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Example sentences for "noises"

Lexicographically close words:
noise; noised; noiseless; noiselessly; noiselessness; noisier; noisiest; noisily; noisome; noisy
  1. Then, if there are any unseemly noises in the night, they can be explained succinctly: Derry and Toms.

  2. Behind them they heard the usual noises in the fort, but nothing came from the great forest in front of them.

  3. The noises in the camp, although they were as great as ever, seemed to die.

  4. Then he took the two blankets which had been left him, enfolded himself between them, and, despite the noises around him, slept soundly all through the night.

  5. This frightful sight was seen, and these dreadful noises were heard by him for several miles together.

  6. I thought I heard noises inside, and thought ya were bagged for sure.

  7. For ten or fifteen minutes he heard nothing but the sweet whistles of the whippoorwill and the timid twilight noises of the woods.

  8. Avoid ventilation by means of doors, for the stale air of the house, kitchen smells, and noises made by the occupants of the house, are apt to reach the sick-room.

  9. Noises that are liable to disturb the patient, in other parts of the house than the sick-room, should be avoided.

  10. The noises had stopped, but I was in constant fear of their renewal.

  11. Somewhere in the grass a cricket was chirping; and through the slight noises the deep contented breathing of the two sleepers could be heard, slow and deep the mother's, and the child's soft and light.

  12. All these noises reached his ear, but he paid no heed to them.

  13. The night noises of the marsh went on, but never a bird or beast spoke to him, and the new feeling of misery grew.

  14. I, Little Foot, go away making noises and tramplings so that Big Foot may hear me.

  15. The workers had paused an instant as the horrible sound of falling timbers rent through the other noises of that horrible night, and then hurried to increase their vigilance.

  16. He lay listening to the evening noises of the village.

  17. The forest behind us sank into that pause and breathless hush between the noises of the day and the noises of the night.

  18. At last the noises ceased, the light died away, and the village slept beneath a heaven that seemed somewhat deaf and blind.

  19. All noises of marsh and forest were lost in the scream of the pipes, the wild yelling, and the beating of the drums.

  20. He watched her as she tried one key after another, making little dissatisfied noises as they refused to fit; then at last one turned the lock and she pushed back the door.

  21. I shouldn't care for it," said a lady friend, "all alone in the country with no cheerful noises nor human beings.

  22. He hated this thing that made the noises and closed out the light.

  23. Could they be going down, and were those awful noises calls for help?

  24. Did you ever hear such awful noises as we had all night?

  25. When the rest of the house is given up to the license of noisy festivals, no noises can disturb my reveries, no clamors interfere with my studies.

  26. The beasts on the wall will be soothed by the music, and it will drown the noises underground.

  27. And this seething life, the turmoil and the noises of the city, agonize me.

  28. The clatter and noises have ceased; the steps have died away.

  29. The moment they found themselves inside they were startled by those noises which had already terrified the others, and which had now drawn much nearer.

  30. The sound-proof room was not, however, a great success, for though it kept out some noises it let in others even worse.

  31. The noises uttered differ from those of the T.

  32. This is somewhat more difficult in the case of the modified feathers, by which the drumming, whistling, or roaring noises are produced.

  33. During the two wakeful nights in question, and immediately after the disappearance of Mrs. Wyatt into the extra stateroom, I was attracted by certain singular, cautious, subdued noises in that of her husband.

  34. The noises of the city seemed to be wrapped in slumber, and the shrilling of the mosquitos was the only sound that broke the stillness.

  35. I have been listening to noises in the house for the last hour.

  36. Then the uncanny noises that make all old houses ghostly during the small hours began to make themselves heard.

  37. The cow seemed to lead along easily enough, and pretty soon no more noises could be heard in camp except the chirping of the crickets or the songs of the katydids and katydidn'ts.

  38. We sat on a log side by side and made noises like a flock of bewildered geese when we first stuck our feet into the icy water; but by the time we had raced back and crawled into his bed, we were glowin' all over.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "noises" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.