The root of the Aconitum napellus becomes innocuousin frigid climates.
At the same time we have in the present inquiry positive evidence, in a considerable number of cases, of the innocuous and beneficial nature of the drug, against the negative possibility only of its disadvantages.
I might record many cases in detail to prove the seemingly innocuous nature of even large and long-continued doses of the bromides in epilepsy.
Boiling is also effectual in destroying all the animal life of waters, and thus rendering them innocuous so far as parasites are concerned.
On the contrary, it has been shown experimentally[37] that it is entirely innocuousand non-inoculable.
Arrests the young in Beauty's vernal bloom, And bears the innocuous strangers to the tomb!
I am persuaded that he had spent those four days in Paris in the most blameless and innocuous fashion, living in the cheapest hotel he could find, and, after the manner of the people of Nyons, never spending one unnecessary franc.
As the worthy woman was a most indifferent French scholar, we were often hurried away quite unnecessarily from the most innocuous performances when our faithful watch-dog scented the approach of "something French.
Any one examining these cupboards by daylight would have found that they contained innocuous cricket-bats and stumps, croquet-mallets and balls, and sets of bowls.
He encouraged young Bramshaw to set about the plans so as to make the washings as innocuous as possible, being persuaded that this was the only way to prevent more obnoxious erections on ground just beyond.
But as several innocuous acids, though much diluted, such as benzoic, acetic, &c.
Benzoic acid, which is innocuous to animals, seems to be as poisonous to Drosera as hydrocyanic.
Where once stood the mortuary is now the innocuous Censor's office.
It has been asserted that the Hindoo jugglers render serpents innocuous by the extraction of their teeth, and although this may be the practice in some parts of India, it is not generally resorted to in other countries.
The exhalations of the American rhus are deadly to some persons, but innocuous to others; and many poisons which cause instantaneous death to some animals may be given with safety to others.
He suggested a series of questions concerning the birthplace of the applicant's parents and the language spoken in his home asinnocuous possibilities.
Even the innocuous suggestion that officers be appointed to channel black servicemen's complaints was met with charges of "snooping" and "gestapo" tactics.
He further points out that savages themselves may firmly believe in the deadly nature of their weapons, without having any idea of the really innocuous nature of the substances with which they have smeared them.
Your committee finds that as far as nose and throat operations are concerned, this drug has practically gone into “innocuous desuetude.
There were no libraries or reading-rooms; no concerts or entertainments; even the innocuous penny-reading had died out.
The pendulum of his innocuous existence swung between the office and his home with a uniform monotony.
Carried away by their frantic desire to make a display of frightfulness upon an unprotected English watering-place they had totally ignored the seemingly innocuous cable-grappling craft.
A difference of a few yards would have been enough to transform the innocuous missile into a deadly weapon, capable of shattering the Calder like an egg-shell.
I will close this lecture by giving you the testimony of a very high and entirely impartial authority as to the innocuouseffects of opium, which strongly confirms all that I have already stated.
She was his attempt to find simple and innocuouspleasure and lasting truths that were not in sordid and temporarily enflaming raptures of ecstasy.
What they had was innocuous to him but to pursue it any further might distort the man that Seong Seob might become.
You can freeze people even in the most innocuous situations, Gabriele.
The consciousness of salvation will tend to damp down the magazine of combustibles that we all carry within us, and the sparks that fall will be as innocuous as those that light on wet gunpowder.
It was a case of finding other opportunities for public usefulness, or falling into the innocuous peace which would result in his defeat.
The bomb, now rendered innocuous by having been crushed in a huge hydraulic press, lay in fragments in the box.
It seemed to me innocuous enough, so I engaged in conversation with a man whom the Gay Cat had introduced as the proprietor.
And the next sentence expresses very cleverly, too cleverly perhaps, that this innocuous reform would in fact be a sort of revolution, the name of which would be avoided.