When I arrived at camp and reported to the Lieutenant he at once started two companies of cavalry out to try and cut the other seven off, instructing them to watch every trail and every watering place within fifty miles, closely.
A father's task now fell upon Cheeseekau, who took much pride in instructing his younger brother in the art of war and in hunting, and how to endure fatigue and to perform feats of agility and daring.
He chiefly resorted to cottages, and country villages, instructing an infinity of poor people.
In {627} this new dignity the saint continued the practice of his former austerities; but remembering what he owed to his neighbor, he went about preaching and instructing with incredible fruit, and without any intermission.
They labored zealously in extending the kingdom of Christ on every side, planting the faith, instructing the docile, and purifying the souls of penitents who confessed their sins.
The first charge with which he was intrusted in the monastery, was the care of instructing the children.
He was therefore particularly earnest in inculcating this duty, and in instructing others in the manner of performing it.
In this retirement the saint composed many learned treatises for confirming and instructing the faithful in Africa.
And if we advance through the several ages that have elapsed since our Saviour ascended into heaven, we shall find each and all of them instructing us by examples of the most heroic virtue.
He was indefatigable in instructing and reforming his flock, and his zeal and even reproofs were attended with so much sweetness and charity, that it was impossible not to love and obey him.
We should then be furnished, from the works of the Agiographists of the eastern church, with a collection of pious and instructing narratives, similar to those in the well-known Histoires Choisies.
After instructing them for three years, he left them in the care of a holy priest, and returned to his desert.
Instructing them thus, both by words and actions, he gathered a large harvest in a wild and uncultivated field.
The number of schools established among them has been increased, and additional means provided not only for teaching them the rudiments of education, but of instructing them in agriculture and the mechanic arts.
The chief business of the modern teacher is after all the instructing of pupils in things which they would naturally be supposed to know already.
In regard to helping scholars in the secondary schools to understand a given piece of literature by instructing them about the personality of the writer, I am quite as skeptical.
We may find this fate out of harmony with his professed business of instructing his fellow-citizens in what is good, but taken in connection with what Socrates and his people were, we shall recognize the necessity of it.
His time was principally employed in instructing the sons of the wealthy satrap, Megabyzus; a situation which he owed to the friendly recommendation of Artaphernes.
Philæmon is supposed to be in Persia, instructing the sons of the wealthy satrap Megabyzus.
He had written to the officer the day before, requesting him to be on the wharf when the Sylph arrived, and instructing him to watch Oscar all the time the latter was on shore.
The principal was instructing the two new hands, who had already put on the uniform.
This way of instructing the natives is now, I am pleased to say, being followed by nearly all our missionary societies, and it is certainly one of the best means of civilising a great people like the Africans are.
He sent it to Brentano's in New York to be rebound in vellum, instructing them not to clean it in any way.
Resolutions were now invoked and obtained from State legislatures instructing their senators to vote for the 'Expunging Resolutions,' or resign.
We could only guess at the subject; and judged, that he was instructing them how to behave toward us, and encouraging them to bring the produce of the island to market.
She was full of tenderness and pity to all want and suffering, yet many a young lady on the Hill was more actively beneficent,--visiting the poor in their sickness, or instructing their children in the Infant Schools.
With her full consent I wrote to Faber, communicating my intentions, instructing him to purchase the property he had so commended, and inclosing my banker's order for the amount, on an Australian firm.
It has been a question with some, more indeed abroad than at home, whether the art of instructing mankind by the press would not be less suspicious in its character, were it less interested in one of its prevalent motives?
No doubt I shall hear next of your going to a drawing-room and instructing his Majesty how to subdue the colonies.
Or instructing Daniel in the art of lion-taming," put in Mrs. Meynel.
I had studied grammar previous to his instructing me.
By instructing children, whose affection will be increased.
By instructing children, the affection of which will be increased.
On the contrary, it may be shewn that they often contented themselves with imparting consecration, with regulating the practical life of their adherents, and instructing them in the general features of their system.
Christianity thus appears here as a speculative philosophy which redeems the spirit by enlightening it, consecrating it, and instructing it in the right conduct of life.
But the half mile was soon finished, and Wayne left the track, descended the stairs, and sought the director, who was busy instructing Dave and two others in the matter of holding the shot.
Illustration: Instructing her dolly in the art of going off nicely to by-byes.
Upstairs, the little girl devoted a few minutes to instructing her dolly in the art of going off nicely to bye-byes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "instructing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.