It was this horror of undertaking responsibility which dragged him down during all his career, and which, on the two occasions when fortune gave him his chance to rise, made him choose the safe but inglorious road of humdrum mediocrity.
Ah, Esperanza, what for me remains But death, or, worse than death, inglorious chains!
He had returned from his ingloriouscampaign with his petty army of two hundred men, followed by the execrations of the people of Granada and the secret repining of those he had led into the field.
Thus did the gallant knights of Calatrava gain the strong town of Zalea with scarcely any loss, and atone for the inglorious defeat of their companions by El Zagal.
It was an inglorious arrival, but I found I could be of use: a sort of connecting line between incompatibles.
And so, by the inglorious device of anonymity and lavishness combined the King maintained his point, and sent his gift to the relief of one who was, as a matter of fact, just as legally a widow as any other you or I may like to name.
The "mute, inglorious Milton" is a pleasant poetic fiction.
The latter looked up from his inglorious situation; and if ever man felt convinced that he was haunted by an evil genius, Mr. Palethorpe felt so on this occasion, and that his evil genius was embodied in the form of Colin Clink.
The brief and inglorious Greco-Turkish war hardly counts, and Europe was not physically engaged in the Spanish-American war, where all the fighting was done in the New World.
The inglorious war with Turkey in Cyrenaica brought no credit to the combatants or to the Concert of Europe.
They retired, but left Garibaldi so much weakened and disorganized by his inglorious victory that he was unable for several days to advance.
The inglorious escapade of his military career, at which he himself has poked unspeakable fun, and for which not even his most enthusiastic biographers have any excuse, was soon ended.
Not even his most enthusiastic biographers have attempted to palliate, save with half-hearted facetiousness, his inglorious desertion of the cause which he had espoused.
I was made for a contest, and the Powers have so willed that my battlefield should be this dingy, inglorious one of the bed and the physic bottle.
My family, and (as far as I can gather) the majority of the inglorious clan, hailed from the borders of Cunningham and Renfrew, and the upper waters of the Clyde.
A battle gained without costing the conqueror any blood is an inglorious success, while the conquered cover themselves with glory by perishing with their arms in their hands.
This one was caught near Termonde and, after being blindfolded, the firing-squad soon put an end to his inglorious career.
The Guarde Civique had a rather inglorious time of it.
It was on this occasion that Procopius passed that harsh judgment as to the ingloriouscharacter of these later operations of his in Italy, which was quoted on a previous page.
Having recrossed the sea they reported to Anastasius Cæsar this inglorious victory, which in piratical fashion Romans had snatched from their fellow-Romans".
And as I resigned myself to this imperative though inglorious course, my heart warmed once more to the jovial young squire.
I told him he little knew how ill I was--an ingloriousspeech that came hard, though not by any means untrue.
Hofer, pitying him more than he deserved for the inglorious life he was going to lead, spoke a few kind words to him, and the priests gave him their blessings.