The two cooperative apartments which lie adjacent to the business block house thirty-two families.
Adjacent land has been purchased so that the building itself may be added to.
Adjacent to it is a commodious room with lockers for each man and two shower baths make it easy to keep clean.
Thus, if a given area appears as a larger ground than is shown upon other charts made for navigating purposes, often this is because we have included in it a cusk ground or a hake bottom lying adjacent to the shoal as charted.
Gold was first found in the mountains which lie adjacent to the city of Rio Janeiro.
However, its position directly adjacent to what must be assumed to have been the fireplace precludes the possibility of its having been the location for a step.
Designated Structure B, it was plainly the remains of a cellar foundation, which the tangled thicket of vines and trees adjacent to it tended to confirm.
In the island way, Sheumas Carmichael replied that the people on Elleray, the island adjacent to Rona, were incensed.
These are often adjacent to the existing coasts sometimes, however, they are far inland, in certain instances as far as fifty miles.
In the course of time, probably on account of inadequate accommodation for so many books, an additional library was established in the adjacent quarter Rhacotis, and placed in the Serapion or temple of Serapis.
A species of pine, Araucaria cunninghami, is found here in small quantities, but more plentifully on the adjacent Pine Islets, where it appears to constitute the only arboreal vegetation.
The parties of natives usually landed on one of the adjacent Duchateau Islands before communicating with the ship, and sometimes passed the night there before returning on the following morning.
While passing the entrance on our return a great lizard, about five feet in length, rushed out from an adjacent swamp across a narrow strip of sandy beach and plunged into the water after receiving an ineffectual charge of small shot.
While wandering about the place we came upon a path leading into the adjacent brush, but blocked up by some coconut leaves recently thrown across.
On opening, the cavities of the adjacent sporangia are thrown together.
Half-an-hour later the Novara weighed anchor, and we steered, favoured with most splendid weather and full of pleasing anticipations, for the adjacent island of New Amsterdam.
It was supposed that the three unfortunate men had endeavoured to reach the adjacent island of St. Paul in a small boat, and probably were still living there.
In the immense old palace, surrounded by adjacent edifices and gardens, once occupied by the King of the Coromandel coast, the renowned nabob of the Carnatic, the offices of the English Government employes are at present located.
The chief topic Mr. Tomes discusses is the manufacture of champagne wines; but his book is also descriptive of life in Rheims and the adjacent country, as he knew it during two years' residence in that ancient city.
The moist chilling fogs and drizzling weather which prevail almost perpetually along the coast, must necessarily render the parts adjacent very unfit for all the purposes of agriculture.
To the westward of this land, which is low and flat, are two islands as we judged, though some doubts were entertained, whether they might not be connected with the adjacent low ground.
The afternoon was employed in taking a view of the town and the adjacent country.
To the south-east, between this and the adjacent isles, we had regular depths with a hundred and fifty fathoms, with a sandy bottom.
I have hitherto confined myself to the coasts of this island, and the adjacent country, which is all that I had an opportunity of being acquainted with from my own observation.
The havoc of mankind in the counties of Cork, Limerick and some adjacent places, hath been incredible.
No person would stop at the public inns, nor hire a carriage for travelling; in a word all communication between the town and the adjacent country was completely interrupted.
Besides these there were three cases among the four inmates of a cottage about a hundred yards away, and one case in each of two houses in the adjacent village of Hermiston.
The county of Wexford, the principal scene of the rebellion, suffered most, and next to it the adjacent county of Waterford.
Our weather is grown fine and warm: but the bloody flux has increased in this neighbourhood, and raged most violently in other parts of this and the adjacent counties[442].
The disease spread from London to the adjacent villages, and was almost universal in Somers Town during the month of February.
Again she gazed wistfully forth:--she lowered the window, and surveyed the adjacent scenery with redoubled interest.
When he left the manager's residence he repaired to an adjacent tavern to procure some refreshment; and there, while engaged in the discussion of a sandwich and a glass of sherry, he cast his eyes over The Times newspaper.
The unfortunate youth in the adjacentchamber was riveted in silent horror to the spot, as these fearful details fell upon his ears.
Lady Cecilia tossed her head disdainfully, darted a look of sovereign contempt upon the abashed Caroline, and beckoned Captain Fitzhardinge to follow her into the adjacent parlour.
In one apartment he had been wont to sit with his revered father of an evening, and survey the adjacent scenery and the mighty city from the windows.
I have frequently visited him in the prison adjacent to Folsom, near Sacramento, Cal.
Again we all join in singing; the benediction is pronounced; then those conducting the meeting repair quickly to the men's quarters in anadjacent but separate enclosure.
I am sure you will enjoy a trip with me to Vallejo and Uncle Sam's great navy yard, adjacent to it.
Prior to this meeting I learned of a little rescue home in San Jose, the adjacent city, and one afternoon Lucy and I visited it.
Callie to anadjacent barber-shop for baths, hair-cutting, and shaving.
As band after band came up, the prairie and the adjacent hills resounded with their yells of defiance.
The region abounded with the most desirable game, and it was thought that beaver might be found in the adjacent streams.
The adjacent blanks in some cases exhibited a similar appearance in lesser degree, or were merely affected by a characteristic brownish stain.
All machines should be arranged adjacent to and parallel with one of the long sides of the building, and should be raised about 6 inches above the floor, so that water may escape easily.
There must be no trees too near the buildings, and there should be no adjacent swamps.
No rubber should be hung in a drying-room in such a position adjacent to a window or door that it is possible for sunshine to reach it, even should coolies neglect to obey rules.
Note water-tower and engine cooling-tanks adjacent to factory.
The ends of the thin aluminium partition moved in the slot thus formed between two adjacent "distance-pieces.
She tries to collect her thoughts, but the murmur of the night wind, sweeping over the trees in the adjacent forest and whistling round the angles of the palace, catches her ear.
The summer evenings are always charming at Saint-Germain, by reason of the bowery freshness of the adjacent forest, from which cool breezes come rippling through the air, and fan the heated atmosphere.
Similarly, the hunting folk of the Kalahari Desert in South Africa attach themselves to influential tribesmen of the adjacent Bechuana grasslands, in order to exchange the skins of the desert animals for spears, knives, and tobacco.
Meanwhile their settlements at the mouth of the Orinoco threw off spores of pirate colonies to the adjacent islands and finally, in the time of Columbus, to Porto Rico and Haiti.
They are outposts of the surrounding shores, and become therefore the first objective of every expanding movement, whether commercial or political, setting out from the adjacent coasts.
Of adjacent areas equally advanced in civilization and in density of population but of unequal size, the larger must dominate because its people have the resistance and aggressive force inherent in the larger mass.
To the north there is a similar exchange between Italy and Switzerland with the adjacent Austrian province of the Tyrol.
These three infections were directly traceable to infected nursery stock, and in one case the blight had spread to adjacent trees.
In this way she was able to make return calls upon such of her neighbors as were adjacent to side-walks.
Theoretically I belonged to Wisconsin, as Hardy belonged to Wessex or Barrie to Scotland, actually my happiest home was adjacent to Madison Square.
He was lounging in the only piece of furniture the room boasted, except for the table on which a large glass of spirits stood adjacent to the oil lamp.
Kars was sitting adjacent to his faithful servant, and Bill was on the other side of him.
Adjacent were the stores, and the kitchens, all sheltered by projections of the rocky foreshore, so that substantial cover against hostile attack was afforded them.
It was here, gazing down on the crowded dance hall, from one of the curtained boxes adjacent to the stage, on which a vaudeville programme was being performed, that two men sat screened from the chance glance of the throng below them.
Then the whistle of a speeding bullet, and the final "spat" of it as it embedded itself in an adjacent tree-trunk.
For some time the silence had been broken only by the level tones of the owner of the apartment who was lounging in the depths of a big rocker adjacent to a table laden with surgical instruments.
Besides these, their agent has a general supervisory control of certain Klamath Indians, who live adjacent to the reservation and along the banks of the Klamath River.
One of the springs and the landadjacent are held by a man named Jost.