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Example sentences for "lowest"

Lexicographically close words:
lowercase; lowered; lowering; lowermost; lowers; lowing; lowland; lowlander; lowlands; lowlier
  1. Fifth Avenue eastward was fixed with reference to the lowest point of the river bed in order to give the requisite cover over the tunnels at the deepest point of the channel on the west side of the reef, where the river bottom was about 60 ft.

  2. From Fifth Avenue eastward to the lowest point under the river, the grade was to be 1.

  3. What I would direct then, is that you commence at once reducing baggage to the very lowest possible standard.

  4. Thus there was the greatest difference between a well-conducted company, intent on the perfection of their art, and a wandering rabble, satisfied with appealing to the lowest instincts of the proletariate.

  5. His pindaric prophecies and exaggerated flights of passion, alternating with the lowest language of the proletariate, afford excellent opportunities for caricature.

  6. He is the lowest of the lowest examining judges.

  7. So he had the pictures taken to his office and locked them in the lowest drawer of his desk so that he could at least keep them safe from the deputy director's view for the next few days.

  8. From all that I heard and saw, I should say that humanity here appeared in its lowest form, and in its most elementary state.

  9. Like Hamlet, too, he could unpack his heart with words, and wrote a most eloquent letter to the King, complaining that what was denied to him would not be denied "to the lowest born and poorest man on earth.

  10. This is to regard the question from its lowest aspect; but there is no doubt that he entered on this new period of his life with a sincere determination to do right.

  11. I have never yet seen a man drunk in France, even among the lowest of the people.

  12. The Congress stated the lowest terms they thought possible to be accepted, in order to convince the world they were not unreasonable.

  13. I'm not fit to be standing here; I'm lower than the lowest woman in the streets!

  14. And she had talent, and she was beautiful, and was prepared to begin upon the lowest rung of the ladder.

  15. Bot whanne he berth lowest the Seil, Thanne is he swiftest to beguile The womman, which that ilke while Set upon him feith or credence.

  16. The climate is equable but exceedingly variable within somewhat narrow limits; the average both for Minorca and Majorca being sixty-four, the highest temperature ninety, and the lowest forty-four.

  17. Sauckel’s directives provided that the forced laborers were to be fed, sheltered, and treated so as to exploit them to the highest possible degree at the lowest possible expense.

  18. His attitude was thus expressed in a regulation: “All the men must be fed, sheltered and treated in such a way as to exploit them to the highest possible extent at the lowest conceivable degree of expenditure.

  19. The Kreisleiters were the lowest members of the Party hierarchy who were full-time paid employees.

  20. He concluded with this observation: “The question for Germany is where the greatest possible conquest could be made at the lowest cost.

  21. Men have taken from her every power to protect herself, even the dignity and respect which the right of suffrage confers upon the lowest man in the community, and which makes his opinion worth its price among men, is denied her.

  22. I would do that for the lowest drunkard in the street, and certainly I would do as much for my husband.

  23. All these have seen their fathers, brothers, husbands, sons, in the lowest and most debased stages of obscenity and degradation.

  24. Its editor, James Gordon Bennett, pandered to the lowest tastes in the community, not merely deriding reforms, but holding their advocates up to the ridicule of a class too degraded to understand the meaning of reform.

  25. The lowest drunkard may come up from wallowing in the gutter, and, covered with filth, reel up to the ballot-box and deposit his vote, and his right to do so is not questioned.

  26. In this union of Church and State mankind touched the lowest depth of degradation.

  27. Then look at woman under suffering, reverse of fortune, and affliction, when the strength and power of man have sunk to the lowest ebb, when his mind is overwhelmed by the dark waters of despair.

  28. The Church, which should have been the great conserver of morals, dragged her to the lowest depths, through the vileness of its priestly customs.

  29. If you want the compliments of such journals, you will be bad enough to take a place among the very vilest and lowest of the human race.

  30. The lady blushed, and dropped one of the lowest curtsies.

  31. George made his best bow, Maria her lowest curtsey.

  32. I took off my hat and made her the lowest possible bow.

  33. But George, though he made the lowest possible bow to Mr. Washington and his mother, was by no means in good-humour with either of them.

  34. It is but a very few weeks ago that I strolled into one of the very lowest music-halls in the metropolis, in which, upon the occasion of my visit, there were not too many honest men and women, notwithstanding that the hall was quite filled.

  35. He became humbled in the contemplation of the greatness of his oyster and the littleness of himself, and he set modestly, humbly to work upon the very lowest rung of the ladder, not daring to hope to rise very high.

  36. Coming to the stairs, he sits upon the lowest step, and yields to the soft-sleeping murmurs which are overpowering him.

  37. Then it has connected the man of property, the man of the highest rank in his country, with the lowest class, with the labouring class, by admitting such to the board of Guardians.

  38. We have instances every day; we have seen, only within the last week, proofs that persons in the lowest ranks can acquire, not only competence, but immense riches.

  39. Such is the supply of wheat that the very lowest order of the people subsist mostly upon it; which is not, I believe, the practice in any other country.

  40. I particularly complain of the system of agitation which now prevails in England, for this reason, that it falls upon the poorest and lowest classes of the community.

  41. The lowest coccygeal vertebrae of man remain as a rudimentary tail.

  42. There is a great gap to be bridged between the highest anthropoid and the lowest man, and much importance has been attached to the discovery of an extinct primate, Pithecanthropus (q.

  43. The Australian black-fellow or the forest Indian of Brazil, who may be taken as examples of the lowest modern savage, had, before contact with whites, attained to rudimentary stages in many of the characteristic functions of civilized life.

  44. He stood on the lowest step, peering at us through the gloom.

  45. At the lowest step he paused, turned, bowed low again.

  46. This done, we made a careful examination of each floor of the building, beginning with the lowest or ground floor.

  47. In the lowest range these openings are 13 ft.

  48. The lowest storey appears to have been an exact square of 272 ft.

  49. These victims are not negroes, occupying the lowest place in the human race, but belong to a nation celebrated now, as of old, for its culture and civilisation.

  50. The Afghans fetch the lowest price, not only because they have the greatest dislike to hard work, but also on account of their vindictive and revengeful character, which in the case of a brutal master may lead to unpleasant consequences.

  51. However, this condemnation, by thrusting Thénardier back into the lowest depths through the fear of being recaptured, added to the dense gloom which covered this man.

  52. Almost at the same time of these stirring events connected with slavery in the United States, Mr. Labouchere penned the above words, admitting that slavery at Hong Kong had descended to that lowest level.

  53. What business have Governments hounding down these women, tearing away their last shred of decency and obliging them if inclining to go wrong to sink at once to the lowest depths of infamy?

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lowest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.