavaliers.
After some unholy admiration, she sent to speak to the mummer.
It was also the centre of fashion when Henry Jermyn the younger was launched into its unholy sphere.
The respectability of Oliver Wendell Holmes did not prevent his complacent musing over Tom Moore: If on his cheek unholy blood Burned for one youthful hour, 'Twas but the flushing of the bud That bloomed a milk-white flower.
Mingling his theology with fraud, he employed the unholy alliance for the purpose of exploiting the credulous who attended his prayer meetings and commented with bated breath upon his beautiful showing of religious zeal.
After that unholy act the dethronement and exile of the Queen were inevitable.
Josè shuddered at the thought of that unholy man's loathsome hands resting upon the innocent girl.
So saying, she turned to the table again and began to gather up herunholy possessions.
And as he thought of that treasury of precious stones, his unholy heart glowed within him.
I wish I had," I replied angrily; but having thrown this last spear, with a flash of her unholy eyes Nombe had turned and gone.
The nature remained the same, but the graft or grafts bore strange flowers and fruit, unholy flowers and poisonous fruit.
At our hands priest and noble, citizen and soldier, yea, mother and infant of this unholy people, shall be made to drink of their own blood.
But now, as many times before, she wondered vaguely if her unearthly powers would or would not hold her from the understanding of this unholy man.