Later, showing the Balzacian influence, came “Max Fargus,” dealing with the seamyside of New York law offices.
The seamyside of life had indeed been his--failure, straitened means, disappointment in every form, and worse.
He was no fool, and had a large experience of the seamy side of life, which was sufficient to safeguard him from illusions.
He could discover no tracks; he began to fear the night would foil him, when at last luck guided his aimless footsteps to a slide of loose rock banked against a seamy ledge.
May was not long in discovering the seamy side of all the luxury which surrounded her; and it amazed her.
But May was acquainted with another aspect of the legend of Miss Piper's oratorio: a seamy side which the poor good lady did not even suspect.
He shows us the seamy side: the intrigues, domestic and political; the needy Irish adventurer with the Prince, a person whom Scott had not studied.
Alluring as the pirate's profession is, we must not forget that it had a seamy side, and was by no means all rum and pieces-of-eight.
When he began his major fiction at the age of thirty-seven he had seen much more of the seamy side of existence than had Dickens when he set up for author.
This was altogether a day which showed us the seamy side of Egyptian life, for in the evening we and all the guests of the hotel went to see the dancing at the cafe, a sort of mud cave full of wood smoke.
Numberless waterfalls, gushing from fissures in the hills, coursed down their seamy sides, looking like threads of silver as they sprang from point to point.
In the meantime Grandma Thorndyke was turning Virginia inside out like a stocking, and looking for the seamy side.
Hence, please observe a second precept: Present a fair exterior to the world, keep the seamy side of life to yourself, and turn a resplendent countenance upon others.
Far indeed from these hot-house blooms seemed theseamy side.
The picaro was one who saw much of the seamy side of life and remembered it with pleasure—it was all life and the true picaro was in love with life.
Now it unfortunately happened that the seamy side of Spanish life thrust itself to the front in undue proportion in the towns.
One can hardly believe that there is a seamy side when one descends from his travelling observatory a little later, and stands on Westminster Bridge, or walks along the Thames Embankment.
You bring them back fully to this world, and it is their greatest privilege to be but half in it, and to have eyes blind to the seamy side.
Elegantly attired youths about to commence their wakeful period (why are men who only know the seamy side of life called "men of the world"?
Here was displayed shamelessly the seamy side of western settlement.
Your inventions may be improved upon, your victories annulled, your popular books ridiculed, your theories superseded, your paintings decried, the seamy side of your explanations shown up.
I refer to such problems only to remark that Crabbe must be consulted by those who wish to look upon the seamy side of the time which he describes.
And yet Hazlitt is no mean assassin of reputations; nor is his enmity as a rule more than theseamy side of friendship.