A strand or two of barbed wire had been rummaged out, and ringed in with this additional defence the inmates, numbering about a dozen rifles, felt fairly secure, at any rate until relief should come.
In front, on a bare ridge or spur, running down from a great height, lay a small kraal, numberingfour huts, enclosed within a circular thorn stockade.
The literary class consisting of the graduates, and those who attend the examinations for degrees, numbering some two and a half millions, are the rulers of China.
The Bryan party, numbering forty men, some of them from the Valley of Virginia and Powell's Valley, were not to be accompanied by their families, as they preferred to go in advance and prepare homes before making a final move.
The English staff, numbering from fifty to sixty men, is scattered along a line of 1900 miles.
At nine o'clock the examination commenced in the spacious church, which was crowded, the congregation numbering about six hundred in all.
The Sabbath school follows that, numberingnow about two hundred pupils.
A class of women then followed, numbering twenty-three, who had also been taught to read by the boys and girls in the village schools.
As early as ten o'clock, the crew of the Tucker, numbering thirty persons, were on board the Alabama, and the ship was on fire.
When the enemy appealed to me for assistance, telling me that his ship was sinking, I sent him all my boats, and saved every officer and man, numbering more than a hundred persons.
I have a long avenue of these plants, numbering several hundred poles, and upon examining them all, I invariably found the same result.
The numbering of lots in Mead's sale followed the confusing rule adopted at the first printing of auction catalogues, viz.
St. Paul contains a large number of Scandinavians, but Minneapolis seems to be their favorite city, the Swedes alone numbering over forty thousand.
Very well armed and numbering more than 300 men in each company and several pieces of cannon.
But the vengeance their comrades meted out upon the offenders was terrible, for the troopers, numbering over a hundred horsemen, the next night burned all the villages round about.
Its rear car was a reserved coach carrying the Cuban party, numbering a hundred or so.
The British army, numbering four thousand troops and twelve thousand camp-followers, entered the Khyber Pass beneath a heavy fall of snow.
Ralph Lane went out to Virginia in 1585 with the ships dispatched in that year by Raleigh and commanded by Sir Richard Grenville, the company numbering one hundred householders.
In 1705 he was moderator of the first presbytery in America, numbering six ministers.
And two years later, in 1628, the village, numbering now about two hundred and seventy souls, gave a grateful welcome to Jonas Michaelius, minister of the gospel.
Kimball, a party of ladies numbering about thirty, of her personal friends, mostly of very long standing, assembled at her residence.
Huntington, and assisted by the family, Zina and her sister Prescinda have been baptized for ten generations, numbering nearly five thousand.
Shortly after, the Saints numbering six hundred arrived in the valley, a pole was erected and the flag which had been preserved with the greatest care, was raised.
The Persian phrase in the Siyasat-nama which describes the numbering of the army (T.
Abu'l-ghazi expresses what Babur's dim expresses, the numbering of troops.
The contents of the strong box containing the family jewels was examined, even to the numbering of the loose gems and pearls that formed part of the wealth belonging to Pantulu.
The whole household--with all its dependents and caste servants numbering over fifty--had to be fitted out with new clothes.
In this, the stick is of plain ivory, perforated on the panaches, the bladesnumbering thirteen.
The enemy, numbering 1500, were under the command of General Kemp.
The pursuit was carried to Welte-Vreden, where the enemy (in a strong position and numbering some 500) commanded the passages over the Olifants River.
The enemy, numbering some 1500, with one gun, found that there were two sides in the game of annoyance, and that the defenders were ready and willing to give as much as they got.
While we have been thus engaged, the Russian Armies in the East, numbering some three to four millions of men, have had time to mobilise and concentrate their immense forces scattered over all parts of their vast Empire.
At my suggestion, too, a few feet were cut from the front of the stage, which improved the proscenium boxes, and gave me two extra rows of stalls or parquet seats, numbering sixty in all.
His line consisted of eight battalions, numbering a little above two thousand.
One detachment, numbering two hundred and some tens of men, was already at the bank, and its first ranks were stepping onto scows; another detachment of equal force was going quickly, but in perfect order.
They discovered the trail of a detachment numbering about three hundred horse, which moved hurriedly toward the Dniester.
We have here too a small Tartar squadron, numbering one hundred and fifty good horse, led by Mellehovich.
All at once a party of ravagers, numbering about twenty, tore themselves free of the murderous circle, and rushed like a whirlwind toward the eminence.
During a march of two weeks Pan Adam surrounded and cut down three bands of shepherds, numbering some tens of men.
Again, in 1483 two parties of Germans, numbering twenty persons in all, visited Palestine and Syria.